UCLA ConocoPhillips Natural Gas Wellhead Excel Project


However, pleasebe aware that you will need to fill in all the numbers needed on the spreadsheet, including thenumbers provided in the case as assumptions that you need for your analysis. The template is colorcoded, so that you understand whether a number, or a formula is needed in a particular cell. Forqualitative questions, you should not only provide your answer to the question as “Yes” or “No”,but also provide reasonable explanations to justify your answer.

Problem 3-12 Mini-Case Conoco phillips Gas Acquisition Project 19

19 © Betty Simkins, Williams Companies Professor of Business and Professor of Finance, Oklahoma State University. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.

ConocoPhillips’s (COP) Natural Gas and Gas Products Department (NG&GP) manages all of the company’s activities relating to the gathering, purchasing, processing, and sale of natural gas and gas liquids. Chris Simpkins, a recent graduate, was recently hired as a financial analyst to support the NG&GP department. One of Chris’s first assignments was to review the projections for a proposed gas purchase project that were made by one of the firm’s field engineers. The cash flow projections for the ten-year project are found in Exhibit P3-12.1 and are based on the following assumptions and projections:

The investment required for the project consists of two components: First, there is the cost to lay the natural gas pipeline of $1,200,000. The project is expected to have a ten-year life and is depreciated over seven years using a seven-year modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS).20 Second, the project will require a $145,000 increase in net working capital that is assumed to be recovered at the termination of the project.

20 Modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) uses a shorter depreciable life for assets, thus giving businesses larger tax deductions and cash flows in the earlier years of the project life relative to those of straight-line depreciation.

The well is expected to produce 900,000 cubic feet (900 MCF) per day of natural gas during year 1 and then decline over the remaining nine-year period (365 operating days per year). The natural gas production is expected to decline at a rate of 20% per year after year 1.

In addition to the initial expenditures for the pipeline and additional working capital, two more sets of expenses will be incurred. First, a fee consisting of 50% of the wellhead natural gas market price must be paid to the producer. In other words, if the wellhead market price is $6.00 per MCF, 50% (or $3.00 per MCF) is paid to the producer. Second, gas processing and compression costs of $0.65 per MCF will be incurred.

There is no salvage value for the equipment at the end of the natural gas lease.

The natural gas price at the wellhead is currently $6.00 per MCF.

The cost of capital for this project is 15%.

Answer the following questions.

What are the NPV and IRR for the proposed project, based on the forecasts made above? Should Chris recommend that the project be undertaken? Explain your answer. What reservations, if any, should Chris have about recommending the project to his boss?

Perform a sensitivity analysis of the proposed project to determine the impact on NPV and IRR for each of the following scenarios:

Best case: a natural gas price of $8.00 and a year 1 production rate of 1,200 MCF per day that declines by 20% per year after that.

Most likely case: a natural gas price of $6.00 and a year 1 production rate of 900 MCF per day that declines by 20% per year after that.

Worst case: a natural gas price of $3.00 and a year 1 production rate of 700 MCF per day that declines by 20% per year after that.

Do breakeven sensitivity analysis to find each of the following:

Breakeven natural gas price for an NPV = 0

Breakeven natural gas volume in year 1 for an NPV = 0

Breakeven investment for an NPV = 0

Given the results of your risk analysis in parts b and c, would you recommend this project? Explain your answer.

Exhibit P3-12.1 Analysis of the ConocoPhillips Gas Purchase Project

MGT 322 SEU The Lean Thinking and Agility in The Supply Chain Discussion


The first answer to the first question

The second paragraph is to discuss the first answer, then the second answer, and express your opinion on the answer

Q1: Q1: What are the differences between lean thinking and agility in the supply chain and when to use each type?

Q2 Read the messages of your classmates and post at least two responses:

(((first reply:)))

Lean thinking:

Lean Supply Chain is the traditional “factory” chain, which focuses on mass production at low cost. The goal is to add value to customers by reducing the cost of goods and reducing waste (waste is all that has no value to the customer). This type of supply chain focuses on reliability and predictability rather than flexibility and adaptability. Production is planned months or even years in advance rather than adapting to a changing market.

This advance planning helps to find the lowest possible cost for large quantities of goods. In general, a lean supply chain is best for products with low volatility in the market.

The demand for these products remains constant despite the economic situation or changing trends. These tend to be essential, functional products such as food and toiletries. Lean supply chain has always been the most popular form of production because it focuses on cutting costs – and all consumers like to pay less.

