Porters Five Forces Analysis of The Company Question


I want an excellent solution I do not want any student from the Saudi Electronic University who has the same solution, otherwise my grade will be zero.

the question is:

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company: Do the Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the company

note :

I have attached the first solution file that you will use to solve the question

The Foreign Direct Investment Stimulus the Economic Growth Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a marketing discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

  • Question 1
  • Prompt: Regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), how do host countries benefit; how do home countries benefit?
  • Question 2
  • Prompt: List and briefly discuss at least three reasons why Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) may not be a good strategy for a company considering international business opportunities.

Comparing the Cultures of The Organizations Such as Google and Amazon Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn.

Compare and contrast the organizational cultures at Amazon and Google.  Imagine if you were in charge of a project team at both companies.  How might your approach to managing a project, developing your team, and coordinating with different functional departments differ at the two firms?

MGMT 314 American Military University Management Ethics Discussion


Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics. Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization. Why would these be important to include in the hiring process (Example of things that you might include: Legal Ground Rules). 

Denver University Prison Labor Essay


Correctional officers and others working at prisons often report feeling isolated, unsupported, or misunderstood. After learning about Conover’s and Bauer’s experiences as well as the others that we explored in-class, what features of these jobs most stands out to you? How can our “toolkit” from the sociology of work help us understand these jobs and workers in new ways?


Montclair State University Accounting Term Project Discussion


The FASB has released an exposure draft on Disclosure of Supplier Finance Program Obligations.  Please read the enclosed exposure draft and respond to the FASB’s call for comments based on the questions for respondents in pages 3 – 5. Prepare a report responding to the questions. Give reasons for your responses based on the changes the FASB is proposing.

Changing Jobs and Changing Loyalties Case Study


Chapter 10 Case Study

Choose any case study from this week’s reading.  Review the case and provide a one-paragraph summary in your own words.  You may include your opinions as long as they are based in the facts of the case.  Answer any questions provided as part of the case, including both the question and the answer in your response.

Leading Through Change Article Summary


For this assignment students are to find an article on leadership and change in a recent business journal or newspaper.  Suggested sources are the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Inc., or Fast Company.  You are to provide a summary/review of the article, how it relates to leadership and change, and your thoughts/opinions on the article.

Saint Joseph’s University Financial Statements and Ratios Essay


Select a healthcare organization with publicly available financial statements.  Using financial ratios and your knowledge of financial statements, provide a two page overview of the financial status of the organization.  Calculations are NOT required in this paper, but some are encouraged.  You may use the notes in the financial statements and other publicly available data to complete your analysis. 

MGT 403 Saudi Electronic University Knowledge Management Discussion


– Locate an article that applies to a relevant topic that you want to learn about in this course. ( The article is ready and will be attached)

– Post a thread on the Discussion Board that describes this article and why you feel it is relevant to this class.

– Your post should be approximately 2-3 paragraphs (150-200 words).