Global Location Decisions Discussion


Facility location decisions can provide organizations with a competitive advantage and, therefore, must be an integral part of their overall strategic plans. The effectiveness of a supply chain is greatly influenced by facility locations. Increased globalization and improved technologies have resulted in a variety of options for companies to locate their facilities. Today, companies must consider a number of factors when analyzing potential locations; several comparison methods are available when considering the country, region, and community for a facility location. Business clusters often provide for strong business development, collaboration, growth opportunities, and improved supply chain management. The existence of successful clusters suggests that innovation and competition are concentrated geographically. China today represents an attractive location for many of the world’s top companies due to its inexpensive labor and huge market. There has been much discussion about sustainable development and the greening of the supply chain and its effect on global location decisions. Finally, emerging technologies such as additive manufacturing or 3D printing will have a major impact on how companies view manufacturing and where they locate production facilities.

  1. What is the impact of facility decisions on a supply chain?
  2. Why is demand management important for effective supply chain management?
  3. What are business clusters? Provide several examples of business clusters in a variety of countries. What are the advantages of clustering?
  4. What are the factors influencing facility location?
  5. Discuss the major regional trade agreements in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America.
  6. What is the World Trade Organization and what is its role in world trade?
  7. What are the critical factors in making community and site decisions?
  8. Discuss Walmart’s location strategy.
  9. Discuss Amazon’s global facilities network.
  10. Define quality of life. Why is quality of life an important factor in facility location? Is the set of quality-of-life factors used by the Chamber of Commerce in Jacksonville, Florida, a good one? Please explain.
  11. What is a right-to-work state? What are the advantages or disadvantages of doing business in a right-to-work state?
  12. Why is China an attractive location for many businesses?
  13. What are the challenges of doing business in China?
  14. Discuss the six strategic roles of a foreign facility.
  15. What is sustainable development, and why is this policy important to a country and the world at large?
  16. What is the difference between green development and sustainable development?
  17. Explain why 3D printing may lead to a revival of manufacturing in the United States.
  18. Provide examples of major U.S. companies that are using 3D printing and explain why they are reshoring their manufacturing back to the United States?
  19. Go to the website of IMD—World Competitiveness Yearbook at Select any region of the world such as Africa and Middle East, Americas, Asia and Pacific, and Europe and Eurasia. Prepare a report showing the regional highlights and include a performance overview of selected countries in the region.
  20. Go to the World Economic Forum website at Select “Initiatives” from the top menu. Then select “Shaping the Future of Production.” Based on the articles presented in the website, prepare a report discussing how emerging technologies will transform production systems, business models, and sustainability.
  21. Go to the website of the World Trade Organization at Click on the menu item “Documents, data, and resources” and select the option on “Economic research.” Under “Publications” select the latest World Trade Report. Explain the key findings of the report and the changing landscape of international trade and the emergence of global value chains.
  22. Go to the website of the U.S. Commercial Service at First, select a country you wish to study. Based on the country commercial guide, prepare an assessment of the suitability of the country for doing business in the particular industry you wish to study.
  23. Go to the website and prepare a report on why U.S. companies should move manufacturing back to the United States.

SEU Accounting Tax and Zakat Accounting Worksheet


Q.1- Mr. A and Mrs. B are married and have two dependent children. X & Y, They also fully support Mrs. B’s mother who lives with them and has no income. Their 2012 tax and other related information is as follows: (2.5 marks)


Amount in $

Value of premiums for $ 100000 of group term life insurance provided by employer


Gift from A’S parents


Dividend income—from ABC stock,


Loan from A’S parents


Total salaries


Bank account interest income


Gain from the sale of qualified small business stock acquired in 2010


Total itemized deductions


Municipal bond interest income


Value of employer provided medical insurance


Required: Compute Mr. A and Mrs.B Taxable income. (Show all calculations in proper /good form.)


Q.2- Mr. Abdullah’s medical and personal expenses include the following: (2.5 mark)


Amount in $

Prescription drugs




Doctors’ fees


Hospital fees


Food for personal use (expenses)


Travel allowances


General purpose vitamins


Medical premiums


Visitors fees


Recreation fees


Club fess


Abdullah’s AGI for the year is $ 132,000. He is single and age 56. Insurance company reimburses none of the medical costs and other related items.

