SEU Telecom Company Training and Talent Development Discussion


Learning, training, and talent development are some of the most important methods to align staff with organizational strategy. They can help the organization to ensure that employees are equipped with the necessary competencies needed to address today’s ever-changing work environment (due to technological changes, marketplace disruptions, innovative practices, etc.). To ensure the effectiveness of a performance management program, learning, training, and development must be encompassed.

Select an organization that you have worked for or are currently employed by. Then, explain the following:

  1. How is learning, training, and talent development incorporated into the performance management system?
  2. Imagine you are the HR Manager for this company. Explain what you would do to ensure that the learning, training, and talent development opportunities offered enhance workplace success and also meet the needs of Saudi Vision 2030.

It is important to present an in-depth analysis and integrate sufficient support from scholarly resources throughout the assignment. Use suitable headings and subheadings to organize the work in an appropriate manner. Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.


Haider, S., & Kayani, U. N. (2020, May 11). The impact of customer knowledge management capability on project performance-mediating role of strategic agility. Knowledge Management, June 2020.

Patel, B., Patel, A., & Sharma, A. (2020). Examining the role of HR professionals in developing efficient and effective performance management systems. AAYAM: AKGIM Journal of Management, 10(1), 17-24.

Rever Team. (2019, February 27). 6 continuous improvement tools & techniques. Retrieved from…

Liberty University Organizational Communication in Workplace Essay


Locate an article in the Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication. The article must be clearly related to the course content and have the potential to contribute significant analysis and substantial engagement with the course topic.

For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling. You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis.

As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis. Be certain to suggest communication techniques to manage functional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolve dysfunctional conflict.

Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least two peer-reviewed sources. Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The critical review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.


Part 2 Discussion post – 500 words

When discussing communication, Auditor General Randall L. Exley explains that how a person communicates (i.e., what channels he or she uses) is just as important as the message. He also feels that receiving feedback is often more important than sending a message. Knowing your receivers and establishing a relationship with them is vital (Skidmore-Williams, 2013).

What do you think about Exley’s ideas about communication? Do you agree that it is more about listening than talking? Is audience analysis as important of a concept as he believes it to be? Explain.

LAW 401 Saudi electronic university Corporate Law Case Study


The Question:

You are the Chairman of the Board of a well-known, publicly traded corporation. You are personally responsible for convincing the Board to fund a new product design that ultimately failed when it was placed on the market, causing extreme losses for the corporation. The shareholders now want to hold you personally responsible for all the losses to the corporation and have filed a derivative lawsuit in the name of the corporation in which you are the defendant. Please describe how you would defend yourself using the Business Judgment Rule. Create and describe any facts you think will support your position under this Rule. Limit your facts to only those that will support your position under this Rule and no others.

Tips for answer:

1. Issues what is the business judgment rule (definition, etc.)

2. What do you argue to prevent the defendant. (Make sure to gather all information, admit if the decision is 100% is loyal to corporation, and talk about Good Faith.

In other word, describe first, what is the business judgement rule? And then you’re going to describe how you’re just make up the facts by the way, how your, just logic make up how you know, or what proof you would have that this person was acting 100% loyal to the company and the decision that they generally made a competent decision somehow because maybe they did a market survey, they did lots of, you know, get all the information that could possibly find to decide on which product they were going to put out. And number three, that they were dealing in good faith. Don’t forget about good faith, make sure you put in good faith and why.

Please solve based on the BOOK uploaded below. No plagiarism at all. APA style references.

Ashford University Microsoft Corporation Business Question


This paper will require you to apply organizational theories, concepts, and perspectives from the module readings to your approved organization from Module 1.

Define your approved organization as you wish in terms of the whole or of the part that is most relevant. In 1-2 pages, provide a description of two to three problems identified. Your description need not be elaborate but should provide enough information to enable someone unfamiliar with the organizational issues to understand the essentials. This portion should be just the facts, a description, not an analysis of the key events. If using a personal workplace, feel free to disguise names of people and the organization if you desire.

After you have set the foundation, apply theories learned from the course to analyze your chosen organization and its identified problems. Utilizing the three perspectives, ensure clarity is evident on areas of which system, organizational environment, and changes as part of your analysis.

Lastly, provide a personal perspective that discusses what you would implement to address the problems to move the organization forward as part of the evolving changes for organizations today.


The following is required for your completed research paper assignment:

The paper must be written using current APA format and must include a title page, an abstract, and a reference list. These are not included in the word count.

The paper must have a minimum of 2,500 words and a maximum of 3,000 words.

The paper must be submitted as a Word document (.doc). Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

First person narrative is not permitted.

