Classification In Biology: Levels And Animals Studied

The Seven Classification LevelsClassification is the foundation of a various leveled arrangement of classifications based on assumed regular connections among living things. The study of natural characterization is regularly called scientific classification. Classification in biology is the logical investigation of naming, characterizing and ordering living things into groups with common characteristics.  The main classification hierarchy…

The Role Of Biological Interactions And Abiotic Environment In Plant Community Composition

Seed-Transplant/Sowing ExperimentThe biological Interactions And Abiotic Environment can limit the number of species that may live in a given area. The relative relevance of these two elements is usually ambiguous (Paw?owicz and Masajada, 2019, pp. 166-172). It is possible to isolate the impact of the environment on plant establishment by planting seeds or plants in areas where there is no competition. We conducted a seed-transplant/sowing exp…

Transformation Of Bacteria For Recombinant DNA: Molecular Cloning Research

The Role of Plasmids in Molecular CloningThe modern molecular biology have heavy reliance on quick and easy cloning or sub cloning DNA fragments in several plasmid vectors. The plasmids have some relevant features like autonomous origin of replication, conferring to the bacterium in which they reside some form of resistance, and multiple cloning sites. Transformation of cells has a wide uses in the molecular biology development and is a vital …

Study On The Detection Of HPV In Phase 3B Cervical Cancer Patients

Cervical Malignancy and HPVCervical malignancy is a malignant tumor that develops in the uterine wall, which joins the womb to the vaginal canal. The human papillomavirus -HPV, a chronic infection, functions in most cervical cancer cases. Cervical cancer develops on the cervix’s membrane. It occurs when a cancer body in a woman’s cervix starts to transform into abnormal cells (Srivastava et al.,2018). Although not all pre-malignant cells wil…

The Importance Of Pilot Studies And Process Validation In Research

Pilot studies and their role in research designIn order to obtain higher quality outcomes, good research requires relevant experimental designs and accurate performances. Pilot studies, commonly known as feasibility studies encompass mini versions of a full-scale study or are known to accomplish pre-testing of concerned research instruments or schedules (Malmqvist et al. 2019). It assists in planning and relative modification of the main st…

Pharmacological Benefits Of Rosa Indica For Commercial Purposes

Hybrid Varieties for Commercial Production of Rosa indicaMost countries rely on the traditional basis of medicines, which can be utilized through plant-based products. Rosa indica is one such plant species that exhibit great non-toxic and pharmacological benefits. The globally used plant Rosa indica is a highly recommended utilized plant for commercial purposes, which has adopted several variations to increase the commercial production and the u…

Essay: Boosting Physical Activity In Obese Children For Healthier Lives.

Help Notes: Give us a short title that we could use for publicity purposes. Try to make it unique to your project.
Healthy Lifestyle: Increasing Physical Activity Amongst Children with Obesity
Help Notes: Describe your project. By ‘project’ we mean the activities you plan to carry out using our grant. Be specific about what you will do, how you will do it and what you would spend the grant on.
Funding will be crucia…

Understanding Meiosis And Inheritance Patterns

Meiosis and the Production of GametesThe process by which a parent cell divides twice, generating four daughter cells, each of which contains half as much genetic information as the parent cell, which signifies that the daughter cells are haploid, is termed meiosis. Meiosis is responsible for the production of gametes in every cycle of cell division. It culminates in the production of four daughter cells (Kallen 2020). The size and shape of th…

Peptide Vaccine Development: B And T Cell Epitope Design

Peptide Vaccine Designs and CharacteristicsThe concept of peptide vaccine designs is based on the chemical process essential for the synthesis of the B and T cell epitopes which are immune dominant and can elicit specific immune responses. The T cells are peptide fragments while the B cell is lipids, proteins, carbohydrates or nucleic acids (Dermime et al., 2004, Sundaram, Beebe and Kaumaya, 2004). Peptides have desirable qualities due to …

CRISPR Technology For Transcriptional Regulation: A Review Of Research Articles

DiscussionThe manipulation of the transcription and post-transcription process has been under investigation for decades and the ability to manipulate various genes have been analysed recently, through various technological interventions. The utilisation of the CRISPR technology for the transcriptional regulation process has been investigated lately and includes the synthetic transcription of the various factors responsible for the manipulation o…