Glendale Community College Digital Human Resources Paper


Project Summary

Your final project is to do research on a human resources topic of your choice.

A five-page written research paper

identify your topic:

The human resources topic can be related to your work or a personal topic of interest.

Suggested topics:

  • AI ย– Artificial Intelligence in human resources
  • Digital HR: What is it and how is it changing human resources?
  • HR Trends in 2022
  • The future of work (superjobs)
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

The final project must include at least four references. There should be at least one library reference and the remaining sources can be articles from the chapter websites or other human resources professional sources including sources provided each week. The references should be included on the PowerPoint Presentation or research paper.

Your outline and presentation should include:

Introduction of Topic:

  • Introduce yourself and the topic
  • Explain the topic and why you chose it

Function of HR

  • Explain what HR function is applicable to your topic and why. (refer to Chpt 1)
  • Why is this topic important in the organization?

Recent issues:

  • Are there any recent issues /trends related to the topic?
  • How does the topic impact HR? What are the challenges and opportunities?
  • Does it impact the employee? If so, how?
  • Are there any new laws related to the topic?
  • Include at least one recent case/event


  • Summarize key points
  • Share what you learned

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