However, more and more companies are moving away from the rigidly flexible model because today’s markets can change overnight. Adaptability and agility have become critical factors in responding to these fluctuations.


An agile supply chain focuses on flexibility and responsiveness. Responds quickly to changes in demand, customer and industry preferences. It’s designed to deal with market unpredictability by “postponing” – waiting to see what the market will determine before production is finished. An agile supply chain waits to see how much demand is before creating the final product, thus responding directly to demand rather than forecasting. Some market forecasting is still necessary, since parts of the product are created in advance to make the termination process quick and efficient.

Agility focuses on balancing recent data with projected short-term expectations. Agile supply chains are generally used for products with short life cycles or for customizable items. Take fast fashion as an example. Fashion is changing rapidly in today’s Instagram and blogger culture, so production needs to be prepared to keep up with emerging and changing trends. There needs to be both flexibility and efficiency to get the product off the shelves and into the hands of consumers before the next big craze hits.

Strong partnerships and interactions between vendors are critical to making an agile supply chain work. If there is no cooperation between suppliers with each other and with the market, the goods will not be created with the speed and efficiency that the agile chain requires. An agile supply chain also tends to reduce storage costs. You do not have a large stock on hand to meet the demand. Instead, demand comes in and supply is then created to meet demand. On the other hand, Lean Chain focuses on increasing inventory in order to keep pace with potential demand.

(((((Second response:))))))

Lean thinking is about focusing on adding value to customers by detecting and eliminating waste – anything that doesn’t contribute to that value.

While flexibility means your supply chain can handle the unpredictability and constant flow of new and innovative products – quickly and effectively.

A good time to consider the use of any of these types in the supply chain:

1- Lean thinking

When companies want to increase their productivity, reduce waste, and boost their bottom line. These ideas can be used to efficiently build and grow your organization if you are trying to do so.

2- Fitness

When it’s time to make adjustments.

To restore and install a new feature, developers only need to lose the equivalent of a few days of work, if not only hours.

To put it together, when a product’s vision or characteristics are not clearly defined. Agile allows product owners to change requirements and priorities as the project progresses, allowing them to take advantage of opportunities and ultimately deliver a better product to all project stakeholders.

Washington College Turbulence on United Airlines Discussion


Turbulence on United Airlines

The beginning of 2017 was not good for United Airlines. Several incidents involving United Airlines personnel enforcing a variety of rules, regulations, and protocols in employees’ interactions with customers ensued, causing international outcry.

The first incident involved two teenagers who were wearing leggings onto their flight from Minneapolis to Denver. They were stopped by the gate agent and not allowed to board for violating the United Airlines travel perk program. These travel perk passes hinge upon a requirement for users of the passes to dress themselves in such a way that the airline is presented in a favorable light. United defended its decision via Twitter, noting “Legging are not inappropriate attire except in the case of someone traveling as a pass rider.” Comedian Seth Rogan tweeted, “We here at United are just trying to police the attire of the daughters of our employees! That’s all! Cool, right?”

A second, more severe incident occurred when David Dao, a doctor who needed to see his patients the following morning, was aboard a Louisville bound flight from Chicago in April. Four United employees needed to get to Louisville last-minute and it was announced that four people needed to give up their seats or else the flight would be cancelled. Attendants called the police after no one complied, who approached Dao in aggressive manager, forcibly removing him from the plane (he suffered a broken nose and concussion after his head smashed into an armrest). United policy allowed for the involuntary removal of passengers from flights, although this time United was not as defensive. Dao later filed a lawsuit against United for their actions.

A third incident, in Houston involved a to-be-married couple, Michael and Amber, headed to Costa Rica for their wedding. When they entered the plane, they noticed a man sleeping in the row where their seats were assigned. Instead of disturbing him, they found some seats three rows up and sat there instead. They were soon asked by an attendant to return to their seats and they complied. A U.S. Marshall approached them soon after and ejected them from the plane. According to United statements, the couple kept “repeatedly” trying to sit in upgraded seats and would not follow the instructions of the attendants and crew members, and, as such, they were within their power to eject the passengers.

