BUS 109 UW US Airline Industry Analysis


Part I.
Based on the information from the attached “handout” BUS109-03-AirlineIndustry.pdf, please conduct a PESTEL analysis on the US airline industry. Remember to discuss each of the six factors, even if you can’t find much information on it. This is where you can speculate or draw logical conclusions/make assumptions about how the US airline industry is likely affected by the six factors. For each factor write a paragraph in which you:

  1. Identify the issues that make up a given factor.
  2. Clearly state whether that factor’s impact is positive or negative and strong or weak.

Each of the 6 paragraphs will be graded out of 4 points as outlined in the syllabus: 4 indicating outstanding analysis, 3 complete analysis, 2 adequate analysis, 1 incomplete analysis, and 0 points will be given for answers that miss the point of the question or are missing outright.

Part II.
Based on the US airline handout BUS109-03-AirlineIndustry.pdf and your own knowledge of the industry, write one MAIN post on any of these questions.


  1. Comparing the US (most air travel restricted or suspended) with China or Russia (most air travel back to normal), which PESTEL factors are different based on the article’s description? To what extent do those factors influence the airlines ability to operate?
  2. Do you think Airbus and Boeing are strongly affected by the factors described in the handout? Explain what affects their performance and to what extent they suffer more/ less than the airlines.
  3. Expressing your own opinion, do you believe that our air travel experience will “go back to normal” after the pandemic is under control? Explain why/why not, and if not, how & why it will be different. Include a discussion of ticket prices.
  4. The airline industry was severely disrupted by the pandemic. What other industries are interdependent with the airline industry and how were they affected directly and indirectly by the pandemic? Choose 1-2 industries and describe their interdependence and impact on its profitability.

Johnson and Wales University Marketing Discussion Questions



  1. In order, list the stages in the buying process. Describe what happens at each stage.


    1. The history of marketing can be broken down into four eras – the production orientation era, the selling orientation era, the product orientation era and the value orientation era. Roughly, during what period of time did each occur? How could each best be characterized?

      QUESTION 3

      1. There are four general methods of segmenting buyers. Name the four. Provide a brief description of how each method segments buyers and two examples of specific groups or characteristics included in each.

        QUESTION 4

        1. An attractive target market has six characteristics. Name them.

          QUESTION 5

          1. You own a small independent restaurant that you need to promote. You are going to create a promotion plan. You can employ any of the methods included in the promotional mix – advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling. Address each option and determine whether it is likely to be effective for you and whether you will use it. Provide a brief description of how you will specifically use it.

            QUESTION 6

            1. A marketing strategy can take one of four generic forms – market penetration, market development, product development, or diversification. Provide a brief discription for each strategy, being sure to address the kind of market and product each strategy includes.

              QUESTION 7

              1. Business to Consumer Marketing Channels can include three categories of intermediaries. Name the three intermediaries and provide a brief description of the function of each.

                QUESTION 8

                1. Porter’s Five Forces are Substitute Products, Potential Entrants in the Marketplace, The Bargaining Power of Suppliers, the Bargaining Power of Buyers and Competitive Rivalry. Apply each of these factors to two very different operations within the food service industry, a small frozen yogurt retail shop and a feed lot for cattle. Which business is easier to get into? Which business is easier to stay in? Explain your answer.
                2. All eight have to be answered as essay questions.
                3. MLA 9, sources cited as neccesary.
                4. Principles of Marketing Open Library Textbook: Read All chapters referenced as neccesary.

Personal Mental Models: Analysis Activity


Utilizing material from the course and from personal experience, and using a semantic differential dataset type of data, you will create a personal grounding theory model (using a repertory grid used in personal construct theory) to help frame decision making.


  1. Read through the resources below.
  2. Identify an organizational process that would not likely have an established procedure and thus relies highly on heuristics (personal judgment) and a variety of outcomes or procedures. For example, what email to reply to first in an inbox backlog.
  3. Construct a simple repertory grid with all elements pre-supplied.
  4. Design a simple experiment to build an improved process based on the results from three groups of individuals: low performers, mid-range performers, and high performers.
  5. Submit the grid design and the proposed experiment.

Further Resources:


Beasley, T. (2015, March 19). How to Measure Attitudes with Semantic Differential. SurveyGizmo. https://www.surveygizmo.com/resources/blog/how-to-measure-attitudes-with-semantic-differential-questions/.

