California State University Communications Essay


A detailed outline of your presentation with a list of references you used to research the topic (submit aMS-Word document).Presentation Topic:You will research and present on the following topic: algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence systems.You have a lot of flexibility as to how to approach the subject, but you need to present a coherentmessage. Here are the key points you will need to address in your presentation:• Briefly describe what is an artificial intelligence system.• Identify some of the most common uses of artificial intelligence systems.• Explain the causes of algorithmic bias.• Explain how society can deal with algorithmic bias in AI systems.As a starting point you may wish to view the documentary titled “Coded Bias” in Netflix which discussesracial biases in racial recognition algorithms. Also, CNN Business published a related report titled “Afacial recognition match sent this innocent Black man to jail.”

(… )

You will be evaluated on how well you explain the topic based on your references. Your opinion isvalued but you need to support your presentation based on your review of the literature on the topic.

Rasmussen College Financial Executive for TF Partners Analysis



You are the Financial Executive for TF Partners, an electric car battery manufacturer, and you have been tasked to create a financial risk assessment. This risk assessment will be used in your monthly performance discussion with the COO and CEO. TF Partners has been profitable throughout the economic downturn; however, a global pandemic’s impact has caused suppliers to delay sending raw materials and other goods needed to produce your product. The company’s current strategic objective is to increase profits by 15%, reduce the use of inefficient assets by 10%, and increase organizational sustainability by 5% through investment in green initiatives.


In Microsoft Word, create a financial risk assessment document to measure the financial risk and performance of TF Partners. Your financial risk assessment should:

  • Create a rating system using industry best practices to analyze the financial position of TF Partners (include operating, financing, and investing activity categories)
  • Create a rating system using industry best practices to evaluate the risk to maximize the goals of TF Partners listed above
  • Based on the risk assessment, make a recommendation of the financial strategies TF Partners can use to increase organizational performance

USF Google Analytics Discussion


Assignment 1: Instructions

Step 1: Go to the Google Analytics Course: Google Analytics for Beginners. Optional: Sign in with your Google account to track your progress.

Step 2: Complete all three lessons in Unit 3: Basic Reporting and Lesson 1–3 in Unit 4: Basic Campaign and Conversion Tracking (watch the videos, read the transcripts, if needed, and complete the activity).

Step 3: Take and submit a screenshot of each completed activity page. You can zoom out to capture a shot like the below and attach the file(s) to this topic.

Step 4: Please also include a short description of your biggest learning/takeaway from these courses and exms. (1 paragraph)

Assignment 2: Discussion: Top Three Reports

Step 1: Using your choice of a business or a brand (Nana Jacqueline which is a womenswear fashion brand, Please Google it), what do you think are the top three Google Analytics reports that they are using and why? (1-3 paragraphs)

Step 2: Please comment on the other 2 students’ Assignment 2, using 1-3 sentences to comment on their works. (P.S I will send it to you after they submit)

Wright State University Business Plan Financial Management Essay


we have a group project to write a business plan for organic beauty products.

I’m responsible to write the Financial management part. For organic beauty products calculate business startup costs before launch? identify startup expenses? estimate how much expenses will cost? add up expenses for a full financial picture? use your start-up cost calculations to get start-up funding.

How much money will it take to start your small business? Calculate the startup costs for your small business so you can request funding, attract investors, and estimate when you will turn a profit
Provide a projected one year financial statement with the budget. Include the following in your PowerPoint and your paper: Projected Balance Sheet, Projected Income Statement, and a Projected Statement of Cash Flow. All will be 12 months forward. Don’t forget to include rent and utilities
Include the amount of start-up money that you will be requesting (if any) from the Small Business Association in your presentation and your paper, this should be one quarter of your projected annual budget. Be prepared to share how you plan to utilize this amount of money.

TU The Role and Importance of Non Verbal Communication Essay


Follow instructions below and write a proposal easy for topic approval based on ;ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.

The topic approval essay will include the direction of your project with an introduction, thesis, main points, and some connection to the course elaborated. I expect the proposal for this project to be about 500-700 words describing your plan and areas of focus on the topic below.

The proposal will include an overview of your final project idea, along with at least two APA citations. At minimum, you should create a thesis summarizing general main points and some connection to the course elaborated. You are basically answering the question, “Hey! Here is what my idea is for this final project, and here is what I will focus on, and here are just a few resources I will be using.

The prompt for the final paper :

You will respond to the question, “Part of the University course description for this class indicates exploring the social effects of communication. Reflecting on the topics covered in this class, which topic do you feel most affects your social relationships, and why?”

MGT 672 Saudi Electronic University Didi in China Decision Making Discussion


How Didi Fought Uber in China and Won: Next, Taking on the World

Your assignment this week will focus on the case study about Uber and its competitive entry into the Chinese market (p. 560 in the textbook). We once again visit the country of China, this time to look at the transportation ride-sharing sector of the market.

