Hillsborough Community College American Yawp Primary Source Analysis Questions


Primary documents are historical artifacts at ground zero of a particular era under investigation. For example, Christopher Columbus’ letter to the Spanish king reporting what he found in the western Atlantic is primary data. Columbus’ ship is also considered primary evidence. Primary documents represent evidence that help historians and students to understand the experiences of people who lived during various historical times. Historians and students examine primary documents to prove a main idea and thesis.

Students will be asked to read primary documents for every required chapter reading from the supplemental primary reader American Yawp (Links to an external site.).  Students will select one primary document and are expected to write a summary and analysis of the primary evidence. To complete the summary and analysis students must address these specific questions.

  1. Who was the author[s], date and/or origins of the primary source?
  2. To whom was document directed?
  3. What was the main idea and/or argument of the primary source?
  4. What was its political, religious, and/or social message? 
  5. How does it relate to the era it originated or what does it teach us about the society where it originated?

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