Sdsu Art The Pop Art Nun Film Review

Question Description

I’m working on a art writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Here is a YouTube Video called “Corita Kent: The Pop Art Nun / KCET” released last year, in 2021. Here is the link to the video by the way (you will need to copy the link, and paste it onto a separate tab/web browser most likely):

This YouTube Video is about 18 minutes total. 

Please watch the video and turn in a short written film review on it.

The Film Review you write should be at least one page long, double spaced, with 12 point font.

Have this film review be about what you liked about the film, as well as what you disliked.

Also, talk about how you think the film was made, and how you think it could have been made better.

Put yourselves in the director and writer’s shoes; how would you make it different?

In addition to your film review, please include one screen-shot from the film in your film review.

In other words, take a Screenshot somewhere during the film, and add that to your film review.

Have that visual guide your film review as well.  

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