These incidents suggest that, starting with the structure as laid forth by the CEO, United employees’ do not have much latitude or flexibility to deal with day-to-day policy breaches. Cost-minimization and efficiency-boosting strategies, when taken overboard, also may have had an effect given that the focus drifted from the customer and toward rule following. Many attribute this inflexibility to the strict, rule-following bureaucracy that has been set forth by United leaders. In this bureaucracy, their 85,000 employees may be reluctant to deviate from the rules—intra-company historical precedent suggests that many employees face termination when breaking the rules.

Sources: S. Carey, “Behind United Airlines’ Fateful Decision to Call Police;
Airline’s Rules-Based Culture in Spotlight After Man Was Dragged off Flight by
Law Enforcement,” The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2017, J. Disis and J. Ostrower, “United Airlines in Twitter Trouble Over Leggings Rule,” CNN Money, March 27, 2017, money.cnn.com/2017/03/26/news/united-airlines-twitter-dress-code/; A. Hartung,
“Why United Airlines Abuses Customers: The Risks of Operational Excellence,” Forbes, April 10, 2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamhartung/2017/04/10/why-united-airlines-abuses-customers-the-risks-of-operational-excellence/#78a1af3fbb10; M. Hiltzik, “At United Airlines and Wells Fargo, Toxic Corporate Culture Starts With the CEO,” Los Angeles Times, April 17, 2017,
E. C. McLaughlin, “Man Dragged off United Flight Has Concussion, Will File Suit, Lawyer Says.”

Stephen P. Robbins (San Diego State University) and Timothy A. Judge (The Ohio State University). Organizational Behavior. (18th Edition). 2019. Pearson Education Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-47293-29.

Please provide your thoughts on the following questions?

Do you think that United Airlines was within its power to have removed these people from the flight? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons of having a bureaucratic organizational structure for an airline?

Climate Change Discussion


As you move forward in your academic and professional careers, you will encounter many different perspectives around topics you are engaged in. One of the hallmarks of an open-minded person is the ability to recognize and appreciate the value of looking through different lenses to arrive at informed views. In this course, you have begun examining the world through the four lenses of the liberal arts.

For this project, you will go through the process of finding information on a topic of interest to you and viewing this topic through different lenses to get a more complete picture of the topic and its impact on you. This project will be based on one of the following topics and its provided resources in the library guide, which you chose in Module Three:

Voting rights

Climate change


  • Directions
  • Read these directions and the rubric criteria. Check to make sure that you understand each requirement, and reach out to your instructor if you have any questions before you begin.
  • Note: Your grade will be based more on the quality of your responses than on the number of examples you provide.

Introduction: The Four Lenses

Using the resources from this course, identify the characteristics of each of the four liberal arts lenses, the types of evidence they use, and the similarities and differences among them.

Identify the key characteristics of each of the four lenses: social science, natural science, history, and the humanities.

Be sure to include relevant points that help explain the characteristics.

Identify the types of evidence used when looking through each lens.

Determine similarities and differences among the lenses, based on the characteristics you have identified.

Researching Your Topic

  1. For the topic you selected from the list above, determine what you know, what you want to know, and what you have learned about the topic from the provided resources in the library guide. You will need to use each of the four lenses in your responses.

Know (K): Draw on previous and personal experiences to provide information about what you already know about your topic in relation to each lens.

  • Want to know (W): Determine what you want to know about your topic in relation to the lenses.

Be sure to phrase this information in the form of questions.

What keywords would be helpful in exploring your topic?

  • Learned (L): Answer the questions you posed about your topic using the provided resources in the library guide. If they are not answered by the resources, explain what steps you will take to answer them.
  • Applying the Lenses to Your Topic

Choose two of the four lenses you applied when researching your topic, and examine the topic in greater detail.

  • Topic and first lens: Examine your topic through your first lens.

Be sure to identify the lens you selected.

  • Write about what you learned in your examination. Use details and examples relevant to that lens from the resources in the library guide and the course.

Topic and second lens: Examine your topic through your second lens.

  1. Be sure to identify the lens you selected.

Write about what you learned in your examination. Use details and examples relevant to that lens from the resources in the library guide and the course.

  • Similarities and differences: Explain the similarities and differences in how the lenses relate to your topic.

Focus on the view you get when looking at your topic through both lenses.

Further exploration: Determine the next steps for further exploration of the topic you have chosen.

  • Determine questions to ask for further exploration of this topic. Would you continue to explore through the lenses you’ve chosen, or take another approach?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit a three- to four-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Be sure to use and cite the articles provided for your topic. Consult the Shapiro Library Citing Your Sources Guide for more information on citations.