Do not use bullets or listing anywhere in the paper.

The reference page must include a minimum of the following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper):

Course textbook

Scripture and Merida text

7 peer-reviewed scholarly sources

ECOM 500 CUNY Brooklyn College Aligning IT Strategies to Business Strategies Essay


Delta Corporation has been very impressed with the progress it has made with its new product line and the new marketing approach that you recommended and instigated. As a result, it is now considering expanding this approach for its other product lines, providing them with the ability to market and sell all of its products online. However, it has not considered the implications for its IT department in developing this type of plan. As the Social Media Marketing Consultant, you are familiar with integrating business and IT strategic planning. They have called upon you to provide advice. You need to:

  • Explain what the company needs to consider if it is going to move to a more on-line approach for its sales and marketing activities. In particular, describe the consequences for its IT department and why they need to be involved in the planning phase.
  • Given the likely increase in costs associated with this move, you need to outline the potential benefits and possible pitfalls of outsourcing the IT maintenance and development.
  • Outline some strategic technology trends that the company may wish to monitor and consider for the future.
  • Finally, research a company in Saudi Arabia and discuss whether they were able to align their overall strategy and their IT strategy. If they were successful discuss how they managed this alignment and what benefits they gained from doing so. If they were not so successful, explain how and why you felt that occurred.

– Your well-written report should be 5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

– To make it easier to read and therefore grade, make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question.

-Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least three references as appropriate.

– Each part carries equal weight in terms of length

Saudi Electronic University Management Case Study


Read the case given and answer the questions: Nawal was the first of her family to go to college and, after working in a reputed organization for a few years, she got into her first-choice graduate program. During her first semester, Nawal was seen as mature, professional, and well-organized. Concerns emerged during the spring semester; she seemed distracted when on campus and was absent from organization more days than she was present. She was working on a paper, but progress was slow, and in March Nawal failed to turn in a draft on the date promised. Her advisor Dr. Hamed assumed that more structure was needed, so she began to set very explicit expectations for products with specific deadlines attached. During their meetings, Nawal was enthusiastic about her projects and eagerly promised to get the work done. However, the pattern of failing to deliver kept repeating itself. Finally, after an extended stretch when Nawal was absent from the organization and had missed a deadline for a draft, Dr. Hamed called her in to ask if she was serious about her work. Nawal teared up and revealed that her mother was seriously ill, and she had been driving the three hours back home every weekend for the last several months to help her family. She had thought it inappropriate to mention her family crisis, not wanting to acknowledge that her personal life was interfering with her graduate studies. She asked Dr. Hamed if she should withdraw from the program.

Q1. What are the main themes raised in this case?

Q2. What is the best course of action for this student for the immediate future?

Q3. How can organization develop successful mentoring programs to help its work force?

Q4. What policy changes might the department implement to avoid a repeat of the situation in the future, with another student?

UNLV Management Discussion


Can you help me do these Chapter 9 questions, Chapter 9 Application Statement, Chapter 10 questions, Chapter 10 application statement?

Chapter 9 questions

question 1 What resources and capabilities did Disney and Matteleach bring to an alliance

question 2 Starbucks has created strategic alliances with Barnes& Noble and Target. Why might these companies want a Starbucks inside theirstores? Would this be a slow, fast, or standard-cycle market?

question 3 Microsoft started licensing its operating system to IBMin 1980. What type of business level cooperative strategy was that. Explain(2-3 sentences)

question 4 Identify a major company that uses internationalstrategic alliances. What type of company are they working with and why wouldthey do so?

question 5 How could a cost-minimization approach to managingcooperative strategies affect innovation?

Chapter 9 Application Statement

As you review the chapter, identify key conceptsand applythose concepts to a company. You may use an organization that you work for, areinterested in, or choose a public company that you are familiar with. The totalassignment should be about a page, double spaced, although you are welcome towrite more if you wish.

Chapter 10 questions

question 1 What could an owner do to avoid hiring a CEO that mightpursue their own interests?

question 2 How might owning stock in your company influencedirector’s behavior?

question 3 What potential benefits or drawbacks might come fromstock options as part of CEO compensation?

question 4 What are potential outcomes for shareholders if CEOsuse defense tactics to avoid a takeover in a struggling firm?

question 5 What corporate governance concerns might you have whenexpanding a company to different countries?

Chapter 10 Application Statement

As you review the chapter, identify key conceptsand applythose concepts to a company. You may use an organization that you work for, areinterested in, or choose a public company that you are familiar with. The totalassignment should be about a page, double spaced, although you are welcome towrite more if you wish.

