Auburn University Film Dont Look up Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a film discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Choose a film to be the subject of your essay. There are no constraints to your film choice other than it should be class appropriate (if you are unclear as to what this means, please contact me). Watch the entire film, preferably taking notes to aid in your analysis. You may need to watch the film more than once (or at least repeatedly study a few scenes) to complete this assignment. If you are having difficulty choosing a film or have any questions about the appropriateness of your choice, email me and I will help you make the best decision for the assignment.

Review the four film conventions covered in class (sound, camera, color, and narrative) and choose at least two to analyze in the film. Review your film notes and possibly re-watch some scenes to properly analyze the conventions. Your convention analysis should answer the following questions:

How is this convention used in the film?

How does the use of the convention help with the storytelling?

Is the use of the convention effective? (Example: How does the sound (music, etc.) impact your experience watching the film? Does it effectively add to the story or aid in communicating a theme, emotion, setting, etc.?)

Write your essay. DO NOT refer to any outside resources other than your textbook, class notes and PowerPoint, and your chosen film (you may also visit the Academic Success Center to meet with a tutor). Consulting outside sources can lead to plagiarism and/or confusion. If you quote the film or use texts outside of the class textbook, you will need to include citations. As you write, remember that this essay is NOT simply a summary. Though you may briefly summarize the film, particularly scenes on which you are focusing, the bulk of your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis. Considering the following questions may assist you with approaching film analytically:

  • What is the general message/moral/resolution/lesson of the movie, if any?
  • Is the movie attempting to make any statements about other works, society, specific people, etc.?
  • How does the sound/camera/color/narrative serve the movie? Does it move the plot along, give the audience information, or provide critique? How does it influence your experience as the viewer?

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