Supporting Materials

University of San Francisco Integrated Experiential Learning Discussion


Discuss what you see as the sponsor’s business objective, and answer the question “why is data useful in addressing that?”

Examples include:

  • Discuss the business objective the data solves
  • How is the data useful, and what specifically does it address regarding the business objective__

—Sponsor companies have their own goals and objectives when offering sponsorship, which can include the following:

  1. Lead generation
  2. Improving brand awareness
  3. Embracing a new role
  4. Standing out from the competition
  5. Gaining media exposure
  6. Extending their reach
  7. Driving more sales

The real key to success with sponsorship is finding the insights that connect consumers and businesses. The time, place, and feeling connect them and create preference, recognition, learning, and buying. When it works, we all get it. Sometimes we do not get it because we are not the target. Other times it is off the mark. It is like making a delicious meal, and most people can tell if it looks nice and tastes good. But, making the recipe, knowing the ingredients, and the proper preparation takes experience and a willingness to develop the insights that separate your deal from the crowd.

Business leaders in data-driven organizations understand the benefits of relying on data insights to make wise business moves. Data allows organizations to use evidence-based data to make decisions and plan carefully to pursue business objectives. Suppose business strategy provides a roadmap between your organization’s current and desired future state. In that case, data strategy offers a combination of mile markers, signposts, and a clear windshield through which to see them.

Specifically, data strategy serves three essential purposes in supporting both present and future business goals.

  • Guiding decisions and actions to support your business goal
  • Providing a feedback loop for your business strategy
  • Uncovering new opportunities

Today, running a business with the help of data is table stakes. If we are not using data to uncover insights that will guide our business into the future, we will become a business of the past. Fortunately, the advances in data processing and visualization make growing the business with data more accessible than ever.


1) Grover, Varun, et al. “Creating strategic business value from big data analytics: A research framework.” Journal of Management Information Systems 35.2 (2018): 388-423.

2) Marinos, George. “The Information Supply Chain; Achieving Business Objectives by Enhancing Critical Business Processes.” Information Management 15.4 (2005): 20.

—Hi All,

The sponsors business objectives is to assist their clients in realizing their full potential through data by enabling digital transformation, increasing operational efficiency, and increasing human productivity. The data used by the sponsors provided by various industries namely:

1. Banking and Finance
2. Healthcare
3. Insurance
4. Government and Law
5. Transportation and Logistics

The above industries will have multiple use cases in their particular business and the docdigitizer will help them by providing professional services in implementing their solutions and execute strategies to program a challenging task. They suggest the clients in use of services like IDP ( Intelligent Document Processing) bundling with Robot Process automation and Business process modeling. The data solves various business problems such as the core features is to provide near 100% accuracy, no code data capture.

When utilizing IDP, there are two things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you must comprehend the technologies required to extract the relevant data from the document. It also relies on the type of data that is being extracted. Structured data necessitates less sophisticated technologies. Unstructured and partially structured data, on the other hand, necessitate more sophisticated tools.Second, take into account the data format. Paper documents, faxes, emails, and attachments, as well as MS Office files such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and others, may be received by an organization. And the information comes from a variety of sources and gadgets.An Intelligent Data Processing system should, in theory, recognize, classify, and extract important data before routing it to the appropriate document workflows for review.

Using IDP will benefit the client in following ways:

1. Cost Optimization
2. Accessibility
3. Error Prevention
4. Increased productivity
5. Optimized data integration


Tavares, R. (2021, December 16). Intelligent Document Processing. Docdigitizer. https://www.docdigitizer.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-document-processing-redefining-intelligent-data-capture/ (????????)

W. (2022, March 21). New Page. Docdigitizer. https://www.docdigitizer.com/ (????????)


SEU Accounting Tax and Zakat Accounting Worksheet


Q.1- Mr. A and Mrs. B are married and have two dependent children. X & Y, They also fully support Mrs. B’s mother who lives with them and has no income. Their 2012 tax and other related information is as follows: (2.5 marks)


Amount in $

Value of premiums for $ 100000 of group term life insurance provided by employer


Gift from A’S parents


Dividend income—from ABC stock,


Loan from A’S parents


Total salaries


Bank account interest income


Gain from the sale of qualified small business stock acquired in 2010


Total itemized deductions


Municipal bond interest income


Value of employer provided medical insurance


Required: Compute Mr. A and Mrs.B Taxable income. (Show all calculations in proper /good form.)