After considering the AGI floor, what will be Abdullah’s medical expense deduction?


Q.3 In the year 2013, PQR Corporation had the following items of income, expense, gains, and losses: (2 mark)


Amount in $



Account payable


Interest on savings account


Plant & Machinery




Operating expenses


Furniture and Fixture


Gain on sale of AT&T stock


Loss on sale of IBM stock




Motor vehicle


Cost of sales


What is taxable income of PQR Corporation’s for the year?

Answer: –

Q-4-To make income taxable, income must be realized and recognized. Explain in your own words the difference between income realization and income recognition, and then provide a short numerical example to indicate the difference (Don’t copy the same numerical example from other students. Numerical example must be differ). (2 mark)


Q5. If a NOL (net operating loss) is incurred, when would a taxpayer elect to forgo the carryback period and only carry the loss deduction forward? (1 marks)

Northeastern Illinois University DataClear Company Analysis Summary


  • Chapter 4: Resource-Based View and SWOT Analysis
  • Chapter 7: Competing in International Markets

Then read this case

Now prepare your write-up based on the following requirements: Your write-up must contain 5 sections: 

  1. Summary
    • In one paragraph describe the company and its industry. 
  2. Your analysis
    • In one or two paragraphs explain DataClear’s strategic resources. You need to use the Resource-Based View (RBV) (Chapter 4).
      • Three resources, at least one must be a strategic resource.
    • In one paragraph, summarize the primary results of the SWOT analysis for DataClear (Chapter 4).
  3. Your recommendation
    • In one or two paragraphs, make a recommendation on whether or not DataClear should expand internationally.
      • How would you recommend Dataclear to mitigate the risks associated with your recommendation?
      • Explain your reasoning with a VRIS, SWOT, and the criteria we discussed in chapter 7 such as Access to New Customers, Lowering Costs, Risk Diversification.
    • Make a thoughtful argument about which international mode of entry you think will be the most appropriate for DataClear if it chose to expand internationally.
      • Market Entry Options are Exporting, Wholly Owned Subsidiary (greenfield venture or acquisition), Franchising, Licensing, Joint Ventures, and Strategic Alliances.
  4. Appendix
    • Use the RBV VRIO checklist to justify the competitive advantage of each resource. 
      • Watch this video to learn how to fill out the checklist.
    • Use the SWOT table and Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
  5. References
    • Please cite the external resources only. Citation of The Textbook, Videos in D2L, the Case Study itself, or extra files attached to the case is not required.

Best Practices in Completing Writing Assignments

There are three sets of criteria on which students are graded. Earning the highest number of points within each section of the writing assignments requires following these best practices:

Content (50%)

  • Content that relates to the required/recommended course material is accurate.
  • Questions are thoroughly answered, and content is appropriate for the topic of inquiry.
  • Content that indicates knowledge gained and potential for knowledge/skills to influence future thoughts/behavior is adequately linked to course materials (including any material brought into the course by a student). When required, citations are provided.
  • To support your argument, you need to cite at least two directly relevant and reputable external sources
    • The Textbook, Videos in D2L, the Case Study itself, or extra files attached to the case do not count as external resources.
    • Use a standard reference format. Do not simply copy and paste website addresses (although those should be included if appropriate).
    • For sources, consult business media (Wall Street Journal), academic journals (Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business, etc.), and practitioner journals (Forbes). Your sources should be articles from academic, peer-reviewed journals. (If you are not sure what keywords or combination of keywords to use, ask; Google Scholar will be helpful.)

Reflection (30%)

  • Answers indicate a high level of reflection and insight on the topic.
  • Critical thinking is evident.
  • A strong desire to reflect on topics is evident.

Organization & Mechanics (20%)

  • Writing is fluent and lively.
  • All answers are presented in a professional manner: using appropriate grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.
  • All ideas/thoughts are well communicated. Answers to all questions are concise/to the point.
  • Engages in a high-quality Internet search (when applicable).
  • You must follow the MLA FormattingPreview the document.
    • Anything other than MLA formatting will NOT be graded.
  • You MUST use a heading for each section.
  • Under no circumstances, should the write-up (excluding the Appendix) exceed FIVE pages.
    • The Appendix does not count against the page limit. You can use the appendix to provide additional details on frameworks used in your analysis. So, for example, if you wanted to incorporate the national cultural dimension comparison chart or cite outside resources, you are encouraged to do so as an appendix to your main submission which will not count against the page limit.

