American Military University Commission Rate Sales Report Worksheet


  1. Review formulas.
  2. Build one-variable data tables.

    1. You can use any cell in column D as the input cell.
      Figure 9-87 Data table setup for commission rates
  3. Name cell ranges.
  4. Use Solver to find target PHRE net commission amounts.
  5. Manage scenarios.
  6. Create a histogram for recent sales.

    1. The bins are at 50,000 intervals.
      Figure 9-88 Histogram and chart for sales data

  7. Completed worksheets for Excel 9-5
    Figure 9-89 Completed worksheets for Excel 9-5

NC Business Plans Restate Worksheet


Erie team

Answer question 2,3

1. Quickly restate in a brief paragraph what your team is trying to achieve from a strategic perspective? We as a group realized quickly that we could not strategize for the short term goals; furthermore, we needed to focus on the longevity of our company and the long-term success of the business. In the beginning, we prioritized the differentiation strategy by raising the prices of our product which gave us some issues early on. We realized that our product line has to earn customer loyalty because of its uniqueness; however, we had not proved this at the start of our company which caused us to take out an emergency loan due to lack of sales and too much inventory left over. Our strategy now is definitely lowering the prices within the target range to gain back customer loyalty and begin to sell our inventory at a higher rate. We hope by doing this more customers will begin buying the product again and we can begin to slowly raise prices as we gain more customer loyalty.

2. How is your company performing in the simulation? What metrics are you using to assess that performance?

3. What has gone well for you?

What has not worked so well for you? The biggest problem we have encountered as a group is raising our prices too quickly from the beginning of the simulation. This has caused us to be in a bind from the start and having to play catch up with the other groups who used a more effective strategy. Because of our high prices and lack of customer loyalty, we were struggling to sell a high rate of inventory and this caused us to even take out an emergency loan to stay afloat. However, we feel very optimistic about the future of the company as we lower prices and play the long game by lowering the prices to obtain high sales and slowly raise the price as customers increase.

What has happened that you weren’t anticipating? These could be things within your industry, moves by competitors, or changes in consumer preferences?

At this stage, are you going to attempt to change your strategy or tweak it? If so, how and why? We are definitely tweaking our strategy at the mid-point of the simulation because we realize the crisis we are in as a company. Although we are fully confident in the differentiation strategy for the future, we know right now that it is crucial to lower the prices in order to sell more inventory and accumulate more revenue. Once this consistently proves successful, we feel that we can embrace our differentiation strategy by slowly raising the price of the product because of our proven unique product line.

Are you going to stick with the same strategy moving forward or are you going to change? If you plan to change your company strategy, how and what are you going to do?

How is your team (the team members) performing? We feel that our group definitely had a slow start and lacked communication; however, we feel now that our cohesiveness is at an all-time high and we are on the same page in the steps we need to take to fulfill our vision as a company and make it the success we know it can be. Understanding our group members’ different strengths and weaknesses in context to the simulation has been key to our change of mindset and ability to adapt to a new approach moving forward. Each group member is understanding of their role and feel that our best is yet to come as a company.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your team?

MU Business Corporate Social Responsibility Essay


3 page position paper on corporate social responsibility. This paper needs to take a stance on what corporations should do when deciding ethical decisions in the business world. Examples can be included but the side that should be taken is why they should be ethical. Below is a “how to” on how they want us to write it, and how the organization should be. The paper should be size 12 times new roman double spaced.

To take a side on a subject, you should first establish the arguability of a topic that interests you. Ask yourself the following questions to ensure that you will be able to present a strong argument:

  • Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and uncertainty?
  • Can you identify at least two distinctive positions?
  • Are you personally interested in advocating one of these positions?
  • Is the scope of the issue narrow enough to be manageable
  • Organization

