New York University Political Science Essay
A Project Proposal is attached that was reviewed and comments weremade for correction for the research paper. The project proposalattached is like what was submitted as the first step of the projectproposal. The comments are done in red on the beginning and end. Thiswill help guide what will be needed for the research paper. Theguidelines for the paper are below
Your final paper must be atleast 8-10 pages long and should rely on at least 6 sources. Pleasefollow these guidelines when writing your paper:
1.Itis useful to work from a written outline. You will, of course, changeparts of the paper around or even drop items from the original outlineentirely, but it is helpful to have an idea of what you are writingabout before you actually start writing.
2.Papers must have an introduction and a conclusion framing the body of the work. Hint: Write the introduction to your paper afteryou have written everything else. It will ensure that your introductionaccurately reflects what you have written in your paper, and will avoidthe instructor wondering why you said in the intro. that you were goingto talk about one thing, when in fact you talked about another thingentirely. Such a realization on the part of your instructor invariablyleads to a precipitous drop in the paper grade.
3.Theword novel should only be used to refer to a work of fiction. Do notrefer to a piece of academic writing or non-fiction as a novel.
4.Italicizebook titles, journal titles, newspaper titles, DVD/movie titles,documentary titles, etc. Only use quotation marks around the title of anarticle. Ex: John Smith, How Writing History Papers Saved My Life andBrought Me Inner Peace, New Academic 1:5, 46-112.
5.Bewareof shifting verb tenses (especially in the same sentence!). As ageneral rule, it is easiest to stay in past tense when you are writinghistory papers. The exception is when you are directly referencing anauthors work (even when they are dead). Example: In his work The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud says .
6.Pleasekeep in mind the following pitfalls; there are others, but these arethe most frequent I have encountered over the years:
- know the difference between to (preposition), too (also), two (the number)
- throne (something you sit on), thrown (past tense of to throw)
- lead (a metal), led (past tense of to lead)
- their (possessive), there (adverb), theyre (contraction of they are)
- its (possessive), its (contraction of it is)
- among not amongst and while not whilst
- who (subject) and whom (object)
- due to (adjectival; nouns) and because of (adverbial; verbs) (https://grammar. )vs-because-of-distinctions- and-proper-use.html
- Beconsistent with your capitalization. If you are using Socialism andCapitalism in the introduction (which is the proper form, by the way),make sure you continue using Socialism and Capitalism in the bodyof your paper and not socialism and capitalism. Note: Socialism,Capitalism, Nationalism should always be capitalized; socialists,capitalists, nationalists should not be.
8.Proofread!Spellcheck is not enough. I highly recommend reading your papers out loud after you have written them. It is an excellent way to make surethat your writing is clear and makes sense. If you read it out loud and asentence sounds strange to your ear, there is most likely somethingwrong with it. Figure out what needs fixing and fix it.
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