Saudi Electronic University jOB Requirements Discussion


  1. Think of a job that requires very high levels of certain cognitive abilities. Can you think of a way to redesign that job so that people who lack those abilities could still perform the job effectively? Now respond to the same question with regard to emotional and physical abilities.
  2. Consider the personality dimensions included in the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and the RIASEC model. If you had to “slot” those dimensions into the Big Five, would you be able to do so? Which dimensions don’t seem to fit?
  3. Think about a highly successful team with which you are familiar. What types of task, goal, and outcome interdependence does this team have? Describe how changes in task, goal, and outcome interdependence might have a negative impact on this team.
  4. Think of a team you’ve worked in that performed poorly. Were any of the causes of the poor performance related to the forces that tend to create process loss? If so, which force was most problematic? What steps, if any, did your team take to deal with the problem?
  5. Who is the most influential leader you have come in contact with personally? What forms of power did they have, and which types of influence did they use to accomplish objectives?

Health Care Consultants Trial Balance Excel Spreadsheet


Please complete the following questions below using google sheets.

Please note: Make sure you use only ONE Google Sheet/Microsoft Excel file. Then, rename each sheet as following:

  • Sheet 1 = Q8
  • Sheet 2 = Q15


Please Note:

  • You’re making four (4) adjusting entries in General Journal.
    • There is NO need to make General Ledger for Adjusting Entries. You will do this in next question.
  • You’re making an annual (1-year) adjustment and not monthly.
  • There is NO need for closing entries for this question.

Q15. Only (a)-(d)

Please Note:

  • First open the General Ledger (not T-accounts) accounts for all of the temporary accounts (e.g., revenue, expenses, drawings, and income summary) using the balances given in the Trial Balances.
  • Then, journalize the closing entries must be done in General Journal.
  • Then, post the journal entries to the General Ledger.
  • At last, generate a Post-Closing Trial Balance from the total balances you generate from the step above.
  • No need to do Statement of Owner’s Equity (e-f).

University of the Cumberlands Strategies for Competing in International Market Essay


Modes of entry into an international market are the channels which organizations employ to gain entry to a new international market.

Within our Thompson (2022) text, read Chapter 7 Assurance of Learning Exercise #2 related to Walgreens’ mode(s) international market entry and respond to the following questions:

  • What was Walgreens’ entry strategy designed to achieve?
  • Why would this make sense for a company like Walgreens?
  • Provide two recommendations on what Walgreens might do differently going forward with their entry strategy? Make sure you support your recommendations?
  • Incorporate our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week into your above responses.

Submission Details:

  • Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data.
  • Your analysis should be between 1200 words.
  • Incorporate a minimum of at least our course text and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, double-spaced and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines.

Please download textbook from here

Required Readings

Thompson Jr. A. A, Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., and Strickland III, A. J. (2022). Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. 23rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1-260-07510-6 978-1-260-73517-8

Chapter 7

NSU Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing Paper


You need to put your summary (one or two sentences) underneath each heading and subheadings.

I have attached below pictures of the entire chapter 4 of the book. Could you please summarize each section in your own words to include the heading and the subheadings? Above I have also provided an outline as to what they are.

The written paper should be typed, double-spaced, with a one-inch margin, and not less than 10 AND no more than 12 pages in length, excluding cover, executive summary, and exhibits.

Troy University Graphic Scale Competency Performance Rating Form Paper


To evaluate an individual’s performance in an organization, many companies and firms are currently using the graphic rating scale. this approach is considered as one of the simplest methods to appraise an employee’s performance with its several varieties. A competency-based graphic rating scale is one of its varieties. As seen in Figure 8.2 (see below), its scale may include multiple job dimensions (such as personal effectiveness and teamwork) and a range of performance values (from Below Expectation to Role Model) for each dimension. The manager can evaluate his/her subordinate by checking the score that best describes the subordinate’s performance at work. For more details, please see the document I uploaded.


You are to choose a job or occupation which you want to get or are now working for in the organization where you currently belong or one that you would like to work in.

You are to search O*NET ( (Links to an external site.)) for general information on the target job/occupation of your choice.

Once you have created your own form, Explain why you are using the job dimensions and performance values listed on that form.

Besides the graphic rating scale, what other rating methods, would you recommend to better appraise your target job and why?

Franklin Pierce College Yellowstone Super Volcano Discussion


Yellowstone National Park in the United States sits on top of a supervolcano—a volcano so powerful that if it erupts, it would change the planet’s landscape dramatically and cause entire species to go extinct. In the 2.1 million years since this supervolcano formed, scientists believe that it has erupted three times. The giant caldera crater in Yellowstone is evidence of the last eruption 640,000 years ago. This eruption carried ash as far south as the Gulf of Mexico. The land above the caldera has been experiencing periods of rising and falling for the last 15,000 years, which means an eruption is likely at some point, but scientists are unable to predict exactly when that will happen. The passage is based on content in the National Geographic article When Yellowstone Explodes by Joel Achenbach.

