Humanities Design Your Own Hell Project

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The “Design Your Own Hell” Project!   Congratulations, you have been granted divine powers to administer cosmic justice (for this week only)!  This task requires you to articulate your own version of Hell, with a list of (at least 9 types of) wrongdoers and the appropriate punishments that you think should be inflicted on them.  This should be your own ‘take’ on these things, and wrongdoing can be defined in any way that you choose (e.g., people who cut you off in traffic, Dodger fans, serial killers, etc.).  You should put (at least) as much effort into this as you would a normal Reaction Paper, but the more specific details the better, and illustrations are esp. welcome.   One good recommendation for this project is to make an organizational hierarchy; that is, make the list of wrongdoers/punishments go from the least serious to the most serious (or vice versa).

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