Excelsior College Employee Background Checks Discussion


If you’re applying for a job, your future employer might run a background check. These checks may include some combination of an investigation into the employee’s credit score, criminal background, and even social media activity. Most companies consider it a good investment to spend a few hundred dollars per candidate to avoid a problem hire. Consider what the EEOC says about Backgrounds checks and then participate in the following discussion.

Read: Background checks: What Employers Need to Know

In at least 400 words, detail your thoughts on background checks from your field’s (BUS) perspective.

1. To what extent does/can a background check mitigate harmful situations in workplaces? If you have a story that relates to this question, please share it.

2. Publicly available social media accounts can be accessed without the consent of the employee. What should employees do to get their social media accounts ready for the job market?

3. What are 5 data points that should be a part of a background investigation in your field?

Examples of Use of Probability in Professional Business Setting Discussion


Part 1 – Define independent and mutually exclusive events. Can two events be mutually exclusive and independent simultaneously? Support your answer with an example.

Part 2 – A bag contains 25 balls numbered 1 through 25. Suppose an odd number is considered a ‘success’. Two balls are drawn from the bag with replacement. Find the probability of getting

two successes

exactly one success

at least one success

no success

Part 3 – Using the attached data set for our company, what is the probability of selecting each rank (for example, supervisor).

Requirements: 750-1000


Please share three examples of how you might use probability estimation in a professional business setting. Your examples should be different from any examples shared by your classmates so far (good incentive to post early in the week)!

Requirements: 250-350 and will send 2 student posts asap

  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • Post and 2 responses
  • Explain how the concepts of probability theory can give rise to puzzle and paradox
  • Explain why we cannot trust our intuition with probability and yet 99% of the decisions we make in no technical environments are made with the benefits of human experience and intuition.

MAN 3025 University of South Florida Global Citizens Factors for Relocations Paper


For this assignment, you will be asked to choose one of three topics from the list below,
research it using quality sources, and construct a polished, well-organized essay that is 6-8
pages in length (not including the cover page or reference page).  This paper must be written in
APA formatting and should feature a reference page with at least 10 sources.  These sources
should represent a blend of relevant books, journals, and articles from the open web.  
Research and Citation Help
If you are not familiar with how to search for sources using the library’s databases, please
review the resources provided here.  If, after reviewing these resources, you still feel you need
additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to schedule a consult with one of our research
librarians.  You can find the link to do so here.  Please just remember that consults need to be
requested at least three days in advance.
If you are struggling with APA formatting, or you need a refresher, USF’s library has resources
to assist you with that as well.  You can access those here. 

JNTU Management Risk Management: Assessing Risk Outline



Please write final project OUTINE as per mentioned guidelines and CHOOSE ANY  Given Topics from the book 

Choose one of the 1 Security Topics from the Management of Information Security Book ( Attached below link ) and write your final paper educating the reader on that topic. Use the sub-categories for each Security Topic presented in the book as a guide to your content for the paper.

TOPICS GIVEN In attached Word document 

This proposal should be an annotated outline of your paper. Use sample # 2 and 3 as your guide, don’t use Sample 1. The samples can be found here. Only write outlines describing what you are going to write about. Do not write paragraphs but make sure it is in outline form.

Content for the paper should have the following at a minimum:

Introduction to the topic

A description of the each area of the topic

How each area provides security for an organization

What are the tools and methods used for each area

What are the challenges in providing security and describe problems that can occur in each area

HRM 5360 NSU WK 6 The Intervention and Counseling of Employees Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Question 1: Chapter 11 covers several topics that should be addressed by employee counseling and intervention. Given the current work environment, which of these topics should be the priority for the HRD of an organization to address and prevent? Elaborate your suggestion.

Question 2: Using your knowledge of the stages of life and career development, explain how the career issues of a 27-year-old differ from those of a 45-year-old. What are the organizational implications of the issues you identified?

Question 3: Peer coaching is characterized by equal status of partners, focus on personal and professional development of both peers, and integration of reflection and practice (Parker, Hall, & Kram, 2008). Have you had any experience or observations on peer coaching? Explain your understanding of the pros and cons of this peer coaching as a practice for human resource development.


Parker, P., Hall, D.T., Kram, K.E. (2008). Peer coaching: A relational process for accelerating career learning. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 7(4): 487-503.

