BUS610 UM Radiohead’s New Music Release Strategy was a Stroke of Genius Case Study


  • How can you persuasively structure thinking about an evaluation?
  • Discussion of the “Radiohead” case.
  • Note on the Radiohead assignment: do not do outside research for your writing assignment. Use ONLY the information in the case.

Radiohead Writing Assignment (15/100 points)

Radiohead has hired you as a consultant and wants you to advise them on their proposed release strategy for their latest album, In Rainbows. Is the band’s release strategy for the album a stroke of genius or an invitation to disaster for the band? Why? (See below for the grading criteria.)

Word limit: 700 words

Submit your assignment on Blackboard–see the link below. Be sure to include your first name in the name of the Word file and in the document—both places!

Grading Criteria for Writing Assignment

Here is what we are looking for in this assignment:

  • Do you state an overall evaluation?
  • Do you offer compelling reasons for the evaluation that are based on relevant criteria?
  • Do you provide persuasive evidence for each reason?
  • Do you include both positives and negatives of the release strategy?
  • Is your argument easy for a reader to follow?

Required Reading (books, articles, cases):

  • Bryan A. Garner, HBR Guide to Better Business Writing, Section 2 (pp. 43-87).
  • “Radiohead” case (use the link to HBS Publishing on Blackboard–it’s at the top of this page!)

Required Reading on Blackboard (see above):

  • Handout: Example of an Evaluation Argument
  • Handout: Evaluation Argument Template

CCVB Business Financial Planning Marvin Industries Inc Paper


Chapter 12. Financial Planning and Forecasting Financial Statements.

Chapter 13. Corporate Valuation, Value-Based Management and Corporate Governance.


Performance companies focus on the links between forecasting, planning, and business strategy rather than on just cost management and cost accounting. According to John McMahan of the Hackett Group, such changes ae leading to greater forecasting accuracy, higher employee morale, and better corporate performance. The additional financing needed represents the amount of extra funding required to implement the operating plan, given the preliminary choices of capital structure and dividend payout.

Corporate governance involves the manner in which shareholders’ objectives are implemented, and it is reflected in a company’s policies and actions. Agency conflicts can occur when managers pay themselves excessive salaries and obtain unreasonably large stock options at the expense of the stockholders. There are several laws to regulate the financial markets, one of which is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Learning Objectives:

Chapter 12: Financial Planning and Forecasting Financial Statements

Learning Objectives:

Overview of Financial Planning

Financial Planning at MicroDrive Inc.

Forecasting Operations

Evaluating MicroDrive’s Strategic Initiatives

Projecting MicroDrive’s Financial Statements

Analysis and Selection of a Strategic Plan

The CFO’s Model

Additional Funds Needed (AFN) Equation

Forecasting When the Ratios Change

Chapter 13: Corporate Valuation, Value-Based Management and Corporate Governance

Learning Objectives:

Understand Agency Conflicts

Understand Corporate Governance

The Dodd-Frank Act and “Say on Pay”

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Corporate Governance

International Corporate Governance

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)

SU Business Report Worksheet


For this assignment, you will assess your managerial skills to identify ways to make improvements.

To complete this assignment, you will need to complete the Apply Your Skills Engagement Exercise: Aptitude Questionnaire on pages 30–31 in Chapter 1 of the textbook, which was assigned in Week 1. Interpret your assessment findings based on the provided scoring and interpretation instructions.


Review your assessment findings from the aptitude questionnaire and write a 3–4 page paper in which you address the following:

Summarize findings of your strengths and weaknesses in the conceptual, human, and technical skills areas, providing clear rationale.

Explain why you think you scored the way you did in each of the skills.

  1. Identify at least one resource to improve each skill area—conceptual, human, technical—for a minimum of three resources.

Provide clear rationale for each resource.

  1. Describe how your strengths can promote a positive culture in a global environment, providing examples.

Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Supply and Demand Graph and Analysis


Module 02 Content

    • Explain supply and demand mechanics and market failures.

    You are a junior executive of a new cellular phone carrier called Technologies of the Future (TOF) that competes in the same market as Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and T-Mobile. You have been asked to analyze supply and demand, market equilibrium, and market shortages and surpluses to determine the optimal price for TOF to charge for a phone. The task at hand is to graph the supply and demand curves in Excel using the values given below.

  1. Your graph must be properly constructed; please use a scatter graph with markers or a scatter graph with smooth lines. The graph should include a chart title, x-axis, y-axis, and contain a properly labeled equilibrium point.

    • Identify the firm’s equilibrium price and quantity in the market.
    • Draw on your graph a price ceiling and a price floor and discuss what those terms mean. Explain which government-mandated price would result in a market shortage and a market surplus and why?
    • Calculate market shortages and market surpluses given the values from the graph based on the prices provided in the Price.docx. Be sure to define a market shortage and a market surplus.
    • Identify and discuss the price TOF should charge for its cellular phones.
    • Describe potential market failures that TOF could experience as a result of government policies.

Healthcare Systems Policy Making Discussion


1. Countries choose to finance and organization their healthcare systems in unique ways – some fully public/government-based, some combining a form of public and private, and others that are less structured. Please choose a country (excluding those from the article – No AUS, CAN, NZ, or UK), and describe how they pay for healthcare. Be sure to note whether or not employers play a roll in covering insurance as they do in the United States. Additionally, please note basic comparative statistics such as the cost of healthcare per capita and life expectancy… to compare their approach to the U.S.

