UP The Bivariate Linear Regression Equation and Medical Buildings Analysis


Resources: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk5_Data_File


This assignment must be submitted as a Single Sheet Excel document! The Excel file for this assignment contains a database with information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list of the variables in the database:

  • FloorArea: square feet of floor space
  • Offices: number of offices in the building
  • Entrances: number of customer entrances
  • Age: age of the building (years)
  • AssessedValue: tax assessment value (thousands of dollars)

Use the data to construct a model that predicts the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings with specific characteristics.

  1. Construct a scatter plot in Excel with FloorArea as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
  2. Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of FloorArea and AssessmentValue. Is FloorArea a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?
  3. Construct a scatter plot in Excel with Age as the independent variable and AssessmentValue as the dependent variable. Insert the bivariate linear regression equation and r^2 in your graph. Do you observe a linear relationship between the 2 variables?
  4. Use Excel’s Analysis ToolPak to conduct a regression analysis of Age and Assessment Value. Is Age a significant predictor of AssessmentValue?

MGT 311 SEU Week 11 Cognitive Abilities and Personality Dimensions Questions


Discussion 2-Week 11-1-Chapter 9 to 13

Think of a job that requires very high levels of certain cognitive abilities. Can you think of a way to redesign that job so that people who lack those abilities could still perform the job effectively? Now respond to the same question with regard to emotional and physical abilities.

Consider the personality dimensions included in the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and the RIASEC model. If you had to “slot” those dimensions into the Big Five, would you be able to do so? Which dimensions don’t seem to fit?

Think about a highly successful team with which you are familiar. What types of task, goal, and outcome interdependence does this team have? Describe how changes in task, goal, and outcome interdependence might have a negative impact on this team.

Think of a team you’ve worked in that performed poorly. Were any of the causes of the poor performance related to the forces that tend to create process loss? If so, which force was most problematic? What steps, if any, did your team take to deal with the problem?

Who is the most influential leader you have come in contact with personally? What forms of power did they have, and which types of influence did they use to accomplish objectives?

MGT301 SEU Organizational Behavior Discussion


Discussion 2-Week 11-1-Chapter 9 to 13

Think of a job that requires very high levels of certain cognitive abilities. Can you think of a way to redesign that job so that people who lack those abilities could still perform the job effectively? Now respond to the same question with regard to emotional and physical abilities.

Consider the personality dimensions included in the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and the RIASEC model. If you had to “slot” those dimensions into the Big Five, would you be able to do so? Which dimensions don’t seem to fit?

Think about a highly successful team with which you are familiar. What types of task, goal, and outcome interdependence does this team have? Describe how changes in task, goal, and outcome interdependence might have a negative impact on this team.

Think of a team you’ve worked in that performed poorly. Were any of the causes of the poor performance related to the forces that tend to create process loss? If so, which force was most problematic? What steps, if any, did your team take to deal with the problem?

Who is the most influential leader you have come in contact with personally? What forms of power did they have, and which types of influence did they use to accomplish objectives?

Miami Dade College Diversity in Organizations Case Discussion


Questions to Consider (End of Chapter)

1.    Some states and cities have legislation prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, weight, appearance, and other factors that are not covered under federal legislation. What factors may affect the passage of such legislation in some areas, but not in others? Is sexual orientation discrimination prohibited in the city or state in which you live?

2.    When the U.S. armed forces were first integrated, there was tremendous opposition, but integration has been accomplished. How similar and different is the opposition to the open service of gays and lesbians in the military to that for the integrated service of Blacks and Whites?

3.    What is the official policy on sexual orientation discrimination in the organization in which you work or are interested in working? With or without non-discrimination policies, what is the climate toward LGBT in the organization?

4.    How is the invisibility of sexual orientation similar to or different from the invisibility of religion?

5.    In Individual Feature 11.2, Pascal Lepine proposes that gays and lesbians may also be more open to others who have also been marginalized in society. In what kinds of situations have devalued, disenfranchised, and marginalized groups in the United States supported each other’s causes? When have they undermined or resisted each other’s causes?

KAU Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems Essay


Delta Corporation has developed a new clothing line that is designed for young people. In order to create a suitable image for this new product line they are launching a subsidiary called EchoDelta, with a new image, logo and tag line. Given that the target market for this new product line is primarily young people, they have engaged a Social Media Marketing Consultant to launch the new product line.

You are that consultant. Unfortunately, the executives of Delta Corporation are unfamiliar with Social Media and how it can be utilized for marketing purposes. As a result, you need to:

  • Explain what a Digital Dashboard is and how it can be of use to monitor activity in real time.
  • Make recommendations on what should actually be displayed, in terms of type of data, sources for that data and frequency of updates.
  • Explain the benefits of using Data Visualization technology to monitor their online sales and marketing activity.
  • Explain what a mashup is, and why the corporation needs to utilize such technology.
  • Provide reasons as to why they should also consider using geospatial technology.To provide the executives with an example, select an organization that uses data visualization and/or geospatial technology, detail how they use it and outline what benefits you feel they have gained from it.