Seneca College Canadian Bussiness Factors Questions


1. What phase of the business cycle is the Canadian and your provincial economy experiencing at the present time? Justify your answer.

Note – Use your own words and understanding. I will not accept standard definition answers, answers copied off the internet, answers copied from a classmate and then rogetted, formulas, etc. I am looking for your own interpretation of these concepts.

2. Compare and contrast the CPI with the GDP Deflator.

Note – Use your own words and understanding. I will not accept standard definition answers, answers copied off the internet, answers copied from a classmate and then rogetted, formulas, etc. I am looking for your own interpretation of these concepts.

3. Suppose an economy’s real GDP is $50,000 in year 1 and $55,000 in year 2. What is the growth rate of its GDP? Assume that population was 100 in year 1 and 105 in year 2. What is the growth rate in real GDP per capita?

You must show all work in order for the answer to be graded.

4. Describe in detail the adjustments in the production possibilities curves in each of the following situations for the Canadian economy.

(a) the economy moves from full employment into a deep recession
(b) the economy makes great strides in eliminating discrimination
(c) the end of the war in Ukraine leads to cuts in military spending
(d) the government significantly increases spending for health and education

Note: It is not enough to say – “curve shifts out”. You must carefully explain the impact on the PPC and the rationale/reasoning for the impact. As well, you want to be sure to include any other pertinent information from these concepts as discussed in this course, where appropriate.

5. In your own words, and as it pertains to the topics covered in this course, carefully describe three of the specific monetary policy initiatives that the Bank of Canada undertook in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This answer is worth 15 marks.

You must have three separate paragraphs, one for each monetary policy initiative you are describing.

Recommended word count is 400-500 words

6. (i) Explain how money overcomes the disadvantages associated with barter.

(ii) What conditions are necessary for people to accept paper currency in exchange for the goods and services, which they sell?

This is a ten-mark question. Be sure to include enough points and explanation considering this is a short essay style question.

7. Considering the variables included in the expenditure approach to GDP discussed in this course:

(i) Discuss how each variable was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

(ii) Be sure to include the terminology and rationalizations used in this course to justify your answer.

Please be mindful that this question is worth ten marks so be sure to include an appropriate level of detail to explain both the variable, the impact, and the reasoning for the impact you described.

8. This question can be answered using a piece of paper and a pen or it can be done in MS Word. You will be required to upload your answer by submitting a file.

Using the AD/AS model describe and illustrate how the Covid-19 pandemic would lead to inflation.

  1. In your written answer, you must describe a COVID-19 factor that would change each (i) aggregate demand and (ii) aggregate supply such that inflation results in the economy.
  2. In your written answer you must demonstrate how the two forces you described above would result in inflation.
  3. You must illustrate the changes you described above in a detailed and accurately labelled diagram.

Note: Your diagram can be made either in Word (as we have done in the past for our assignments) or it can be hand drawn on a piece of paper. You can take a picture of it and save it on your computer.

Supply Chain in The Automobile Industry Discussion


Professional Paper “Go big or go home”

All of you aspire to advance in your career or you would not be investing in your professional development by working towards an MBA. This paper is meant to get you “thinking bigger” about making a serious professional contribution to your company or industry. In order to make big vertical moves, you must think like an entrepreneur. Start building your professional portfolio if you are just starting, or add to it by thinking outside the box. Consider top leaders across a variety of industries, not only are they excellent at what they do, but also, they are willing to take risks and be entrepreneurial. They are true outliers. Humans typically revert to “average” because it is a comfortable state. You are already on your way; however, I encourage you to use this paper project as a starting point to stretch yourself a little beyond your comfort zone. Use this “requirement” and thinking time involved to consider how you might make a bigger impact.