2. In Dan Ariely’s video this week, he suggests that perhaps we may not always be the best decision makers… that we respond to prompts and cues in a way that may guide us to choose incorrectly or inaccurately. Thinking about this in regards to the role that employers play in the united states in guiding employees healthcare and benefits choices (and what you learned earlier in the course about demand for health)… what concerns, pitfalls or cautions should be considered? What role to employers need to play in educating and communicating effectively about benefits… but also the use of health insurance, moral hazard, pandemics? (youtube video: Are we in control of our decisions? | Dan Ariely)

PM 691 PU Impact of Cost & Time Management on A Project Discussion



Analyze how cost management and time management principles impact the WBS.

Evaluate cost and time management concepts to the overall project to gain an understanding of how the new framework transforms their underlying knowledge of project management.

  • Determine how to best coordinate with team members when there is differing opinions and gain an understanding of how to come to a consensus.
  • Examine how additional work or unexpected events impact the project deliverables.
  • Analyze peer competencies to understand the strengths and areas of opportunities for each member.
  • Directions
  • After reading and watching this week’s material, engage in an active discussion regarding how cost and time management impact the WBS. Review the following information and answer the following questions:

Cost and time management can impact many aspects of the project. One of the major deliverables that cost and time can impact is the WBS. In this week’s team work, your team will be reviewing the current cost and time estimates and updating the WBS with more realistic information based on feedback and comments from the professor and the other various team members. Discuss the potential items to review and if you think there are any major updates to the WBS after reviewing the time and cost management chapters. Do your thoughts differ from your teammates? Why and what will you do to resolve?

Strayer University Strategy Development Paper


The purpose of this project is for you to apply management principles to create management plans that include strategy formulation, business analyses, industry trends, and organizational characterization. 

The recommended cases are:

  • Case 8 BP: Organizational Structure and Management Systems.
  • Case 10: Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.: Disrupting the Fast?food Business.
  • Case 13: Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry.

Based on the case, you will perform an industry analysis and develop a strategy for the CEO of your chosen company to help shape the company’s future.


Write a 3-5 page paper in which you:

  1. Define strategy and examine how the definition of strategy fits your chosen company and its situation. Support your response.
  2. Summarize the main strategies that your chosen company’s management took leading up to this company’s recent development.
  3. Identify your chosen company’s industry and determine its main competitors. Next, select two to three strategies that the competitors use, and analyze whether or not the selected strategies are successful. Support your response.
  4. Perform an industry analysis for the CEO of your chosen company in order for him or her to develop strategy for the company. Next, evaluate the company’s current standing in this industry by taking into account the company’s resources and capabilities.
  5. Propose at least three performance goals for the company for the next one- and five-year period respectively. Provide a rationale for your response. 

Americans with Disabilities Act Discussion


  • There are two parts to this assignment. Each part should be answered with a minimum of 350 words and two references. Please add the references immediately following the question they pertain to.
  • (1) The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. How might this requirement affect teachers, law enforcement officers, and firefighters? How is it legal for law enforcement to turn applicants away for diseases like type 2 diabetes?
  • (2)Daniel Goleman, apsychologist, was the first to popularize the trait of emotional intelligence,sometimes referred to as EI. Emotional intelligence is a person’s capacity tobe aware of her or his emotions and feelings towards others to influence theirthinking and actions. The four components of EI are:
    • Self-awareness: This isyour ability to read your own emotions accurately to know how your actionsor lack thereof affect others.
    • Self-management: This isyour ability to control or regulate your emotions and act with integrity.
    • Social-awareness: Givesyou the ability to understand the needs of others and show empathy towardsthem.
    • Relationship management:this is your ability to communicate clearly and convincingly, reduce conflictand build strong bonds.

    Respond to thefollowing.

    1. How has your emotionalintelligence, or lack of emotional intelligence, positively or negativelyimpacted your professional or personal relationships?
    2. Choose one of the componentsof EI and explain how it contributes to job satisfaction.

UP The Bivariate Linear Regression Equation and Medical Buildings Analysis


Resources: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk5_Data_File


This assignment must be submitted as a Single Sheet Excel document! The Excel file for this assignment contains a database with information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list of the variables in the database:

  • FloorArea: square feet of floor space
  • Offices: number of offices in the building
  • Entrances: number of customer entrances
  • Age: age of the building (years)
  • AssessedValue: tax assessment value (thousands of dollars)

Use the data to construct a model that predicts the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings with specific characteristics.

  1. Construct a scatter plot in Excel with FloorArea as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
  2. Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of FloorArea and AssessmentValue. Is FloorArea a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?
  3. Construct a scatter plot in Excel with Age as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
  4. Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of Age and Assessment Value. Is Age a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?

SEU Strategic Management Worksheet


You are required to work in a group to analyze real time data using Python. In this project you will read the real-life dataset from national or international data source on suitable domain. Set 7 objectives to analyze for the chosen data set using Python Pandas, Numpy, SciLearn etc. library. Write a well-structured report that contains executive summary and recommendations on your findings. Skills to be demonstrated: The selected dataset and derived ML Model challenge the student to demonstrate the following skills: • Ability to read data from external files and store data in a Pandas Data Frame • Analyze data Pre process by Sort data, Filter data, Group data, clean data etc. • Perform fundamental Machine Learning (Supervised or Unsupervised) techniques (Curve Fitting, Classification, Clustering and Deep Learning) • Train, optimize and test your model. • Visualize by appropriate plotting/charting Data Sources: Students are encouraged to select an appropriate dataset from any of the open data projects including: • USA Open Data Project: https://www.data.gov • European Open Data Project: http://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/home The dimensions of an appropriate dataset are at least 1000 rows by 10-20 “relevant” columns.

For this project i need a Jupyter notebook file and word document on this project in the format which was mentioned in the attached file.