California College San Diego Environmental Sustainability in US Tourism Sector Paper & PPT


You are missing all your HYPOTHESES in the third block of your IRC. ???

CONCEPT/THEORY Block:  Wrong punctuation, second notice.

LIT REVIEW:  Where are you cites?  You MUST have citations in that block.

DATA ANALYSIS/DATA COLLECTION:  Only using secondary sources?  No participants of any kind?  From secondary data, you aim to pull qualitative info?  Is that what you are saying here?

Overall, very well organized, but you need to address the comments I’ve provided you today for your IRC.  Leaving out ALL your HYPOTHESES, CITATIONS, and PUNCUTUATION (second notice) tells me you might have rushed through the IRC assignment without really giving it a final read.  I remember mentioning during my lecture to check the block titles and make sure to add in both RQ and H1/H0.  Still, yours are absent.  You cannot have a LIT REV block, enter data, and then provide zero citations especially providing percentages, numbers, etc. The blocks are small I know, but the lesson is to cite there. The homework assignment even tells the student to provide references/citations.

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