Saudi Electronic University Management Essay


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Demonstrate different management and leadership styles for different situations. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY

Submission Date by students:  30/4/2022

Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre via blackboard.

Weight: 10 Marks

We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage

Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly. 

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order. (3 Marks) 

2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion. (3 Marks)

Make sure that: 

a) The answer is logical and coherent 

b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs 

c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style. 

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit. (4 Marks)

Write an essay on the following topic in about 1000-1200 words.

“Leadership approach is essential for the growth and success of an organsiation. In the light of this statement, select two organizations with different leadership approaches. Compare and contrast the different leadership approaches prevailing in these organizations and their relevance in the present day context

Excelsior College M7.4 Submit: People Management Tools Paper


Technologies are widely available to assist in employee goal setting and satisfaction surveys. Talent analytics can help leaders identify better approaches to performance, engagement, and even development. People management platforms help leaders to better visualize and make meaning of people’s data.

Example people management tools include:

  • Engagedly (Links to an external site.)
  • 15five (Links to an external site.)
  • Lattice (Links to an external site.) You have been assigned to a side project for SpeedyPro. They would like for you to review three systems that provide a virtual space for goal setting, as well as employee surveys. Do some research on the Web to locate three such products. Write a review comparing the features each system provides, pricing (if provided), and any initial reviews you can provide. In the end, make a recommendation to SpeedyPro based on your research. Be sure to cite your research. Your full report should be at least 500 words and in APA format with a title page and reference page. Be sure to cite your research. Your recommendation should:

  • Introduce and compare the features of each tool.
  • Describe ways in which SpeedyPro can utilize the features of these tools to improve productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Describe 3 examples of employee goals and metrics managers can use to assess the accomplishment of these goals.
  • How SpeedyPro could maximize the use of satisfaction surveys.
  • Any initial challenges SpeedyPro might face in implementing such a tool and possible ways to alleviate these challenges.

CUNY BCC Common Stock Versus Preferred Stock Project


M7.1 Discussion [ This one M7.1 Discussion is due tomorrow the rest would be for Saturday morning].

For this discussion, please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of issuing common stock versus preferred stock. Also, please discuss why a company might wanna buy back their stock from their investors?

Submission Instructions

Submit your initial post by Thursday and responses to one of your peers by Sunday.

M7.1 Assignment – Chapter 11

Your assignment for chapter 11 is to complete the following items from the textbook:

  • Exercise 11.3
  • Exercise 11.4
  • Problem 11.8A

M7.2 Discussion

Did you know that improper revenue recognition tops SEC Frauds? According to, “The most well-known example of this scheme involved WorldCom. The company in 2002 overstated its net income by more than $9 billion, in part by improperly capitalizing operating expenses” (Freedman, 2020).

Submission Instructions

  • For this discussion, identify why companies might misrepresent their true earnings. Find an example of a company that has engaged in improper revenue recognition and briefly discuss what it did (like the example given above). Hint: you might try search terms like, “companies that have misrepresented their earnings” or “accounting scandals” or “financial shenanigans”. Please cite your sources.
  • Submit your initial post by Thursday and responses to one of your peers by Sunday.
  • The prompt serves as a starting point for the discussion. Your instructor and you are expected to expand on the topics covered in this module by adding additional discussion topics.

Freedman, R. (2020, August 20). Improper revenue recognition tops SEC Fraud Cases. CFODive.

M7.2 Assignment – Chapter 12

Your assignment for chapter 12 is to complete the following items from the textbook:

  • Problem 12.2A
  • Problem 12.6A
  • Problem 12.9A
  • Problem C8
  • Problem C9

Saudi Electronic University Strategic Management Discussion


  • Discussion questions

  • Is the evaluation and control process appropriate for a corporation that emphasizes creativity? Are control and creativity compatible? Discuss. Max 300 words
  • What skills should a person have for managing a business unit following a differentiation strategy? Why? What should a company do if no one is available internally and the company has a policy of promotion from within? Max 400 words
  • Why is an understanding of national cultures important in strategic management? Max 300 word

    • Case study

    An acquisition is a situation whereby one firm (acquiring firm) purchases most or all of another firm’s (acquired firm) shares in order to take control. From real national/international market, select an example of an acquisition between two firms and answer the following questions:

  • Briefly introduce the chosen acquiring and acquired firms (Industry, activity, nationality, market position, …). Max 100 words
  • Explain the different reasons for this acquisition.
  • Was this acquisition successful? Why?
  • Evaluate the competitive advantage of the acquiring company (after the acquisition).
  • What is the method used by the acquiring firm to manage the culture of the acquired firm? underline the pros and cons of this method.
  • ——————————————————————————————-

Own opinion, answer the following questions:
1. Why is it crucial that corporations employ effective corporate governance? Support your argument by discussing its goals and benefits. .

2. Discuss the characteristics that differentiate strategic decisions from tactical decisions. Include an example.

3. To which extent do you believe that conducting stakeholder analysis is critical in strategic management? Why?

4. Discuss the importance of establishing a competitive intelligence program. In which ways can this program benefit your organization?

SEU Organization Structure and Culture Horizon Consulting Case Study Questions


Case Study & Discussion questions

Please read the Case-3.2 “Horizon Consulting.”from Chapter 3 “Organization: Structure and Culture” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 101-103 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers.  Answer the following questions for Part-1, Part-2.

Part-1: Case study questions

  • How successful was the post-meeting? Explain in 100 words (1 Mark).
  • What factors contributed to the success or failure of this meeting? Explain in 100 words (1 Mark).
  • What kind of project management structure does Horizon use? Is it the right structure? Explain in 300 words (4 Marks)
  • Going to college is analogous to working in a matrix environment in that most students take more than one class and must distribute their time across multiple classes. What problems does this situation create for you? How does it affect your performance? How could the system be better managed to make your life less difficult and more productive? (2 Marks) (150-200 words)
  • You work for Barbata Electronics. Your R&D people believe they have come up with an affordable technology that will double the capacity of existing MP3 players and use an audio format that is superior to MP3. The project is code named KYSO (Knock Your Socks Off). What kind of project management structure would you recommend they use for the KYSO project? What information would you like to have to make this recommendation and why? (2 Marks) (150-200 words).

Part-2: Discussion questions

Please read Chapter 3 “Organizaton: Structure and Culture” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

PBSC The Legal and Ethical Environment of A Business Case Study


1) FOR CASE BRIEF (600 words or more)  Please write a short synopsis of the case using the brief outline below no longer than two pages. The synopsis should be typed, double-spaced, times new roman 12 font and printed in black ink.  

Case brief written assignment expectations:

Facts: This should be a quick list of facts, but make sure to include any legally significant facts.

Procedural history: These are notes about the journey the case has taken through the court system.

  • Issue presented: What is the legal issue that the court is discussing? Note, there can be more than one issue.

Holding: This is the ruling of the court. If the issue presented is a question for the court to answer, then the holding is the answer to that question.

  • Legal reasoning: This is a quick summary of the thought process used by the court to reach their conclusion.

Rule of law: If the court applied any rules of law that are important, you want to write that down too.

  • Concurring or dissenting opinions (if any): If your casebook included a concurring or dissenting opinion in your reading, you will need to read it carefully. It is there for a reason.

Citation: Required. 

  • 2) FOR DISCUSSION:  350 words or more

Summarize the duty to bargain and how it flows with contract administration.

  • Explain what the balance is in the power between labor and management, including the recognition of unfair labor practices by unions.

Find one recent news article related to ethics and labor and management What is the ethical dilemma? Why do you think the businesses, managers, and/or employees behaved in an ethical or unethical manner?

Policies and Procedures Recreational of Files on The Share Drives Presentation


I have a PDF file with 4 departments policies and procedures. I need them to be transferred into PowerPoint steps and shapes in a nice visual and professional way, I need each slide with boxes to be followed with a slide that explains it, I need everything to be listed in order, for example: I want to see all the procedures in order in the beginning and then talk about each procedure in a separate slide in details, one slide with boxes followed by a slide that explains the boxes. Also I need the slides headlines to be clear and related (in order please). If you feel the process are related, put them in one slide, I don’t want to leave an empty slide with only one or two sentences. Furthermore, I need all the workflow to be recreated and in the slide headline I need to know what the workflow is for (list the name of the procedure followed by the word workflow). Last thing, Please do the Procedures in the beginning of the presentation, and it the end list all of the policies. Please make sure to recreate all the workflow, not just copy the pictures. Also, I will attach the Organization structure for the Technical department, if you see something doesn’t make sense, you can edit or change it. You can use the workflow in the PDF file as reference I need everything to be listed in order. One last thing, I wrote a side note with some points the Powerpoint file must have, please find it attached with the other documents.