SEU Business Strategy Questions


I need some fix to my project’s answer . These the points that I want you to fix :

Part 3

*Q1 in the (threat of entry of new competitors) he did not talk about the threat of new entrants you just talked about marketing with existent competitors.you are not clear a bout this point.

Q2 he wrote a bout Honda strategies, but you did not write a bout Ford strategy and compare it with Honda strategy as mentioned on the question

*Q3 can you add more suggestions to the company .

*Q4 he talked about Honda business plan that already exists,but the question asks to help honda to design new business plan or strategy to increase their revenue and suggesting the steps they should follow to help them to improve their business plan or strategy

*I will send you examples of steps they should follow to develop new business plan or strategy ( blue ocean strategy- value curve)

*Q5 you have to add two more key learnings from the project.because he wrote just 3 and the question asks for 5 key learnings

* can you write a refrences at least 3

* if you find some answers need fix please do it .

* the project about Honda

Clayton State University Management Essay


Assignment Details

Projects of all sizes may seem daunting at first. Breaking the project down into smaller, more manageable pieces allows you to develop an achievable plan for completing the project. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is one of the tools that you can use to outline your project into smaller, more manageable pieces called work packages.

Refer to Case 4.1 of your text. In this case, Brandon has been chosen to chair the 5K charity run for his fraternity, and you are presented with the details of this project. In a 5-page report, you should address the following:

  • How would developing a WBS help to alleviate Brandon’s problems during the initial meeting? How can the WBS be used to organize and plan the project?
  • Describe the process for creating the WBS.
  • Create a list of the major deliverables for this project, and use them to develop a draft WBS with at least 3 levels of detail.
  • Are there any interdependencies that need to be considered and, if so, which ones?
  • Assign cost and activity durations to the work packages (these may be made up).
  • Use either a top-down or a bottom-up approach to determine the overall cost of the project and discuss the approach used.

Be sure to cite your sources using APA; include your references and in-text citations.

Sydney University Business Paper


GD004_MAE256_A2-1200 words report+excel work

This is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment. We strongly discourage plagiarism, as it will

be penalized as much as possible. However, it is not collusion if you discuss the

questions with other students, but you need to submit your own original work.

Note that we may request that you come in and explain your assignment in

person if we feel your assignment is too similar to another students’ work.

(2) This assignment in total has 30 marks that correspond to 20% of your final grade.

(3) Once completed, you will need to submit your ‘Microsoft Word’ document via

CloudDeakin. You must submit a single file only that contains a cover page with

your name and student ID.

If you are submitting your assignment as a PDF document, please ensure that you

are also submitting as a Word document to enable word counting.

Please ensure the Word document is self-contained (i.e. all Excel output tables

for summary statistics and regressions, and all figures should be in the

word document). You will not need to submit a hardcopy.

(4) Whenever you are asked to estimate a regression model, please provide your

summary output estimation results in a tabular format from Excel in your Word

document (using copy/paste tool) to evidence the actual regression you run.

ACC 311 SNHU SRS Educational Supply Company Case Study Executive Brief Presentation



Cost accounting is used for two main purposes. The first purpose is to determine the actual costs of products, projects, processes, or services so an organization can report correct and accurate information on their financial statements. The second purpose is to aid the management team in making decisions and guiding the planning and control functions of the organization. Cost accounting provides an analysis of cost behavior, cost-volume-profit relationships, budgeting, resource costing, and activity- based costing. The roots of cost accounting are in the manufacturing business, but cost-accounting concepts are also used in service industries.

This assessment focuses on the SRS Educational Supply Company case study. SRS is a company that provides materials and supplies to educational institutions. The SRS business model is to be a one-stop provider of educational supply needs. For example, some of their product lines include workbooks, classroom visual aids, instructor support materials, art supplies, lab supplies, and administrative office supplies. While SRS serves all levels of educational institutions, the majority of their customers are K- 12 schools. Sales can vary quite a bit from month to month, as K-12 educational institutions have seasonal ordering patterns. Thus, budgeting is vital for planning and cash flow purposes. SRS has a June 30th fiscal year end.



Hospitality Service Recovery Strategies Discussion


Responses (2 after Thursday): Compare your information to the summaries of your classmates. (2-3 paragraphs)

Initial PosT: the article discusses the issue of service recovery strategies for crowdsourced transportation. One of the points was that disruptions in service quality are the main causes of customer dissatisfaction. Crowdsourcing can improve service quality and customer loyalty by using crowdsourcing-based feedback to provide information on service quality and crowdsource customized solutions for problems as they arise. Crowdsourcing is a model of resource sharing in which an organization invites the general public to contribute ideas, energy, or data without paying monetary compensation (Yuen et al., 2021). Ideas are proposed by submitters and voted on by voters, who are then compensated for their contributions. In contests with monetary rewards, crowdsourcing is similar to a crowdfunding campaign in that early contributors are motivated by the hope of winning a prize. Moreover, loyalty is an important factor for service success in crowdsourced transportation. For example, user loyalty will affect the level of public transport ridership and fare, which significantly influences the service’s future success.


Yuen, K. F., Song, S., Li, X., & Wang, X. (2021). Service recovery strategies for crowdsourced transportation: an examination of their impacts on user loyalty. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-15.