University College London Business Paper


Before working on the assignment, you are expected to have read Chapter 14 of the book The Goal, by Goldratt and Cox.

I uploaded the pdf which shows the details of coursework and readings .

Submission consists of two files: a MS Excel spreadsheet with the results of your simulation; and a MS Word file with your 1200-1500 words report.


The Theory of Constraints, introduced and popularised by the book The Goal. A Process of Ongoing Improvement. by Eliyahu Goldratt and Jeff Cox, is a body of knowledge that deals with all the obstacles that limit or constraint the organisation’s ability to achieve its goals.

In this work you will use a spreadsheet to conduct a simulation that replicates the experiment ran in Chapter 14 of the book by a group of boy scouts. This work will be explained and partially developed during tutorial sessions 2 and 3 (weeks 27 [5] and 29 [7], and 28 [6] and 30 [8], depending on your

tutorial group) and must be finished and submitted as an individual work by the end of Week 34 (Friday 29nd of April 2022).
The submission consists of the MS Excel file containing the simulation exercises, and a 1200-1500 words essay answering the questions indicated in the

statement of the problem.
The essay should also include:

A short description of the experiment within the context of the book chapter.

A thorough reflection about the impact of bottlenecks on a company’s processes. You should show that you clearly understand what a bottleneck is in an industrial or service process, and how can a manager avoid and/or correct them. Your reflection should link what you observed in the simulation experiment with real life situations in industrial and service settings.

The report must include some graphic support.
Further details of the exercise are provided in the document associated to this specification form.

WMBA 6695 Walden University W3 Crisis Communication Guidelines Report


For this Assignment, you are a member of the executive team for a global nonprofit aimed at improving health and reducing child mortality rates in the developing world. Funding for the organization comes primarily from private donors (mainly in the U.S. and Canada) and through foundation grants. You have just learned that a shipment of straw-type personal water filters provided (but not manufactured by) your organization have been found to be defective. These filters are widely distributed by your organization in areas with contaminated water supplies and have proven highly effective at reducing instances of water-borne infections caused by bacteria and parasites. However, reports are coming in of increased illness rates from contaminated water in the areas where this shipment was distributed.

You have been asked, as a member of a quickly convened crisis response team, to outline a crisis communication response plan for the organization with an accompanying rationale (with appropriate academic and professional sources to support your report) that will be reviewed by the CEO, Mary Stevenson. Your communications report should be 7–9 pages in total (4–5 pages for Part 1 and 3–4 pages for Part 2), not including title page, references page, and appendix (with your completed Stakeholder Worksheet).

To prepare for this Assignment:

Download the Module 3 Assignment Template. Note: Be sure to keep a copy of your completed Assignment this week, as you will be adding to the same file for your Week 8 Assignment.

By Day 7

Submit Part 1 of your communications report in which you address the following in 4–5 pages (excluding references):

  • Part 1: Crisis Communication Guidelines

Identify key guidelines and/or principles to use in responding appropriately to a crisis, including social media considerations.

Illustrate steps for Ms. Stevenson to follow in formulating an effective and appropriate crisis message.

Choose methods for communicating with both virtual and geographically dispersed teams and stakeholders..

Management Essay



Marketing in the digital age is very dynamic; it is necessary to monitor multiple digital channels and platforms to engage with your target audience without missing any opportunity. Digital channels and platforms are measurable and allow for monitoring performance of your marketing efforts in real time.

As a regional marketing director in the course scenario, you are tasked with designing a phased marketing strategy for reopening the park. You have already done an analysis of brand implications and have identified suitable traditional marketing methods to address the marketing needs for park reopening. As the organization has chosen a blended approach (traditional plus digital) for marketing, your CMO wants you to create a digital marketing strategy to go with the traditional marketing strategy you already determined.


Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation to help other directors in the scenario understand the importance of digital marketing for brand awareness. Create speaker notes, if necessary, for each slide. Specifically, you need to address the following criteria:

1. How will you use digital marketing to enhance brand awareness ? (slide 1)

2. Identify two digital marketing methods that can be used for brand awareness and support with reasons. (slides 2–3)

– Define short-term and long-term goals for brand awareness in the digital marketing strategy.

– How will you determine the balance between the digital and traditional marketing?

– How will the identified methods help you reach the target audience?

– How will you measure the performance of your marketing efforts?

3. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search performance. (slides 4–5)

– Identify five keywords you will use to improve web search performance, and justify your strategy for keyword selection.

– How will you redesign or rewrite the content of your website to support SEO strategy?

4. Describe the inbound marketing efforts. (slide 6)

– How can they help in brand awareness?

– Define the required content strategy for inbound marketing.