    Sample OutlineI. Introduction
    ___A. Introduce the topic
    ___B. Provide background on the topic to explain why it is important
    ___C. Assert the thesis (your view of the issue). More on thesis statements can be found below.Your introduction has a dual purpose: to indicate both the topic and your approach to it (your thesis statement), and to arouse your reader’s interest in what you have to say. One effective way of introducing a topic is to place it in context – to supply a kind of backdrop that will put it in perspective. You should discuss the area into which your topic fits, and then gradually lead into your specific field of discussion (re: your thesis statement).II. Counter Argument
    ___A. Summarize the counterclaims
    ___B. Provide supporting information for counterclaims
    ___C. Refute the counterclaims
    ___D. Give evidence for argumentYou can generate counterarguments by asking yourself what someone who disagrees with you might say about each of the points you’ve made or about your position as a whole. Once you have thought up some counterarguments, consider how you will respond to them–will you concede that your opponent has a point but explain why your audience should nonetheless accept your argument? Will you reject the counterargument and explain why it is mistaken? Either way, you will want to leave your reader with a sense that your argument is stronger than opposing arguments.When you are summarizing opposing arguments, be charitable. Present each argument fairly and objectively, rather than trying to make it look foolish. You want to show that you have seriously considered the many sides of the issue, and that you are not simply attacking or mocking your opponents.It is usually better to consider one or two serious counterarguments in some depth, rather than to give a long but superficial list of many different counterarguments and replies.Be sure that your reply is consistent with your original argument. If considering a counterargument changes your position, you will need to go back and revise your original argument accordingly.For more on counterarguments visit: Your Argument
    ___A. Assert point #1 of your claims
    _____1. Give your educated and informed opinion
    _____2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three)
    ___B. Assert point #2 of your claims
    _____1. Give your educated and informed opinion
    _____2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three)
    ___C. Assert point #3 of your claims
    _____1. Give your educated and informed opinion
    _____2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three)You may have more than 3 overall points to your argument, but you should not have fewer.IV. Conclusion
    ___A. Restate your argument
    ___B. Provide a plan of action but do not introduce new informationThe simplest and most basic conclusion is one that restates the thesis in different words and then discusses its implications.

Apple Company Marketing & Accounting Paper



You must comprehensively address each topic (for this Section) and submit by the end of the
assigned module: week. For this assignment, you will continue developing your marketing plan,
focusing on the situational aspects of the plan. Current edition APA formatting is required.
The following apply to all four marketing plan sections:
1. Weekly and earlier text readings will have covered many of the topics in this section.
Outside research is encouraged, referenced accordingly. Comprehensively discuss each
topic in this Section.
2. Submit this second section of your Marketing Plan (MP) attached as a MS Word file.
This section must address the following topics:
4.1. SWOT Analysis
4.2. Industry Analysis
4.3. Competitor Analysis
4.4. Company Analysis
4.5. Customer Analysis
You are encouraged to organize the Marketing Plan into four (4) sections from the beginning so
that the plan follows a logical sequence. The four (4) sections are shown below:

BUSI 330
Page 2 of 3
Marketing Plan Section Sequence
Section 1
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Company Description
3.0 Strategic Plan and Focus
3.1 Mission
3.2 Goals
3.3 Core Competency
3.4 Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Section 2
4.1. SWOT Analysis
4.2. Industry Analysis
4.3. Competitor Analysis
4.4. Company Analysis
4.5. Customer Analysis
Section 3
5.1. Marketing and Product Objectives
5.2. Target Markets
5.3. Points of Difference
5.4. Positioning
Section 4
6.1. Product Strategy
6.2. Price Strategy
6.3. Promotion Strategy
6.4. Place (Distribution) Strategy
7.0 Financial Data and Projections
7.1. Past Sales Revenues

In many organizations, the assignment and completion of projects are increasingly completed in
months or years. The use of technology, such as teleconferences, video-teleconferences, and
computer technology has allowed organizations to reduce the costs of sending employees cross-
country or even overseas. To be successful in this kind of environment, you must adapt and react
to changing business dynamics in the marketplace. This assignment provides the experience to
help you learn to develop a dynamic marketing plan.
You will complete a Marketing Plan that introduces a new product by an existing Fortune 500
company. If you have an idea that would be a great fit for any company (perhaps even one that
you are working for), be sure to seek the Instructor’s permission before you begin work on it.
Keep in mind that it is usually difficult to research smaller companies (especially privately held
ones unless you work for one and have good internal sources of information). You can change
the company’s name if you wish to disguise the discussion of their strengths, weaknesses, or
other “possibly sensitive” information.
This plan will be developed in stages (four sections) Each section assignment builds on previous
section toward the completed Marketing Plan (MP) due at the end of the course, which will
include all four sections.

BUS 687 Ashford University Week 3 Business Simulation Paper


The Decisions for Quarter Two Assignment

Must be completed through the Growing Your Business simulation.

Consider the following questions as you prepare your annual budget/plan (if the answer is “No” to any of the questions you may be at a Competitive Disadvantage and lack critical information to draw inference from):

  • Did you

Request/purchase the Marketing Report and Business Intelligence Dashboard (BID)?

