ART 21 North Lake College John Akomfrah Art Analysis


View at least five short videos from  ART21 You can search for artist’s names by alphabet at the top middle of Art: 21’s homepage. Watch how they work and what they say about their process. Then place one artist in each of the following categories:

Artist most concerned with the  process of making the work.
Artist most concerned with  creativity in the idea for their art or the work itself.
Artist most concerned with  materials
Who  surprised you the most?
List the artists you viewed.

2.Instructions: Compare and contrast art created as a social activity and as a singular creative act.

What are the differences?

Why are they important? 

Do their functions ever overlap? How?

Here are some resources to help you:

The Quilts of Gees Bend

Michael Hayden’s light and sound sculptureThe Sky’s The Limit. Here’s a video of the work.

AIDS Quilt Project. See image below

The Day of The Deadcelebration

Adriaen Coorte’s Strawberries in a Wan Li Bowl (see image below)

Large-scale sculpture


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