Esports Players Say Predatory Contracts Run Rampant Essay


Students will research and submit a write up (approximately 750 to 1000 words ย– but going over the word limit is fine) on a current event related to an interesting issue facing an esports publisher, team, player, title, fan(s) ย– or any topic you find personally interesting. This is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and important things going on in esports ย– including the good and the bad. This is not a group project and is meant to be completed as an individual. These current events must be taken from reputable news sources or academic research. Please submit a write-up as well as a link to the current event article via Canvas before the start of the Week 6 Zoom session. To earn the full points for the assignment, on Canvas, a student should:

  • Provide the exact title of the article.
  • Provide a link to the article.
  • Provide a summary of the article in approximately 4-6 sentences.
  • Provide a reaction to the article where you take a position on the topic within the article. 

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