UM Personal Marketing Plan Essay
Recall,your class project is the development of a 10-12-page, double-spaced(page limits are suggestions – your plan may be longer) marketing plancentered on a very important product YOU. There were personalmarketing plan exercises at the conclusion of each chapter homeworkassignment that will aid in putting together content for thissemester-long project. You are to integrate your responses to themarketing plan exercises (along with other material of your choosing)into a compelling personal marketing plan document. This document willdetail your current personal and professional goals and aid you indeveloping a roadmap that will help you to achieve them. Please notethat the finished personal marketing plan should be more than simply astitching together of these end-of-chapter exercises. Also – propersentence structure and grammar will be a factor in grading. Your finalproject should be professional, which means you need to do a carefulproof edit prior to submission.
You should review the rubric (see below) for additional details … and be sure to include an updated resume as Appendix A.You should have 1 section in your plan for EACH of the grading rubriccategories – and please note that some categories have subheadings.Review the rubric first and make sure you follow that to set up yourpaper. You will also need to add an APA formatted title page to yourplan and save as a PDF to submit. If you cannot figure out how tointegrate your resume in the document prior to saving as a PDF, I willaccept it as a separate PDF, uploaded to the dropbox area. Be sure toreview the rubric before starting your paper!