MHR 6551 CSU WK 5 Hiring Orientation Program for Eastern Market Discussion


Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development 

You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a proposal outlining your plans for a new hire orientation program for the Eastern market. In your proposal, include the elements listed below. 

  1. Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.
  2. Discuss how the Eastern market perceives the relationship between the learner and trainer. 
  3. Discuss who will be responsible for giving the new hire orientation to the Eastern employees and how the orientation will be delivered. For example, will a local who is familiar with the language deliver a live orientation training session, or will it be a remote training session with a translator? Will it be some other delivery method? Once the method is chosen, discuss why this method is appropriate for the given market. 

MGT 312 SEU Decision Making Better Brainstorming Article Review



Title:                    “Better Brainstorming” 

Author:                Hal Gregersen

Date of Publication:        March-April, 2018

Published:            Harvard Business Review

Read the article titled as “Better Brainstorming” by Hal Gregersen, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions: 

Summarize      the article and explain the main issues discussed in the article. Discuss      the three steps of ‘Question burst’ in brainstorming in relation with the      text you learnt in the course.   

Part-II- Critical Thinking Question

“Critical      thinking is the opposite of creative thinking.” Do you agree? Provide      examples of why you agree or disagree. 

Suppose you are a      member of a group asked to find ways to cut costs throughout your      organization for the upcoming year. Sales have fallen sharply, and the      company is in danger of going out of business. After gathering      information, your group concludes that the company will save the most      money by freezing pay for a year, despite a tradition of annual salary      increases. How can you make sure this is a fair decision? How can you make      sure that others in the organization will see it as a fair decision?                                           

Adaptive Leadership Discussion


Adaptive leaders are follower-centered. The main objective of adaptive leaders is to help employees change and adjust to new circumstances in the organization (Northouse, 2022, p. 286). In the image below, we can see the Model of Adaptive Leadership (Northouse, 2022, p. 288):

Source: Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed., p. 288). Sage Publications. 

Organization XYZ is a call center which helps clients solve issues with their internet connections. The organization opened 10 years ago and has 250 employees working in the facilities as customer service technicians 24 hours a day, seven days a week. After COVID-19, leadership has been rethinking the way that the organization conducts business. Therefore, it has been determined that all 250 employees would work remotely.

Think about what adaptive leadership is, the Model of Adaptive Leadership presented above, and the case, then address the following: 

  1. Describe what the adaptive leader’s behavioral approach would be in this case. 
  2. Explain the effectiveness of the adaptive leadership approach and how this leadership approach is similar to or different than your selected leadership style.

Organizations Operating Organizational Culture Question


The required length of the paper is a minimum of 5 pages,typed and double spaced using 12 inch font with one inch margins.Please number your pages.

Please cite at least two sources, other than the textbook, used for information included in the paper. Reputable websites are permitted to be used as sources. The large majority of the information you provide must come from sources other than our textbook.

The paper must be uploaded to this Blackboard page no later than the due date.

Use power point or Google slides to enhance your presentation.

How to write a term paper:

  • Choose your topic
  • Gather your research (use at least two sources outside of your textbook)
  • State an interesting thesis (why you chose the topic)
  • Write the outline for your term paper (explain what you are writing about and why)
  • Write the introduction (introduce the topic in depth)
  • Write convincing paragraphs about what you have learned
  • Write the conclusions you arrived at based on your learning.
  • List the references used to research your topic on a separate page

the topic is organizational culture its due on sunday the 26th

Esports Players Say Predatory Contracts Run Rampant Essay


Students will research and submit a write up (approximately 750 to 1000 words – but going over the word limit is fine) on a current event related to an interesting issue facing an esports publisher, team, player, title, fan(s) – or any topic you find personally interesting. This is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and important things going on in esports – including the good and the bad. This is not a group project and is meant to be completed as an individual. These current events must be taken from reputable news sources or academic research. Please submit a write-up as well as a link to the current event article via Canvas before the start of the Week 6 Zoom session. To earn the full points for the assignment, on Canvas, a student should:

  • Provide the exact title of the article.
  • Provide a link to the article.
  • Provide a summary of the article in approximately 4-6 sentences.
  • Provide a reaction to the article where you take a position on the topic within the article.