Auburn University Auburn Subgroup Ethnography Essay


share “ritual” behaviors, valued objects, common language, and a set of values). You will be acting 

somewhat like an anthropologist for this assignment, going out into the world to the field site where 

these people can be found, to observe, writing down your observations, trying to see patterns in the 

details, and then writing up your study. You MUST observe the group on 3 separate occasions for a 

minimum of 3 hours total.


Write about a group by observing them in their natural habitat. Think about your friends and family 

members and the various groups to which they belong (these groups may be connected to their work or 

hobbies, religious practices or social ties). Or consider the various student hangouts, groups and 

organizations around this campus. Pick a group that you are not involved with directly. 


Visit your site with notebook in hand. Describe and analyze focal points (artifacts, spaces, rituals, 

activities, language use, etc.) associated with your field site. You may want to start with a description of 

the place itself. Map out the space. How does traffic flow? What’s the general atmosphere? What 

details create that atmosphere? What’s the lighting like? The floor? The furniture? Pictures on the 

wall? Of what? Remember that you have five senses. What do you smell, hear, taste, touch? 

Now pay attention to the people in your field site. What are their ages, genders, clothing? How do they 

interact? Describe and analyze any interactions or interviews you had with members of your subculture. 

Record specific bits of conversation. Are they using any insider language, any unfamiliar words? Make 

sure to record objective, concrete details. Look for patterns. Ask questions. How does the community 

seem to work?




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