Pick an operations or supply chain area that interests you and consider how you can contribute by solving a problem or coming up with an innovation for a product, process or service by applying OM/OR/SCM techniques. There are a ton of methods that can be considered regardless of the industry you’re in. You may also consider ways that typical OM/OR/SCM solution methods could be applied in an unconventional way. For a theoretical example, the transportation method is meant to solve for shortest distances or lowest costs between supply and demand centers. This method can be formulated as a specialized linear programming problem and can be applied to solve scheduling problems among others. For a practical example, another semester I had a police officer in the course. He in particular did not think anything in operations applied to his situation. However, after a short conversation about viewing who or what your customer is through various lenses, he was able to suggest a major improvement to the booking process by developing a flowchart and analyzing the bottlenecks. There are many other examples. Please feel free to use me as a resource. Once you have a topic/problem to solve/innovation to deploy, I am happy to consult with you on potential solution methods or tools you might develop if you need suggestions.

Max of 25 pages you may add appendices for additional data, charts, graphs etc. Any additional material should be clearly addressed within your paper and referenced accordingly. The most pertinent data/charts/graphs should be summarized and included in the appropriate section within the text. Remember to cite sources. Key paper components should include (you may include additional or sub-sections relevant to your work):

  • Title page.
  • Table of contents.
  • Introduction – Main issues, what are you doing, why are you doing it, key outcomes/learnings (in other words, how does this work contribute by solving a problem or innovating in your field).
  • Background/Problem Statement – Go into a more detail describing your topic, a good time to bring in other context (i.e. current vs ideal, yours vs. competitor or industry standard, political, cultural, economic, regulatory landscape) relevant to set the stage for your paper.
  • Methods – Explain your methods and any data used for analysis, in other words, describe your decision making process to solve the problem with the solution methods or topic tools you have chosen.
  • Analysis and Results – Explain your analysis, what are your results or expected results.
  • Recommendations and Conclusions – discuss your results and contributions/potential contributions.

*This is a technical writing piece, think of this project in terms of writing a proposal or report that would (or could) be submitted to implement your ideas to your appropriate audience.

ASU Leadership Training Amazon Question


Leadership training to improve Amazon’s general performance


Leaders in the company are one of the most important and important individuals; therefore, putting them through training can increase Amazon’s general performance.

What value does this provide to Amazon? It is generally recognized that successful leaders are critical to the success of any business; companies require strong leaders to succeed.

Creating a strong and productive company is a process that begins from the inside out. Leadership is responsible for the culture, management practices, and the alignment of these practices with important strategic priorities .

The most successful influencers and drivers of organizational performance are leaders that hold people responsible and assure effective, productive behaviors in their team. Equally essential is a leader’s capacity to influence workers’ moods, attitudes, and involvement, as well as Amazon’s broader culture, through a series of implicitly linked events.

  • How this adds values to the organization:
  • The key to Amazon’s vitality is to create an atmosphere where people may win and be enthusiastic about their work. Well-trained leaders with the necessary leadership abilities and competency may create such an atmosphere.
  • Leaders create an atmosphere where workers take care of Amazon’s customers to the point that they want to return year after year by taking care of their staff.
  • Managers have their eyes on the scoreboard rather than the ball when they focus their attention and concentration solely on Amazon’s vitality indicators, such as profit. Profit is a by-product of providing excellent customer service, which can only be accomplished by providing excellent staff service.

Customers Pains and Gains supporting the need:

My project should focus on Amazon’s positive development through increased output and quality of goods and services.

Amazon customers will benefit because the company will be able to provide high-quality services and goods that suit their requirements.

  • Key questions that drive my research;
  • What influence do leaders have on Amazon’s general performance?
  • Can the introduction of training services have a good influence on Amazon’s executives and other stakeholders?

Matrix of Questions

Leadership Ecosystem:

What is the environmental attitude of Amazon’s leadership?

  • Is it comprehensive, egalitarian, or appreciating in nature?
  • What are the ecological features of the branch office leadership?

Sustainable Change:

Amazon, as an organization, has ever had to deal with such drastic shifts before?

What were the general results? Did the shifts have an impact on the organization? If so, were they positive or negative?

  • What methods were used to maintain these improvements going?
  • How can these methods be maintained in action?

Creativity and Innovation

Does Amazon’s CEO and other leaders’ training in other divisions foster innovation and creativity inside the company? If so, do you detect any differences?

Is the creative and inventive workforce more capable than the unskilled labour?