  • Utilize the 4 available role plays for Qtr.2?

Consider in the R&D Projects?

  • Must use the Role Play

It is critical you read the details of the role play very carefully and any questions should immediately be referred to the Help Desk.

  • You can gain a differentiated competitive advantage through the effective use of role-playing.
  • Some role players only provide qualitative information, while others provide the ability to negotiate quantitatively.
  • Role-play is a scarce resource because of the limited number of calls per quarter.

Must submit your Quarter Two Budget Plan.

  • Must not have a short-range outlook over the credit limit.

Periodically, as you modify inputs, use the “Model My Plan” at the lower right to see the impact of your decisions on the Financial Metrics.

  • Input your financial decision and then click on the blue Submit My SRO button on the bottom right of the Quarterly Decisions screen.
  • You must submit your Quarter Two Decisions prior to moving on this week’s Quarterly Business Review assignment.
  • Part II: Second Quarter Quarterly Business Review (QBR). You must submit your Quarter Two Decisions prior to moving on to this week’s Quarterly Business Review assignment. Prior to beginning work on your Second Quarter Quarterly Business Review, review the content from the Suggestions for Quarter Two Decisions pop-up and your Business Intelligence Dashboard. The graphics in the dashboard should provide you with the trends (that is the time series data is growing) in data to critically analyze your competitors for the few two quarters their positions for the longer term.
  • With the completion of Quarter Two, you are responsible for completing your second Quarterly Business Review (QBR). This is a qualitative and quantitative summary of your competitive performance for Q2. Business reviews (or Operational Reviews) are a routine part of annual corporate activities and are very cross-functional in nature. A major component of a QBR is around meeting commitments that are embedded in your budgetary planning process. Meeting commitments are seen explicitly in your Variances. These learnings are designed to enhance your performance in future Quarters.
  • In your Growing Your Business simulation,

Evaluate quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision-making.

  • Utilize tools from finance, marketing, information technology and human resources management to manage the profitability of overall business operations in the second quarter.
  • The Second Quarter Quarterly Business Review Assignment
  • Must be completed through the Growing Your Business simulation.

After logging in, go to the Quarterly Decisions tab on the top right of the simulation site and then click on the Executive Summary tab to access the Quarterly Business Review section.

  • Must be completed and submitted using all of the data provided including

Quarterly Pre-Tax Net Income relative to Plan for the Quarter

Review the Pre-Tax Net Income Chart Explanation

Download Pre-Tax Net Income Chart Explanationdocument

Cash Flow walk

Review the How to Read the Cash Flow Walk Chart

Download How to Read the Cash Flow Walk Chartdocument

  • Pre-tax Net Income in Plan
  • Must show that Hisco is on track to Meet/Exceed its Annual Net Income Commitment through an evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision making.

Must create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.

MCC Week 6 Why Buying an Old Train Station Will Be Bill Ford’s Greatest Act Case study


Case Study –

Why Buying an Old Train Station Will Be Bill Ford’s Greatest Act


Review the podcast and video by clicking on the provided links below. Also, read the provided article. Once you have reviewed the podcast, video and article, answer the assigned questions. Include a detailed response for each of the questions. Do not define terminology or definitions. Share your personal thoughts and ideas. Number your responses according to the assigned questions. Do not retype the questions. 

Podcast & Video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Detroitisit & Ford Motor Company | A Video Series. Michigan Central Station, A Restoration with Ford (Links to an external site.)Detroitisit & Ford Motor Company | A Video Series. Michigan Central Station, A Restoration with Ford


Ask Bill Ford if the company’s purchase of the long-abandoned Michigan Central Station is his legacy, and he’ll politely sidestep the question with a bit of morbid humor.

“Don’t put the shovel on me yet”,  “I’m hoping that I have a little bit of a runway yet, and I certainly wouldn’t like this to be my final act. … I don’t really think in terms of legacy. I suppose at the end people will think what they think and write what they write, and I have no control over that.”

He’s right — we’re going to write what we want. And I’m going to right now: This will be Bill Ford’s most impactful achievement, no matter how many acts he has left.

Ford’s greatest passion, aside from collecting Mustangs, has been the environment. He’s long championed sustainability efforts and has preached about the need to curb congestion with a new era of clean mobility, even as those at his own company dubbed him an “environmental wacko” and demanded he stop associating with all known or suspected members of Greenpeace.

