University of Toledo Performance Management System Paper


Choose an organization of your choice (*must be a different than the organization that your interviewee works at for Interview Paper; it CAN be an organization you currently work or have worked for) and assess its Performance Management System. Prepare a written analysis with your diagnosis and assessment of the organization’s PM system based on the following criteria:  

1. The organization’s PM philosophy and purpose. 

2. Link of the organization’s PM program to its strategic plan (include vision, mission and environmental analysis) 

3. Key features of the PM system and performance appraisal process (format, delivery, individuals involved, time frame, etc.)

4. The relationship between the organization’s performance and reward system. 

5. The integration of PM with other human resources and employee development activities, such as training and development, compensation, discipline, etc. 

6. Your critique of the organization’s PM system based on the characteristics of an ideal PM system, and your assessment of the integration between the organization’s PM program and strategic goals. 

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