CSU What Are the Benefits and Risks of Competing Internationally Discussion Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


1. What are the benefits and risks of competing internationally?

2. Select a company and explain if it has a: -Transnational strategy -Global strategy -Multi domestic strategy; explain why you made your choice.

RLS 233 University of Nevada Las Vegas Introduction to Real Estate Worksheet


Prepare (using the format provided) and with at least 7 – 10 fact bullets, a report on a news article re real estate. For extra credit, make your article news about ZONING, Urban Planning, COmprehensive Planning. It should be within the last 30 days, and can be from any jurisdiction.

BCO 122 Universidad Del Norte Corporate Social Responsability Agenda Worksheet


You should take into account the opresentation attached as an example and fill the template of a charitable event for an organization it could be a company or whatever thats raising money or awereness or CSR(corporate social responsability) you need to organize everything according to the template and the example.

MBA 524 PU The Management of Employee Conduct Agency Discussion


Locate a current article (within the last 2 years) from a professional journal (such as Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, etc) that deals with a topic from this unit’s chapters.

  1. Brief the article and attach it to the post (do not copy and paste the entire article into discussion).

JKUAT Business Food and Beverage Manager Discussion



Identify the three (3) most severe risks and the potential consequences that may occur as the result of the actions taken by The Big Cheese staff on Friday night.
As the Food & Beverage Manager at the Cheese-Nip Arena, state what three (3) things you would do immediately on Saturday afternoon.

SEU Toyota Production System Lean Manufacturing Article Paper


This Assignment is based on ‘Lean Manufacturing System’:

As we know that 5S is a lean manufacturing approach to “A place for everything, and everything in its place” based on the Toyota Production System.

  • Sort
  • straighten
  • shine 
  • standardize
  • sustain

To consider these five S, write an ‘Article’ focusing on the following considerations.

  • Employee Morale
  • Safety
  • Efficiency
  • Reduces time for looking
  • Performance evaluation

Bahrain Institute Methods of Lessening Asymmetric Information Problems Case Study


Critically discuss the financial regulation methods undertaken by the government aimed atlessening asymmetric information problems. Elaborate your discussion by throwing light on theshortcomings of the government safety net and whether it prevents or ameliorates the financialcrises. Your answer should review and discuss the government financial regulations of developingand emerging economies.

Bethel College Workforce Planning and Staffing Essay


Write a narrative essay 

How can a company further develop and improve staffing’s moral efficacy?

As an applicant, how would you feel knowing that technology made an initial decision to screen you out of the hiring process?

  1. What information do you want to see when you visit a potential employer’s website’s careers section?

University of North Alabama Construction Project Management Question


Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of analogous, parametric and bottom-up estimating. (10 points)

You are the project manager in charge of the construction of a new school building. Give one possible example each of a known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown you might encounter. (10 points)

E Comerce in Saudi Arabia Paper & Presentation


I need you to select 2 e-commerce companies. then make report and presentation for each company

Which of the features does the company implement well, and which features poorly, in your opinion?

Prepare a presentation to the class detailing your findings and any suggestions for improvement you may have.