Q.2- Mr. Abdullah’s medical and personal expenses include the following: (2.5 mark)


Amount in $

Prescription drugs




Doctors’ fees


Hospital fees


Food for personal use (expenses)


Travel allowances


General purpose vitamins


Medical premiums


Visitors fees


Recreation fees


Club fess


Abdullah’s AGI for the year is $ 132,000. He is single and age 56. Insurance company reimburses none of the medical costs and other related items.

After considering the AGI floor, what will be Abdullah’s medical expense deduction?


Q.3 In the year 2013, PQR Corporation had the following items of income, expense, gains, and losses: (2 mark)


Amount in $



Account payable


Interest on savings account


Plant & Machinery




Operating expenses


Furniture and Fixture


Gain on sale of AT&T stock


Loss on sale of IBM stock




Motor vehicle


Cost of sales


What is taxable income of PQR Corporation’s for the year?

Answer: –

Q-4-To make income taxable, income must be realized and recognized. Explain in your own words the difference between income realization and income recognition, and then provide a short numerical example to indicate the difference (Don’t copy the same numerical example from other students. Numerical example must be differ). (2 mark)


Q5. If a NOL (net operating loss) is incurred, when would a taxpayer elect to forgo the carryback period and only carry the loss deduction forward? (1 marks)

SEU Leadership Development Discussion


3 discussion each on in one page with the references


daptive leaders are follower-centered. The main objective of adaptive leaders is to help employees change and adjust to new circumstances in the organization (Northouse, 2022, p. 286). In the image below, we can see the Model of Adaptive Leadership (Northouse, 2022, p. 288):

Source: Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed., p. 288). Sage Publications.

Organization XYZ is a call center which helps clients solve issues with their internet connections. The organization opened 10 years ago and has 250 employees working in the facilities as customer service technicians 24 hours a day, seven days a week. After COVID-19, leadership has been rethinking the way that the organization conducts business. Therefore, it has been determined that all 250 employees would work remotely.

Think about what adaptive leadership is, the Model of Adaptive Leadership presented above, and the case, then address the following:

  1. Describe what the adaptive leader’s behavioral approach would be in this case.
  2. Explain the effectiveness of the adaptive leadership approach and how this leadership approach is similar to or different than your selected leadership style.

discussion 2.

Through followership, individuals follow a leader willingly. For example, in organizations, employees are considered followers while team leads, supervisors, and managers are considered leaders. In organizations, most employees willingly accept following leaders to help them achieve their goals.

In the table below, from Northouse (2022, p. 354), we can see the typologies of followership. The behaviors associated with these noted typologies describe the behaviors of followers.

Source: Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory and practice (9th ed., pp. 354). Sage Publications.

Thinking about followership and its typologies:

  1. From each typology (Zaleznik, Kelley, Chaleff and Kellerman), select one behavior that defines a follower.
  2. Explain details about each of the four behaviors that you selected. Then, detail what these behaviors mean when applied in an organizational setting.
  3. Determine which leadership style is best suited for each of the selected followers behavior and why.
  4. Give an example of where (type of job or organization) the followers behaviors that you selected will be most effective.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (including supporting citations) along with at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. You may find that your discussion of leadership characteristics is easily supported with such current scholarly research, while the information about how your chosen leader exhibits those leadership characteristics is supported by popular research.

Keep in mind that current scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search. Current research means published in the last five years

discussion 3.

Ethics is related to values and morals of individuals in a society (Northouse, 2022, p. 423). Being ethical means doing the right thing. It is important to mention that values and morals are tied to culture, which can impact what one individual sees as ethical versus unethical.

Ethical leadership is related to the expectations of leaders doing the right thing at the right moment. For this discussion board, please address the following requirements:

  1. Define the term “ethics” in your own words.
  2. Identify two ethical challenges that leaders often face in the workplace.
  3. Analyze how ethical leadership impacts organizational performance.
  4. Evaluate the importance of having a “Code of Conduct” or a “Code of Ethics” in the organization.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (including supporting citations) along with at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. You may find that your discussion of leadership characteristics is easily supported with such current scholarly research, while the information about how your chosen leader exhibits those leadership characteristics is supported by popular research.

Keep in mind that current scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search. Current research means published in the last five years.

