AI Technologies in treating Covid 19 Paper


Given the global pandemic with Covid-19, research how AI has helped with managing and potentially curing Covid-19 .

Research the AI technologies used for Covid-19 tracking and vaccine development/testing 

Provide two examples of how companies and/or governments are using AI for tracking the pandemic spread and development/testing a potential vaccine — describe AI technology used

  • Given AI tends to very dependent on data, describe how personnel health data was used for tracking and vaccine development/testing

Discuss the potential for a vaccine to be biased  towards certain race(s) given the availability of health data?    Could AI help prevent this bias if it exists?

  • Should data privacy laws be waived/relaxed during a pandemic to better enable tracking Covid spread within society.  Provide pros/cons and how technology could help or hinder under  this scenario
  • Covid-19 has also seen  the spread of misinformation on Covid symptoms, spread, infection rates, etc. within social media—and one should assume misinformation will also surround any new Covid-19 vaccine

How could AI be used to address Covid-19 vaccine misinformation within social media?   

  • What AI technologies would be applicable to help manage misinformation?  
  • Once a vaccine is produced, how could AI be used to analyze and profile who in society should receive the vaccine first?   Ethical considerations with using AI technologies to analyze and profile?
  • Only write the second part, 

Covid-19 has also seen  the spread of misinformation on Covid symptoms, spread, infection rates, etc. within social media—and one should assume misinformation will also surround any new Covid-19 vaccine

How could AI be used to address Covid-19 vaccine misinformation within social media?   

  • What AI technologies would be applicable to help manage misinformation? 

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