  • Transformation through Relationships

How does Amazon’s employee-leadership relationship work?

  • What role does Amazon’s leadership play in the creation of transformational connections?

Does this partnership have a beneficial or bad impact on Amazon as a whole?

  • Is it true that Amazon has genuine ties? Is our emotional intelligence and collaboration a part of these ties?

Communication in Open Organizations

What is the primary communication mechanism that Amazon employs?

Does Amazon have a structure in place that encourages good communication among all of the company’s employees?

  • What is the influence of digital technologies on communication? Will they help us communicate more effectively?
  • Excellence with Integrity
  • Has there been an incident that appears to have tainted Amazon’s reputation for integrity?
  • Is it correct to conclude that effective leadership practices form the foundation of an organization’s success?

What role may acts of integrity play in ensuring Amazon’s success?

Shared Leadership

  • How do Amazon’s leaders’ actions affect the company’s junior employees and other stakeholders?

What do Amazonians require?

  • What are the many unforeseen effects of Amazon’s leaders’ decisions?

Entrepreneurial Strategic Transformation

What is Amazon’s strategic transformation measure to aid in the creation of a peaceful democratic environment inside the company?

What are the several strategies that Amazon may employ, aside from leadership training, to improve various leadership qualities and practices?

Capella University a Difficult Positionhiring Plan Paper


Recruiting supports an organization’s short-, mid-, and long-term  human capital needs. It can be a very easy and straightforward process,  depending on the region, market, and the field of work. In some fields,  prospective employees are readily accessible, and the organization will  have the ability to select among a broad group of well-qualified  candidates. In other fields, generating potential applicants will be  very hard as they are not present, or if they are present, the  competition among businesses in the market will be a challenge.

The nature of work is so very different from job-to-job and  organizational role to organizational role. Each is important and makes  valuable but very different organizational contributions. The field of  HR studies the nature of work to attract and select the best applicants,  and HR professionals follow SHRM’s behavioral competencies to support  their decision making and, in this assessment’s scenario, to find a  successful resolution to a hiring challenge.



For this assessment, assume you are an HR professional working as an  HR business partner for one of the most prestigious nonprofit  scientific research centers in the United States. The center is large  enough to have its own office of general counsel. Recently, one of the  assistant general counsels departed for a job at the White House. The  general counsel wants the finest and most talented attorney candidates  who are practicing in the field of research in a nonprofit setting. You  have announced the open position and have had 807 applicants. You chose a  group of 12 candidates, all of whom were turned down by the supervisor  (hiring manager). The general counsel’s office demanded to see all  applicant resumes, and your HR director agreed. After they reviewed all  the resumes, they said none were good enough. However, they provided no  additional information to you about their preferred applicant  qualifications. 

Your Challenge

While you are the HR business partner to the general counsel, you  have many other organizational clients, each with their own needs and  expectations, and therefore a limited amount of time to give to this  particular client. Given that you have failed to select appropriate  candidates, you consider spending some money from your very tight budget  to hire a recruiting firm, but that is not a guarantee of success. You  are considering the following three options: 1) recommending to the  hiring manager that she reconsider the 12 candidates you selected, 2)  asking her to allow you to re-announce, possibly with some changes to  the position vacancy announcement, or 3) going to the outside  (expensive) recruiting firm in spite of your budget constraints. The  option you recommend should offer the greatest return to the  organization and its employees.


Prepare a 3–4-page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the following: 

  • Analyze how your proposed HR solution to an HR challenge contributes to organizational goals and strategies.     
    • Weigh the barriers the business partner will face with each of the three options.
    • Include the internal implications, if any, to reconsider the 12 candidates and how that could be done.
    • Consider the passage of time against the need for another  attorney in the office as well as the impact of cost if you choose to go  to an external organization.
  • Describe key factors you considered in the formulation of a proposed HR solution.     
    • Include the ethical considerations for recruiting and hiring in this scenario.
    • Integrate material from your references that offer a theory-based relationship to inform ethical considerations.
  • Explain the role of the HR practitioner in advancing a proposed HR solution.     
    • Briefly explain your role to influence the eventual outcome. Consider aspects of leadership, negotiation, and consultation.
  • Discuss the application of any SHRM behavioral competencies to the process of solving an HR challenge.     
    • Which competencies are most directly applicable to a successful resolution of this challenge and why?