American Public University System D&M E Commerce Annotated Bibliography


PROBLEM: You have been directed by your corporate or organizational president to research one of the following situations/problems and prepare a formalized research paper. This paper should be addressed to the president, board of directors, and your professor. For this research, you should conduct a review of literature based on the current practices being used in today’s organizations (in terms of your selected research problem/situation).

For your research project, please select one of the following problem or situational areas to research. As you conduct your secondary and/or primary research, you should also develop a well-developed strategy as to how to implement your strategy into this organization. One way to view the selected problem is to think of a current or previous organization, in which you might focus your research efforts towards. For example, you may be facing the same problem in your current organization – so you could write this paper, based on addressing this particular problem with your current organization. If you do not see the relevance of any of these problems with your current or past employers – just write your paper as if you were employed with a Fortune 500 company or an organization currently in the news.
Here is the listing of potential problems or situations from you can select your research topic from:
1. Creation and implementation of an electronic usage (i.e., email, computer, or other computer technology) policy to be used in the organization.
2. Technological changeover from one computer system to a newer computer system (keep in mind the possible conversion problems).
3. Creation and implementation of a revised disciplinary policy to replace a current policy, which is not working (and lawsuits have resulted from the current, poorly written disciplinary policy).
4. Creation and implementation of a new compensation and benefits package (please remember that the president and board of directors may not be as accepting of this particular topic area… but it is worth the challenge of trying to convince them differently).
5. Creation and implementation of a new performance appraisal system or method of conducting performance appraisals.
6. Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

7. Rollout of a change management initiative.

8. Creation and implementation of a succession plan for mid level and C-Suite leaders.

Please write your research paper as if your organizational or corporate president and/or board of directors would review and consider its findings and recommendations. However, your professor will be the final reviewer for this paper.

1. Student should write a well-researched paper, approximately 6-8 pages and double-spaced (not counting a title page, table of contents, references or appendices).
2. Student should follow the APA Style Manual for referencing and citing sources in the paper.
3. Paper should be written in third person – not first person.
4. Paper should be error-free, so it may be wise to have another person proof your work.
5. All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style.
6. The paper must contain the following elements:
a. Title Page (or letter of transmittal if a memorandum format is used)
b. Table of Contents (unless a memorandum format is used).
c. Introduction
d. Problem Statement (5-8 sentence paragraph that clearly defines the problem and why it needs to be researched).
e. Review of current practices (background of literature) in the area
f. Strategic plan for change or creation of the anticipated change (use examples of where this approach has been successful in other organizations if pertinent).
g. Strategic approach for implementation of the change(s)
h. Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios)
i. Summary/Conclusions
j. References section
k. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

Bow Valley College Strategic Compensation Human Resources Discussion


Strategic Compensation


1.Document your answers on the space provided in this document (starting on page 3). Your answers can be in bullet form and each answer should be no more than 500 words.  Bullet form means complete sentences.

2.You are not required to include a title page, formal references, or use APA formatting. However, you are required to include the page numbers you used from the textbook to answer your questions and demonstrate application of course content.

3.Although you are not required to use APA formatting, you are still required to proofread your document for spelling and punctuation errors, and to demonstrate your ability to write at a university level. Please review the Marking Rubric on page 2 for more details of how your assignment will be assessed.

4.When the word “briefly” is used in the assignment questions, this means a minimum of 3 bullet points and/or sentences and a maximum of 5-6 bullet points and/or sentences.

5.To access the textbook – use the link and create a dummy account https://app.tophat.com/e/791964/lecture/

Use University of Lethbridge as the school- please reference page number on your answers.

Question 1 (related to Learning Outcome a). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.

Briefly discuss the concept of fit, and the types of compensation and total rewards that work best for each of the three managerial strategies.

Question 2 (related to Learning Outcome b & c). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.

Read two cases in Chapter 3: Compensation Today 3.1 – Rewards Support Strategy at Toyota and Compensation Today 3.2 – Violating the Psychological Contract at CAMI. Both companies attempted to adopt a high-involvement managerial strategy but only one company was successful in doing so.

Using the concepts of reward problems, job attitudes, and behaviors, briefly discuss and explain why one company was successful in adopting a high-involvement managerial strategy and why the other was not.

Question 3 (related to Learning Outcome c & d). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.

During class, we discussed the case “Fun and Games at the Exhibition” in Chapter 5 of your textbook.  Using this case from your textbook, briefly discuss how performance pay (individual, group, and/or organization) could be used to solve the employee performance and behavior problems outlined in the case.

