Rapa Nui People of Eastern Island Chile Discussion Paper


A case study examines the characteristics of a particular group or community. Each chapter in this book represents an ethnographic case study.  In this paper, you will select a group and write a case study on them.  Your paper will provide a brief outline of the cultural group including an introduction and brief history, and such elements as: origin story, traditional subsistence practices; social, economic and/or political organization; and, traditional beliefs and expressive culture.  You will also include commentary on the present-day positioning of this group within the global community. 

I will grade the assignments on a basis of 100% using the following criteria:

1. The mechanics of writing, such as correct spelling and grammar and organization of ideas. How well is the paper written and proofed?Are there grammatical and other errors? Do you use formal language?Do you cite from at least three scholarly articles? Is the paper properly formatted?Are citations done correctly and in Chicago Manual of Style? (25%)

4. Introduction and brief history: Do you provide an introduction to the group/paper? Do you provide a brief history of the people, as modeled on the case studies in the book? Do you include an origin story if possible? (15%)

5. Cultural elements: do you provide a clear discussion of the relevant cultural elements (ex. traditional subsistence practices; social, economic and/or political organization; and, traditional beliefs and expressive culture)?(25%)

6. Present-day position: Do you discuss the present-day position of the group and how it shifted from traditional to the present day?Do you include challenges the present-day group may be facing?Do you discuss how this group is part of the global community? (25%)

7. Conclusion: Do you provide a conclusion to your paper? (10%) 

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