Saudi Electronic University Management Discussion


This is the topic of discussion, I want a simple and tidy answer

You’ve recently been promoted into the position of marketing manager

in the communications division of your company. Your new job involves

managing a staf and creating the publications and marketing materials
for insurance sales professionals in three regions. You have met the
directors of the three regional sales forces before, and now you ask
each one for a meeting to discuss in depth how your team can best
meet their needs. Two of the sales directors were very cordial, and each
explained what the technical demands of their areas are and how your
department can best meet their needs. However, during your meeting
with Bill—the sales director of the third region and one of your frm’s
biggest moneymakers—he lays down the law. He says that his area is
the largest of the three regions, and it produces signifcantly more
revenue for your company than the other two regions combined. “You
and your people need to know that when I say, ‘Jump,’” he says, “they
need to ask, ‘How high?’” In return, he says, he’ll recommend you and
your people for every award the company has to ofer. In addition, he
says he’ll personally give you a monetary bonus, based on your team’s
performance, at the end of the year. Although you have never heard of
a manager giving someone a bonus out of his own pocket, you suspect
that your company would frown on such a practice


would you report the conversation to your manager ? why or why not.

SEU GE’s International Operations Discussion


This week, we learned about different types of leadership directives and leadership styles. As a reflection of these principles, visit the website of General Electric, a powerful MNC in energy and power systems, health care, finance, and appliances.

Discover GE’s international operations, learn about its product lines, review its new and existing members on the board of directors, and review its latest annual report. Then answer these questions with a focus on GE’s leadership:

  1. On how many continents and in how many countries does GE do business? Does GE offer different product lines in different countries? If so, why, and if not, why not?
  2. Using the Managerial Grid (Fig.13-2), in which country or countries could GE apply each of the 5 management styles? Give examples of each of the 5 styles.
  3. Using the Managerial Grid (Fig. 13-2), which leadership style do you think the GE corporate CEO could implement on a global basis, and why?
  4. Reflect on this Module and this course and explain whether the leadership style you chose in # 3 above matches your skills, abilities, and personality. Why or why not?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with two scholarly peer-reviewed references supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ posts as well.

Purdue Global University IFRS Taxonomy and Setting Discussion


  1. “The IASB has been repeatedly accused of devising accounting standards that pay insufficient attention to the concerns and practices of companies. Some European banks and insurers complain about poor due process by the IASB, and Frits Bolkestein, European commissioner responsible for accounting matters, endorsed their concerns earlier this month.” (Financial Times, 2004, 20)

Elaborate on the concerns raised in the preceding quote, and discuss the measures that have been taken by the IASB to alleviate those concerns.

2. The Financial Times, on Tuesday, April 13, 2004, made the following comment in its editorial “Parmalat: Perennial Lessons of European Scandal: Urgent need for better enforcement and investor scepticism”: “After the accounting scandals in the US, there was an unseemly amount of crowing in Europe. As it happens, Parmalat is a much older scandal than Enron or WorldCom. It just took longer to come out at the Italian dairy company. . . . Convergence of standards—in accounting, for instance—will help spread best practice. . . . But we are nowhere near having a world super-regulator. In Italy regulation has been weak because of fragmentation and lack of clout and resources. Attempts to tackle this and to ensure regulators’ independence from political interference should be urgently pursued.” (12)

Discuss the lessons referred to above concerning the objectives of the current efforts at setting global standards for accounting and financial reporting.

3. Discuss the nature and purpose of IFRS 1 and its predecessor, IAS

4. Discuss the ways in which the terms “harmonization” and “convergence” are similar. How do they differ? Currently, what is the main objective of the IASB?