Using IoB to Improve Emirates Efficiency in Responding to Customer Demands Essay


everything is included in file below, and its an final paper, so do help me out

Professional Paper “Go big or go home”

All of you aspire to advance in your career or you would not be investing in your professional development by working towards an MBA. This paper is meant to get you “thinking bigger” about making a serious professional contribution to your company or industry. In order to make big vertical moves, you must think like an entrepreneur. Start building your professional portfolio if you are just starting, or add to it by thinking outside the box. Consider top leaders across a variety of industries, not only are they excellent at what they do, but also, they are willing to take risks and be entrepreneurial. They are true outliers. Humans typically revert to “average” because it is a comfortable state. You are already on your way; however, I encourage you to use this paper project as a starting point to stretch yourself a little beyond your comfort zone. Use this “requirement” and thinking time involved to consider how you might make a bigger impact.

Pick an operations or supply chain area that interests you and consider how you can contribute by solving a problem or coming up with an innovation for a product, process or service by applying OM/OR/SCM techniques. There are a ton of methods that can be considered regardless of the industry you’re in. You may also consider ways that typical OM/OR/SCM solution methods could be applied in an unconventional way. For a theoretical example, the transportation method is meant to solve for shortest distances or lowest costs between supply and demand centers. This method can be formulated as a specialized linear programming problem and can be applied to solve scheduling problems among others. For a practical example, another semester I had a police officer in the course. He in particular did not think anything in operations applied to his situation. However, after a short conversation about viewing who or what your customer is through various lenses, he was able to suggest a major improvement to the booking process by developing a flowchart and analyzing the bottlenecks. There are many other examples. Please feel free to use me as a resource. Once you have a topic/problem to solve/innovation to deploy, I am happy to consult with you on potential solution methods or tools you might develop if you need suggestions.

Max of 25 pages you may add appendices for additional data, charts, graphs etc. Any additional material should be clearly addressed within your paper and referenced accordingly. The most pertinent data/charts/graphs should be summarized and included in the appropriate section within the text. Remember to cite sources. Key paper components should include (you may include additional or sub-sections relevant to your work):

·Title page.

·Table of contents.

·Introduction – Main issues, what are you doing, why are you doing it, key outcomes/learnings (in other words, how does this work contribute by solving a problem or innovating in your field).

·Background/Problem Statement – Go into a more detail describing your topic, a good time to bring in other context (i.e. current vs ideal, yours vs. competitor or industry standard, political, cultural, economic, regulatory landscape) relevant to set the stage for your paper.

·Methods – Explain your methods and any data used for analysis, in other words, describe your decision making process to solve the problem with the solution methods or topic tools you have chosen.

·Analysis and Results – Explain your analysis, what are your results or expected results.

·Recommendations and Conclusions – discuss your results and contributions/potential contributions.

*This is a technical writing piece, think of this project in terms of writing a proposal or report that would (or could) be submitted to implement your ideas to your appropriate audience.

UCF Trello Website Business Worksheet


Step 1: Navigate to (Links to an external site.), sign-up for a free account, and then watch the following video – (Links to an external site.)

Minimize Video. This is a quick overview video of how to use Trello, by Trello. It includes details on how to share your Trello board with others, though note that you do not need to do that for this assignment. The purpose of this video is to highlight the basic features and functionality of Trello so that you are well equipped to complete step 2.

Step 2: Plan out the remainder of the assignments/tasks for this class and this semester using a Trello board (Weeks 10-16). I know that everyone organizes themselves in different ways, so you have full autonomy to decide what you want to name your Trello board, as well as your card/column headings, and other details, though your submission (which will be a screenshot of your Trello board) must contain the following at a minimum:

  1. The readings from the syllabus (if you scroll to the bottom of the course syllabus, you’ll see that I’ve built a calendar out, where I list what it is that needs to be done on a weekly basis). As an example, on Week 10, I specify to read both Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. This should be included somewhere on your Trello board as a task, along with all of the subsequent readings that are listed on the syllabus.
  2. The graded deliverables due from the syllabus. There is a column in the “Course Calendar” section of the syllabus that says “Graded Deliverables Due”. These items need to be on your Trello board (there are 10 items from Week 10-16 that should be included from that column).
  3. Due dates for both the readings and graded deliverables. When adding your readings and graded deliverables as tasks, please be sure to add due dates by clicking on the task in Trello, and by then clicking on the “Dates” area. Here you can add dates (the video shows how to do this as well).
  4. Some form of indicating that you are “Done” with a task. This can be a card/column titled “Done”, where you put everything that you’ve finished. If you come up with another creative way to indicate that something is done, that is fine too. If something is “Done”, I also expect to see it in the “Done” section, which again, you have full autonomy on defining what that looks like.

Please note that there is an incredible amount of flexibility with this assignment and that I am just looking for the items that I note above. If I do not specify a setting, you do not need to worry about it, though I encourage you to explore the various features and functionalities of the platform so that you can get the most out of it, and potentially use it as a tool to help with time management this semester, and in others as well :-). You are also free to add other things to your Trello board, though please make it clear what is specific to ISM3011 (you can use labels in Trello to do this).

What do I need to submit?

It’s easy-peasy. A screenshot of your Trello board that shows all of the items listed in step 2. That’s all! Please be sure that your screenshot covers everything, and if you need to submit multiple screenshots to make everything fit, that’s fine too (just submit multiple screenshots at once in your submission).

MU Business Corporate Social Responsibility Essay


3 page position paper on corporate social responsibility. This paper needs to take a stance on what corporations should do when deciding ethical decisions in the business world. Examples can be included but the side that should be taken is why they should be ethical. Below is a “how to” on how they want us to write it, and how the organization should be. The paper should be size 12 times new roman double spaced.

To take a side on a subject, you should first establish the arguability of a topic that interests you. Ask yourself the following questions to ensure that you will be able to present a strong argument:

  • Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and uncertainty?
  • Can you identify at least two distinctive positions?
  • Are you personally interested in advocating one of these positions?
  • Is the scope of the issue narrow enough to be manageable
  • Organization

    Sample OutlineI. Introduction
    ___A. Introduce the topic
    ___B. Provide background on the topic to explain why it is important
    ___C. Assert the thesis (your view of the issue). More on thesis statements can be found below.Your introduction has a dual purpose: to indicate both the topic and your approach to it (your thesis statement), and to arouse your reader’s interest in what you have to say. One effective way of introducing a topic is to place it in context – to supply a kind of backdrop that will put it in perspective. You should discuss the area into which your topic fits, and then gradually lead into your specific field of discussion (re: your thesis statement).II. Counter Argument
    ___A. Summarize the counterclaims
    ___B. Provide supporting information for counterclaims
    ___C. Refute the counterclaims
    ___D. Give evidence for argumentYou can generate counterarguments by asking yourself what someone who disagrees with you might say about each of the points you’ve made or about your position as a whole. Once you have thought up some counterarguments, consider how you will respond to them–will you concede that your opponent has a point but explain why your audience should nonetheless accept your argument? Will you reject the counterargument and explain why it is mistaken? Either way, you will want to leave your reader with a sense that your argument is stronger than opposing arguments.When you are summarizing opposing arguments, be charitable. Present each argument fairly and objectively, rather than trying to make it look foolish. You want to show that you have seriously considered the many sides of the issue, and that you are not simply attacking or mocking your opponents.It is usually better to consider one or two serious counterarguments in some depth, rather than to give a long but superficial list of many different counterarguments and replies.Be sure that your reply is consistent with your original argument. If considering a counterargument changes your position, you will need to go back and revise your original argument accordingly.For more on counterarguments visit: Your Argument
    ___A. Assert point #1 of your claims
    _____1. Give your educated and informed opinion
    _____2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three)
    ___B. Assert point #2 of your claims
    _____1. Give your educated and informed opinion
    _____2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three)
    ___C. Assert point #3 of your claims
    _____1. Give your educated and informed opinion
    _____2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three)You may have more than 3 overall points to your argument, but you should not have fewer.IV. Conclusion
    ___A. Restate your argument
    ___B. Provide a plan of action but do not introduce new informationThe simplest and most basic conclusion is one that restates the thesis in different words and then discusses its implications.