Reflecting on this week’s content focusing on ethical leadership, strategy, and alliances, develop an essay responding to the following questions.

  1. Why did Uber want to expand into China and what was so appealing about the Chinese market?
  2. What advantages did Didi have to help it win its competitive battle with Uber?
  3. What are the pros and cons of the merger between Didi and Uber China, comparing and contrasting their different expansion strategies and tactics while taking into consideration ethical leadership and alliances?
  4. Assume you have been hired by Didi to evaluate Uber’s leadership team and the company culture they foster. Include in your evaluation the strengths of the Uber management team as well as the weaknesses that Didi could capitalize on in order to make Didi’s company more appealing to customers. 

BSAD 470 MSC Apple Remains a Reputable Company in The Industry Plan


Operational Strategy Plan Part VI: Implementation: Marketing Plan, Finance and Accounting Issues (20 percent). (This assignment is half excel and half word document) I attached  the excel document and the word document that you will need for the recommendation.

1.Using the firm’s Form 10K  prepare a word report to suggest implications for your firm in terms of marketing or advertising expenditures going forward as needed to implement your recommendation.

2.Perform an EPS/EBIT analysis,

3.Develop Projected Financial Statements

4.Determine the Cash Value and

5.Prepare Projected Financial Ratios

Pick three ratios and explain the implications of them 

6.Based on your projections:

a.Discuss the financial implications of your proposed changes. Analyze the impact of the proposed changes (if implemented successfully) on the company’s financial ratios.

b.What would be the challenging but attainable financial objectives the company should expect to achieve ( i.e. projected net income and cost: staffing , facility and /or equipment cost)?  Calculate Net Present Value of Cash Flows at 3 years. Rationale for the numbers proposed must be provided.

c.Does the company have sufficient funds to invest in the proposed changes? If not, how should the company raise the required financial capital?

Central Community College Food Banks Business Plan Swot Analysis


PART 1: Create a Business Plan for a new venture. You will be choosing one of three options, as described below:                    Entrepreneur: You have an idea for a new product or service and want to launch your own company.                                    Nonprofit: You have identified a need in the community and want to start a 501c3 nonprofit to address that need. 

PART 2: you need to identify an innovative “big idea” for your Business Plan. ” You will prepare and record a short video recording (2 minutes or less) about your “big idea” Work through the steps below to plan and create your video:

Step 1. What is your “big idea?”                                                                                                                                                Step 2. Using the prompts below, draft notes for a brief, succinct pitch on your “big idea”:

What      type of Business Plan will you develop: Entrepreneurial or Nonprofit?

Briefly      describe your “big idea” and explain what you find exciting      about this product or service.

What      problem in the market or in the community will your “big idea”      solve?

Why      doesn’t this product or service already exist in the market?

Identify      the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for your “big      idea.”

MGT 401 SEU Strategic Management Discussion & Case Study


A. Discussion questions

1.  Is the evaluation and control process appropriate for a corporation that emphasizes creativity? Are control and creativity compatible? 

2. What skills should a person have for managing a business unit following a differentiation strategy? Why? What should a company do if no one is available internally and the company has a policy of promotion from within?

3. Why is an understanding of national cultures important in strategic management?   

B. Case study

An acquisition is a situation whereby one firm (acquiring firm) purchases most or all of another firm’s (acquired firm) shares in order to take control. 

From real national/international market, select an example of an acquisition between two firms and answer the following questions: 

1. Briefly introduce the chosen acquiring and acquired firms (Industry, activity, nationality, market position, …)..  Max 100 words

2. Explain the different reasons for this acquisition. 

3. Was this acquisition successful? Why? 

4. Evaluate the competitive advantage of the acquiring company (after the acquisition).  

5. What is the method used by the acquiring firm to manage the culture of the acquired firm? underline the pros and cons of this method. 

All American Career College Celsius Holdings Inc Cash Flow Analysis


Company is CELH (Celsius Holdings Inc)

cash Flow Analysis: In this section, answer the following for the trend analysis: What are the total cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities as well as the change in cash and cash equivalents for each year? How have these numbers changed over the three years, and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have? In addition, pick at least one appropriate (for this statement) ratio or financial in addition to what is provided and calculate that and explain it. (Refer to the ratios your previously calculated.)

Conclusion: In this section, among other things, answer the following: What are the most important things you have discovered about the company in your analysis? What are some of the conclusions you reached? What are the highlights of your paper? What recommendations would you make to the management of the company? What recommendations would you make to shareholders in the company?

  • Each section should be a minimum of 2.5 pages (Cash flow analysis minimum of 3 pages. Conclusion minimum of 2.5 pages )