Cherry, K. (2020, May 1). Why Do People Have Different Interpretations of the Same Event? Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-personal-construct-theory-2795957.

Curtis, Aaron & Wells, Taylor & Higbee, Trevor & Lowry, Paul. (2008). An Overview and Tutorial of the Repertory Grid Technique in Information Systems Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 23. 10.17705/1CAIS.02303.

Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R., & Holman, D. (1996). Using repertory grids in management. Journal of European Industrial Training, 20(3), 3-30. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090599610114138

Mankin, D. P. (2006). The easy guide to repertory grids. Personnel Review, 35(1), 118-119. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00483480610636821

LU Leadership Discussion


The focus of our examination of leadership moves from the individual to the organization.Review the required article “Is Yours a Learning Organization (Links to an external site.),” from the Harvard Business Review. The authors recommend specific practices for learning enhancement in one’s team and organization. The article also highlights three building blocks required for creating learning organizations.

At the bottom of page 6 of the article, a web link is included where students can access the Qualtrics Learning Organization Survey (Links to an external site.). MBA 600 students are expected to complete the survey in full. To complete the online survey, students should consider their current place of employment, or a previous employer. It can be a department, class, store, office, unit, team, or club. Answer honestly and be sure to save a copy of your final screen (print or print screen, capture) which summarizes the company or work unit’s (department’s) ability and willingness to learn and transform. These results speak to the work environment’s culture, and are required as part of the assignment submission.

Assignment Expectations

To complete this activity, students should use the score sheet summary to reflect on the organization examined in the Learning Organization Survey.Students, provide a copy of the summary score sheet, and a brief answer to these presented questions:

Please be sure to include the name and description of the organization you referred to when answering the survey.

  • Which of the three “building blocks” is a strong-suit for the organization?
  • Which “building block” area requires more intentional commitment to improve?
  • How can leadership affect the organization and its culture?
  • Include suggestions for improved employee training, improved culture/reputation, and opportunities for future managers to transform the organization through leadership.

The submission does not need to be an APA paper. Instead, students should submit their capture of the completed survey of results as the first item. Then answer the assignment questions. The paper should be formatted with question first and answer below.

The Significance of Remote Working During the Pandemic Bibliography


Item 2 of the Portfolio: Annotated Bibliography (due in week 4)   

This week, you will submit an annotated bibliography for two (2) of your sources for the final project paper. Both sources should be scholarly articles from the APUS Library.  Go ahead and read the instructions for upcoming assignments so you will have a good idea of sources you might need.   

Each source (listed in alphabetical order) should have a complete Works Cited or References entry for the citation style you are using, as well as an annotation, which should be a paragraph or two summarizing and evaluating the article.  Information about the author’s credentials and publisher’s credibility should be included. Value of the sources to the final project paper should be part of the annotation. The source evaluations are worth 20% of the assignment grade, so don’t skip this. (Summaries/evaluations under one hundred words each will be considered under-developed.)  

Write in third person only. It’s a good idea to include a signal phrase, direct quote or paraphrase, and a parenthetical citation within each summary.  

Use the format appropriate to your major. You are responsible for knowing your major’s format. If you don’t know it already, you can find it here: https://apus.libguides.com/programstyleguides. Most of you will use APA format. Some will use MLA format. And a very few will use Chicago format. 

To format your Works Cited or References entries, you may use the library cite button discussed in the week four Lessons. Include the article’s web link (the https address—not just the doi) at the end of your Works Cited entry. Just copy and paste it from your web browser, if it is not already included. Examples are shown in the attached Template (which you will download) and Sample (which is attached to show you an example of what a good submission looks like). However, this does not substitute for knowing your format. This button does insert errors, and you need to correct the problems.   

CUNY York College Chapter 7 Training Methods for Bank Tellers Questions


1) Read Chapter 7, including the Case on Training Methods For Bank Tellers.

2) Answer each question in a clear and organized paragraph. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise thesis (1–2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt, and at least 3-5 additional sentences that analyze and explain how the evidence supports your thesis. 

Describe the methods or combination of methods you would recommend to train BB&T’s tellers on Apple Pay. Justify your choice of methods.Instructions:

1) Read Chapter 8, including the Case on Training Jiffy Lube Service Technicians on New Products.

2) Answer each question in a clear and organized paragraph. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise thesis (1–2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt, and at least 3-5 additional sentences that analyze and explain how the evidence supports your thesis. 

3) Incomplete responses or failure to support your response, will result in partial credit. 