The rehabilitation of Michigan Central Station is the means to that long-sought end.

Ford plans to make the depot the hub of a Detroit-based campus for the R & D of autonomous vehicles. If robot cars and electrification are indeed the future, then it’s not a stretch to say that Ford Motor Co. will either fold or flourish based on what happens inside that monolithic structure.  You can’t reduce congestion and gridlock without autonomous, electrified vehicles.  You can’t build those autonomous, electrified vehicles without thousands of software developers and engineers.

You can’t recruit those software developers and engineers without a one-of-a-kind workspace that will offer them what others can’t.  The company has often been viewed by outsiders as lagging General Motors, Waymo and others in the race to autonomous vehicles. This could be a differentiator, at least in terms of talent recruitment.

From birth, Ford has been defined by the company his great-grandfather started 115 years ago last Saturday.  The worst day of his life, he said, was during a deadly explosion and fire at the company’s Rouge plant in 1999. One of the best was winning at Le Mans in 2016 with the latest GT supercar.

He may joke that he’s not dead yet and has more work to do. But this single act, more than anything else he’s done, could ensure his vision for a better world lives on long after he’s gone.


  1. Explain Ford Motor’s goals with the purchase and planned renovation of the Michigan Central Station?
  2. Discuss the impact that the purchase of Michigan Central Station will have on Ford Motor Company’s reputation.
  3. Describe the stakeholders that are impacted by Ford’s decision to make a commitment to Cork Town.

Connecting Relevant Units with The Client Industry Project


Project relevant subjects:

  • Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Assembly Language
  • Computer Science
  • Cyber Security
  • Databases
  • Machine Learning
  • Networking
  • Operating Systems
  • Website Development

Word counts: 2000 – 4000 (at least 1500 already in the Project Plan template that will provided to you to work on)


The project will be in four phases.

Phase one

Australian Agricultural Transitions

The main farming products for this assignment are potatoes because it is a common and cool seasonal vegetable in Australia. Most areas in Australia support the growth of potatoes because of the soils and seasons, which are more favorable. The most important agricultural digital transition I think would work well for potato farming in Australia is the use of Water Level Monitor.

About Water Level Monitor

Since many farmers sometimes face a lot of food losses due to uncontrolled water levels, Water Level Monitor would be an efficient technology to help Australian farmers keep track of the waters levels in tanks, dams and boreholes. Water Level Monitor helps farmers detect any issues early enough such as leaks in their water storages. It also saves on time and cost of labor fuel, making the farmers work easier.

Skills/ Training Programs farmers need to Use Water Level Monitor.

Farmers need to understand more about the Water Level Monitor, how to interpret the results they bring and how to use it. Farmers also need to learn about how to identify problems by using technology that will help manage their farming activities. They also need to understand critical decision-making, especially since they will need to solve all problems relating to the farm as soon as Water Level Monitor picks up a problem.

Data map for future training and education programs

After training the farmers on the above skills they must learn, they will need to have more training and education programs on how to boost crop yield in potato farming and how they can maintain their production at a high level. They also need to learn about prevention measures for decreased potato yields.

Strategy for Education Interventions

First, it will be important to identify the educational needs and specific areas the farmers need education on. Conduct a planning process for the farmers and train them progressively, ensuring all farmers are on track with all training. Check for feedback from the farmers about the education programs to see whether they are on track. It is also important to monitor their progress.

Strategy for capability Development Frameworks

When developing a capability development framework, it is important first to outline the principles of the competency framework. Identifying the purpose and structure of the competency model will also help in the framework. Assemble the project draft competency framework and get ready to start it.

Phase 2

Research and experiments that will lead to phase 3 and phase 4

Phase 3

product to engage and educate farmers to use innovations. It will be based on AI, machine learning, and the urge and want to use cloud storage and cybersecurity.

Phase 4

Delivery of the crop products, including resources needed and staff


Business case (document attached). The aim of the business case is to ask for seed money for phase one ONLY:

  • developing a drone service like this one:
  • get the data into an interface (app, etc.)
  • get farmers to be interested and engaged to use digital technologies
  • provide farers with educational and training programs to get them engaged to use digital technologies such as the one above

ISM 3011 UCF Trello Website Analysis


Step 1: Navigate to (Links to an external site.), sign-up for a free account, and then watch the following video – (Links to an external site.)