Online search terms: Yellowstone supervolcano, When Yellowstone Explodes

After completing the Pre-Reading exercise on page 85 read and comprehend the article titled, “Yellowstone’s Smoking Bomb” on pages 86-90. You can follow along by listening to the audio of Yellowstone’s Smoking Bomb, by clicking here (Links to an external site.) and choosing the appropriate reading passage.

Pay particular attention to the section titled Language for Writing: Using Parallel Structure on page 93.

JWU Management Research Design for Smith & Wollensky Restaurant Essay


Carefully review the Session 8 Assignment Document.

This assignment asks you to design an applied research study (ideally of the controlled, randomized sort from near the top of the Pyramid of Evidence). To do so, you will need to:

1) Specify the cause-and-effect relationship you are testing (indicating both the Independent and Dependent variables).

2) Indicate precisely how you would propose that the independent variable be varied and the dependent variable be measured.

3) How you would ensure that sufficient data were collected todraw a conclusion

That paper (see the instructions) should be submitted as a proposal. That is, what would you propose to do to answer the question ‘What tempo of music should S&W play to maximize profits in its restuarants?’ (To be clear, you would not actually conduct this research unless someone had paid you to do so.)

Since this has been a course about the importance of ‘credible’ information (as we described using the ‘Pyramid of Evidence’), it would be important to design research that incorporated those aspects that lead to such credibility: contolled, longitudinal components that would serve to remove some of the threats to (internal) validity. So, be sure to include these as evidence of your understanding of this material.

HAMG 1321 Brookhaven College Hospitality and Leadership Questions


Write an essay, in Word, on a transformational leader you have admired (it doesn’t have to be industry-related, can be a historical figure, can not be yourself). Be sure to identify the qualities that made him/her particularly effective, paying some attention to the distinction between transactional and transformational leadership

Question 2: Reading chapter 15 on page 592 (200 words minimum)

There is a lot of information about project management?and goal setting. It is imperative that we set?measurable?goals to measure both our successes and our failures.?? For this assignment, think about a situation?in which you were involved in actively planning, and the goals vs results of the project. It can be job-related, a school or community project, home improvement, or anything which fits. 

Using Word write a reflection and discuss the successes and failures of the project. Specifically, talk about the purpose, goals vs outcomes, then discuss what changes you would make to the project management plan if you had to do the project again.

Question 3:

The fast-food industry is very competitive and chains need to know what their competitors are doing or going to do. In this exercise, you will select a fast-food restaurant and conduct a SWOT analysis for that company. 

ISU Where We Stand Today on CEO Pay & Executive Compensation Discussion


What is happening in the area of executive compensation, and what do you think about it?


  1. Check the latest reports on CEO pay. I have given you a head start by attaching a recent New York Times article. You will need to do additional research on your own. Get the facts and prepare a brief report as if you were writing a short, informative article for Fortune magazine. The title of your article should be “Status Report: Where We Stand Today on CEO Pay.”
  2. Address the equity issue: Are CEOs paid too much, especially relative to the pay of average workers?
  3. Address the pay for performance issue: (referred to in ch 10) Do corporate CEOs get paid for performance or for something else? What do the researchers say? What do business periodicals say? Find some examples to explain and defend your answers to these questions.
  4. Address the social responsibility issue: Should CEOs accept pay that is many times the amounts that workers receive?
  5. Take a position: Should a limit be set on CEO pay? If not, why not? If yes, what type of limit should be set? Who, if anyone, should set these limits-the government, company boards of directors, or someone else?…

CC CEO Discussion


Can Abercrombie And Fitch Make A Comeback?

Effective marketing is based on accurately segmenting the target market. In the first video, the CEO states that “A lot of people don’t belong in our clothes, and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely!”


Watch the following videos:

  1. Abercrombie and Fitch Apologize After Plus Size Firestorm (Links to an external site.)
  2. H&M CEO: Our Models Are Too Skinn (Links to an external site.)y
  3. Plus-Sized Models Target of Online Harassment Through Altered Images (Links to an external site.)
  4. (Links to an external site.)


  1. What is your reaction to this? Is the CEO just being an effective marketer by slicing the market to the optimal group for the A&F product? Or does this take segmentation too far?
  2. It is said that there is no such thing as bad PR (public relations). What does this mean? Do you think that is the case with A&F?
  3. Is fat shaming a significant issue in the U.S.? Do you think that Western Culture leads people to be insecure about their personal body image? What positive things have been done to eliminate fat shaming?