Question 4 (related to Learning Outcome b & d). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.

Briefly discuss and explain the five steps in the compensation strategy formulation process (chapter 6). Also apply and briefly describe what each of the five steps would look like when applied to a classical managerial strategy.

Question 5 (related to Learning Outcome e & f & g). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.

Briefly explain the point method of job evaluation and the main steps to conducting this form of evaluation. Also explain one method you can use to measure if your point method of job evaluation is compliant with pay equity.

Question 6 (related to Learning Outcome e). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.

Briefly discuss and explain how organizations can use the market and individual performance to determine what employees should be paid.

Question 7 (related to Learning Outcome f). Your answer should be no more than 500 words and include specific page numbers you used from the course textbook to support your answer.


FIU Office Space, a Company’s Frontier: the Decision to Buy or Lease Case Study


Read the “Office Space, A Company’s Frontier: The Corporate Decision to Buy or Lease” (attached below) case study and answer the questions below. Please submit your write-up and excel workbook with your discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis to Canvas on or before Wednesday, April 13th, 2022, at 5:29 pm eastern standard time. Groups of no more than 5 or 6 are allowed (free to choose your own groups). This assignment is graded for completeness (answering all the questions), effective write-up (clear and free of grammatical errors), and thoughtfulness of your answers (demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking). See the case study rubric for additional information, including guidelines and grading criteria.

Business Assumptions:

  • Assume that Drechtal receives approval of their first oncology drug, Trianoline.
  • Equity is limited. Whatever equity Drechtal will need to purchase its headquarters could alternatively be invested in its core business, should it not purchase its headquarters.
  • Every dollar Drechtal invests in its core business generates cash flow equal to 9.132% of the investment. At the same time, the investment’s value grows by 2% annually. (This means that the cash flow generated by new investment is also growing at 2%.)
  • The depreciable life of all new pharmaceutical investments is 10 years.
  • In Switzerland, both the corporate tax rate and the capital gains tax rate are 18% (both price appreciation and depreciation recapture).
  • Drechtal’s CFO is confident that given its current capital structure (approximately 57% debt), its required return on equity (for its core business) is 22%.
  • Drechtal can borrow in the Swiss bond market at 2% up to a 10-year maturity, with annual coupons on the bonds and no amortization. Should Drechtal invest in its core business, it will initially borrow at time 0 in the Swiss bond market so that its initial capital structure is unchanged. Drechtal will not adjust its debt holdings going forward.

Lease-Buy Assumptions:

  • Office tenants in Basel sign 10-year NNN leases, with a 5% step-up in rent in Year 5.
  • A single-tenant A-quality office building with a long lease typically incurs capital expenditures equal to roughly 16% of NOI.
  • The new building under construction will be of much greater quality than neighboring buildings, and will therefore likely attract tenants with rents roughly 20% above the current “prime” level for the neighborhood.
  • Total expenses (operating + vacancy/credit) of a new Swiss office building are 34% of gross rent if the building is professionally managed. Expenses incurred by corporate owners are typically 10% higher. This can be calculated not as 44% of the rent, but rather (1 + 10%)*(34%*gross rent).
  • Property sales brokers charge a 3% commission upon sale.
  • Swiss commercial property valuation in Basel is approximately 80% structure and 20% land. The depreciable life of Swiss property is 20 years. You may not depreciate land in Switzerland.

Part 1. Renew Current Leases, Move and Consolidate, or Buy New HQ?

Based on the information provided in the case study and DCF analysis for each option, do you recommend for Drechtal to (1) continue leasing as-needed and renew their current leases, (2) move and consolidate employees in leased space, or (3) acquire their own corporate headquarters?

  • Discuss your rationale based on considerations, for example, with regard to the long-term strategy, operational needs of the firm, and property market conditions.
  • Discuss strategic considerations with regard to the financing options.
  • Discuss any relevant financial considerations raised by DCF analysis for each option. For the DCF, use the information provided in the case study and conduct analysis on an after-tax basis (Assume a 10-year holding period where any property purchased is sold at the end of 10-years).

Part 2. Evaluate the Opportunity Cost With Respect to the Core Business

Work through sensitivity analysis that considers different rates of return on investments and growth for the core business. How is your answer in Part 1 impacted by potential changes in Drechtal’s core business? (Hint: what happens when you adjust the dividend rate and annual growth rate on Drechtal’s investment in their core business?)