Minimize Video. This is a quick overview video of how to use Trello, by Trello. It includes details on how to share your Trello board with others, though note that you do not need to do that for this assignment. The purpose of this video is to highlight the basic features and functionality of Trello so that you are well equipped to complete step 2.

Step 2: Plan out the remainder of the assignments/tasks for this class and this semester using a Trello board (Weeks 10-16). I know that everyone organizes themselves in different ways, so you have full autonomy to decide what you want to name your Trello board, as well as your card/column headings, and other details, though your submission (which will be a screenshot of your Trello board) must contain the following at a minimum:

  1. The readings from the syllabus (if you scroll to the bottom of the course syllabus, you’ll see that I’ve built a calendar out, where I list what it is that needs to be done on a weekly basis). As an example, on Week 10, I specify to read both Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. This should be included somewhere on your Trello board as a task, along with all of the subsequent readings that are listed on the syllabus.
  2. The graded deliverables due from the syllabus. There is a column in the “Course Calendar” section of the syllabus that says “Graded Deliverables Due”. These items need to be on your Trello board (there are 10 items from Week 10-16 that should be included from that column).
  3. Due dates for both the readings and graded deliverables. When adding your readings and graded deliverables as tasks, please be sure to add due dates by clicking on the task in Trello, and by then clicking on the “Dates” area. Here you can add dates (the video shows how to do this as well). 
  4. Some form of indicating that you are “Done” with a task. This can be a card/column titled “Done”, where you put everything that you’ve finished. If you come up with another creative way to indicate that something is done, that is fine too. If something is “Done”, I also expect to see it in the “Done” section, which again, you have full autonomy on defining what that looks like. 

Please note that there is an incredible amount of flexibility with this assignment and that I am just looking for the items that I note above. If I do not specify a setting, you do not need to worry about it, though I encourage you to explore the various features and functionalities of the platform so that you can get the most out of it, and potentially use it as a tool to help with time management this semester, and in others as well :-). You are also free to add other things to your Trello board, though please make it clear what is specific to ISM3011 (you can use labels in Trello to do this). 

What do I need to submit?

It’s easy-peasy. A screenshot of your Trello board that shows all of the items listed in step 2. That’s all! Please be sure that your screenshot covers everything, and if you need to submit multiple screenshots to make everything fit, that’s fine too (just submit multiple screenshots at once in your submission). 

Saudi Electronic University Regional Economic Integration Discussion


Regional economic integration improves the political cooperation between the neighboring states and reduces the potential for violent conflict.

Do you agree or disagree? Provide your views with examples.

You are required to reply to at least two peer answers. These post replies must need to be substantial and constructive.


Regional economic integration improves the political cooperation between neighboring states. Also, it helps to reduce conflicts in the states since it offers members in the states preferential trade access through custom unions, economic unions, common market, and free trade. In free and open trading activities, political cooperation between the states involved is enhanced. Peaceful political cooperation between states has numerous benefits for peaceful coexistence between the involved parties and members; hence, violent conflict abstains at all costs.

Regional economic benefits have advantages for the involved members of states. First, it creates job opportunities for the residents of these states – it helps remove restrictions on economic integration and labor movement; by so doing, state members coexist peacefully hence promoting political stability. Regional economic integration also creates trade by removing investment and trade barriers in the involved states. This factor promotes the growth rate of the involved states and lower prices for consumers; hence, peaceful coexistence is promoted. In addition, Regional economic integration also promotes consensus, cooperation, and increased trust in the involved states (Strachan, 2018). This factor has a high impact on political stability and peaceful coexistence in the involved states since it facilitates regional similarities, agreements, and understanding in the involved states.

An example of regional economic integration in North America is The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), whose primary goal is to encourage free trade within Mexico, the USA, and Canada. NAFTA has had numerous advantages in promoting peaceful existence and political stability. CAFTA-DR regional trade has also impacted peaceful and political stability within North America and Central American states.


Regional economic integration is a course of action among countries that regularly incorporates the decrease or end of exchange boundaries and the coordination of money related and monetary approaches. Financial mix expects to lessen costs for the two buyers and makers and to increment exchange between the nations engaged with the arrangement.

I agree that regional economic integration very useful and will provide many benefits, including :

  • It ordinarily prompts a decrease in the expense of exchange, further developed accessibility of labor and products and a more extensive choice of them, and gains in effectiveness that lead to more prominent buying power.
  • It will quite often improve on the grounds that exchange progression prompts market extension, innovation sharing, and cross-line venture.
  • Political collaboration among nations additionally can improve due to more grounded monetary ties, which give a motivation to determine clashes calmly and lead to more noteworthy security.


