Schafer Elementary School School Improvement Plan Analysis


  • The focus of this course is school improvement, the process by which schools ensure that all students are achieving at high levels. According to author and education consultant Mike Schmoker, the combination of three concepts constitutes the foundation for positive improvement results: Meaningful teamwork; clear, measurable goals, and the regular collection and analysis of performance data. How can you determine whether these variables are in place and effective in a school?In this analysis assignment, you will review an example School Improvement Plan (SIP). You may access the example SIP via the link below. You will analyze how well the example school has established a critical relationship among its problem areas or weaknesses, the presumed causes of these weaknesses, and the plan for improved student achievement.For your Module 2 Application, you will use a similar process to analyze your school’s SIP and select an area of improvement. Be sure to locate and have your SIP available for use in Module 2. If your school does not have a SIP, locate an SIP from another school in your district or state.
  • (PDF) and the Template TablesWord document for use in this assignment.

Note: This assignment’s rubric is specifically designed to assess specific skills and knowledge related to your program. Please review all rubrics carefully prior to submission.

You will assess the extent to which a current School Improvement Plan (SIP) aligns to shared vision, mission, and goals; meets specified local, state, and national criteria; objectives for improved student achievement; key factors affecting achievement; strategies and activities in the action plan; technology integration, and the effectiveness of the overall plan. You will also demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the ongoing nature of school improvement planning by selecting an opportunity for improvement from the existing plan.

Step 1. Access the example SIP using the link above.

Step 2. Assume the role of an SIP monitor, and carefully review the plan.

Step 3. Create and complete a School Improvement Plan Report chart. You may re-create the table yourself, or use the template provided in the Template Tables document. Include the original questions in your completed chart.

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