SDSU Older Henry search through the basement of the Panama Hotel Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In our novel, Hotel . . .,  what do you think of older Henry’s search through the basement of the  Panama Hotel? The author makes it clear that he is at least open to  finding relics belonging to (or at least relating to) Keiko. Do you  think this is “okay”? We are told that Henry had been devoted to his  late wife, Ethel, and that he had taken care of her when she was ill and  dying. We are also told,” But his sweet Ethel was gone now, and with it  his responsibility to her” (64).

This leads to a more general  question: how soon is “too soon” to move on from a (good) relationship  that happens to end (tragically, perhaps)? Does society have the same  rules/standards for older people and younger people? What are your own  views on this topic? (Perhaps you know of someone, even a family member,  who has experienced the loss of a spouse/partner. Did this person “move  on” with their life, and if so, how? What was the reaction of people  close to them? Supportive? Judgemental? etc.)

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