The most famous example on this subject that adequately illustrates the term is the European Union (EU). The European Union (EU) was made in 1993 and included 27 part states in 2022. Beginning around 1999, 19 of those countries have embraced the euro as a common money. As per information from The World Bank, the EU represented generally 18% of the world’s total national output.

The United Kingdom casted a ballot in 2016 to leave the EU. In January 2020 British legislators and the European Parliament casted a ballot to acknowledge the United Kingdom’s withdrawal. The UK authoritatively split from the EU on January 1, 2021.

Advanced Accounting Forecasting Problem Set Excel Spreadsheet


The purpose of financial forecasts is to assess current and future fiscal conditions to inform policy and other important decisions. Financial forecasts are fiscal management tools that presents estimated information based on past, current, and projected financial conditions. This assignment will measure your understanding of the purpose for, and importance of financial forecasts and how they contribute to decision making. Before beginning the assignment, please read the rubrics carefully to understand the expectations and how your work will be graded. Please write your answers succinctly and remain on topic, answering only to what is asked.

Problem Set

Stock Price Forecast

Stock Prices Forecast Graph

Problem # 1: Refer to the stock price forecast table provided and any other resource material you deem necessary to address the following:

  • Summarize the forecast using 6-10 brief bullet points
  • In 100-200 words explain how the forecasters might have utilized the historical data for the stock price to forecast future stock prices and the methodology for forecasting that the forecaster might have used.
  • What assumptions did the forecaster use? What might be some of the rational for making the assumptions? How would different assumptions affect the forecast? (100-200 words)
  • If you were advising investors regarding the organization’s stocks, what would you tell them? Comment on when, and how much (if any) investment should be done, the return they can expect, time frames, and possible risks. (100-200 words)

Problem # 2: For this question, please refer to the Dino’s After School Trial Balance with ending totals for December 31, 2014 in the table below:

Account Balance ($)
Checking 15,220
Savings 58,500
Money Market 41,650
Pre-Paid Rent 5,400
Accounts Receivable 81,000
Accounts Receivable Allowances -6,500
Machinery 122,600
Equipment 80,300
Automobiles 67,500
Accounts Payable 60,000
Loans Payable 21,300
Equity 384,370
  1. Using an Excel Spreadsheet, create the Balance Sheet for Dino’s After School.
  2. Using the information obtained from your Balance Sheet, calculate any one (1) liquidity and any one (1) leverage ratio.
  3. Comment on the financial position of the organization, specific to the two ratios you calculated. What is the main reason that Dino’s (and other organizations) need a Balance Sheet? (100-200 words)

Problem # 3: Please refer to the corporate tax rates table and the Gross Profit Chart below:

Account Balance ($)
0 to 50,000 15%
50,000 to 75,000 $7,500 + 25% of the amount over 50,000
75,000 to 100,000 $13,750 + 34% of the amount over 75,000
100,000 to 335,000 $22,250 + 39% of the amount over 100,000
335,000 to 10,000,000 $113,900 + 34% of the amount over 335,000
10,000,000 to 15,000,000 $3,400,000 + 35% of the amount over 10,000,000
15,000,000 to 18,333,333 $5,150,000 + 38% of the amount over 15,000,000
18,333,333 and up 35%
Fiscal Year Gross Profit ($)
June, 2009 – May, 2010 261,100
June, 2011 – May, 2012 277,500
June, 2012 – May, 2013 292,000
June, 2013 – May, 2014 300,900
  1. Given the information provided here perform your own calculations to show the amount of corporate tax paid for each of the four (4) fiscal years covered in the table above.
  2. Is there a pattern? Explain the pattern and what it may suggest about the future performance of the organization. How can this conclusion advise investors and organizational decision makers?
  3. If there was a 20% reduction in the Gross Profit for fiscal year 6/12 – 5/13, how might this have changed the gross profit expectations for the 6/13 – 5/14 fiscal year? Provide rationale.
  4. Calculate the total expected taxes that would have been paid for these two fiscal years, with the 20% reduction in 6/12 – 5/13 and the resultant expected change in the 6/13 – 5/14 gross profit.

Problem # 4: Explain the concept of departmentalized accounting and the importance of collaboration between departments within an organization, to its success. You may use organizational examples. (200-350 words)