4) Spelling and grammar will be graded carefully. 

a. What knowledge, skills, or behaviors should the training focus on?

b. What technology training method would you recommend for training the technicians on specialty oils? Why?

c. Briefly describe the learning features you would include in the program and discuss why you recommend including them.Instructions:

1) Read Chapter 9.

2) Answer each question in a clear and organized paragraph. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise thesis (1–2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt, and at least 3-5 additional sentences that analyze and explain how the evidence supports your thesis. 

3) Incomplete responses or failure to support your response, will result in partial credit. 

4) Spelling and grammar will be graded carefully. 

Discussion Questions on page xxx.

#2- List and explain the characteristics of effective 360-degree feedback systems.

#3- Why do companies develop formal mentoring programs? What are the potential benefits for the mentor? For the protege?

#6= What is coaching? Is there one type of coaching? Explain. 

#12- Explain the four steps in onboarding. What should new hires learn at each step? How might social media or the Internet aid the onboarding process?

SEU Diversification Strategy Discussion


Corporate diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this week’s critical thinking assignment, read the case study found in your textbook: Case 16: Manchester City: Building a Multinational Soccer Enterprise, p.554 (in the textbook). 

Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

  1. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
  2. Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
  3. Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.
  4. Case Study Questions:
  5. Under what circumstances can a company extend its competitive advantage from its home market to an overseas market? Issues concerning the transferability and replicability of the firm’s competitive advantage are critical here.

What are the distinctive features of City Football’s strategy? What mode of foreign market entry should City Football adopt? Why? Again, issues of resources and capabilities and the need for local market knowledge, distribution, and political and business connections become critical here.

What criteria can companies apply in deciding what new diversification to pursue and which should City Football apply in deciding?

  1. What changes in the financial structure, organizational structure and management systems would you recommend?

SEU Manchester City: Building a Multinational Soccer Enterprise Essay


Corporate diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this week’s critical thinking assignment, read the case study found in your textbook: Case 16: Manchester City: Building a Multinational Soccer Enterprise, p.554 (in the textbook). 

Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

  1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.
  2. Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.
  3. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
  4. Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
  5. Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

  1. Under what circumstances can a company extend its competitive advantage from its home market to an overseas market? Issues concerning the transferability and replicability of the firm’s competitive advantage are critical here.
  2. What are the distinctive features of City Football’s strategy? What mode of foreign market entry should City Football adopt? Why? Again, issues of resources and capabilities and the need for local market knowledge, distribution, and political and business connections become critical here.
  3. What criteria can companies apply in deciding what new diversification to pursue and which should City Football apply in deciding?
  4. What changes in the financial structure, organizational structure and management systems would you recommend?

Corporate Diversification Case Study Analysis Worksheet


Corporate diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this week’s critical thinking assignment, read the case study found in your textbook: Case 16: Manchester City: Building a Multinational Soccer Enterprise, p.554 (in the textbook). 

Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

  1. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
  2. Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
  3. Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.
  4. Case Study Questions:
  5. Under what circumstances can a company extend its competitive advantage from its home market to an overseas market? Issues concerning the transferability and replicability of the firm’s competitive advantage are critical here.

What are the distinctive features of City Football’s strategy? What mode of foreign market entry should City Football adopt? Why? Again, issues of resources and capabilities and the need for local market knowledge, distribution, and political and business connections become critical here.

What criteria can companies apply in deciding what new diversification to pursue and which should City Football apply in deciding?

  1. What changes in the financial structure, organizational structure and management systems would you recommend?

Manchester City Building a Multinational Soccer Enterprise Case Study


Corporate diversification strategies raise a wide range of strategic management issues. For this week’s critical thinking assignment, read the case study found in your textbook: Case 16: Manchester City: Building a Multinational Soccer Enterprise, p.554 (in the textbook). 

Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

  1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.
  2. Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.
  3. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
  4. Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
  5. Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

  1. Under what circumstances can a company extend its competitive advantage from its home market to an overseas market? Issues concerning the transferability and replicability of the firm’s competitive advantage are critical here.
  2. What are the distinctive features of City Football’s strategy? What mode of foreign market entry should City Football adopt? Why? Again, issues of resources and capabilities and the need for local market knowledge, distribution, and political and business connections become critical here.
  3. What criteria can companies apply in deciding what new diversification to pursue and which should City Football apply in deciding?
  4. What changes in the financial structure, organizational structure and management systems would you recommend?