Grossmont College In Vitro Fertilization Paper



Explain the contextual situation (biographical, political, historical, genre), and cite from any outside source that provides this context;

Describe the authors’ purpose and articulate the arguments they are making, showing what the central claims are and any significant sub-claims;

  • Identify the intended audience of the texts and explore the text’s underlying assumptions;
  • Articulate your major claim (or thesis statement); 
  • Comparatively explore and analyze the relationship between the argument and the ways writers/speakers use rhetorical strategies and their body of evidence to advance their claims;

Smoothly integrate direct quotes and/or paraphrases from your texts;

Discuss how writers/speakers use these rhetorical strategies and their body of evidence to appeal to their intended audience.

  • Discuss how assumptions affect writing and/or artistic decisions

Discuss how fallacies may affect the argument (OPTIONAL)

  • Effectively conclude your paper – consider your major claim/thesis and the greater significance of this type of analysis;
  • Use an effective structure and transitions that carefully guide the reader from one idea to the next;

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