CCBC Financial Statements Presentation


Mary Francis comes into your office later that morning.

“Good news! I think we’ve got strong potential investors!” Mary announces.
“That’s great!” you reply.
“And now, they are asking for financial information” Mary states.
“Ok, I could provide a 50-page analysis for them!” you say.
“That’s exactly what they don’t want. I’m beginning to notice that some of the investors don’t have a strong finance background, and the last thing we want to do is scare them off with too many financial figures” Mary explains. I would like for you to complete a presentation. However, I want you to keep it simple and clear. Using all 3 Financial Statements, please provide an analysis on Apix’s assets, liabilities, cash, and profit. As well, choose 2 additional components on each of the sheets, and provide your initial impression on the company financial situation. Do you think you could handle this?”
“Of course! I’ll get started on this right away.”

Mary also indicates that she would like between 10–15 slides with 150–200 words in the notes page.

MGT 520 University National Commercial Bank Of Saudi Presentation


create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes section

We must be able to communicate the exact core competencies we are holding employees accountable for. There are six basic components associated with a performance management communication plan, which can be reviewed in Figure 7-1, in your textbook. These components may be helpful to review when crafting your presentation.

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation for an organization of your choice, which is in the Middle East. Address the following core competencies required by the organization and explain how your organization defines each core competency, as well as how each core competency is measured and utilized by the organization:

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Quality Improvement
  • Attendance

Chapter 7 in Performance Management

Abu Rumman, A., Al-Abbadi, L., & Alshawabkeh, R. (2020). The impact of human resource development practices on employee engagement and performance in Jordanian family restaurants. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(1), 130-140.

Kweku Otoo, F. N. (2019). Human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance. Employee Relations, 41(5), 949-970.

McKinley, M. (2021). Managing difficult conversations proactively and effectively. IAHCSMM.

AUA Business Chapter 2 The World of Planned Events Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Textbook: Chapter 2. The World of Planned Events
* You (as an individual) need to pick two questions from following ‘discussion questions’ and
answer them.
Discussion Questions
1. Explain how form, function and experience can be used to classify events (i.e. typologies) and discuss the problems associated
with each approach.
2. Why are the planned events in the typology used in this chapter referred to as ‘social constructs’?
3. Describe the essential differences between each major type of planned event, including any fundamental differences in
experiences and programmed elements of style associated with them.
4. Why should event studies also be concerned with unplanned events and ‘events at the margin’? Give some examples to
compare planned and unplanned events.
5. Will the differences between event types and functions become less important because of convergence? Discuss factors
leading to convergence

Management of Technology Essay


Assignment 3: 

Students are requested to read the opening case  of chapter 10 “Organizing for Innovation” from their book Strategic  Management of Technological Innovation (Page Number-197-200) of  e-textbook. Based on your understanding of the case and concepts studied  until now answer the following question in 300-500 words each.

1.What  are the advantages and disadvantages of the creative side of Google  being run as a flexible and flat ‘technocracy’? (3 marks/300-500 words)

2. How does Google’s culture attract the kind of employees it can attract and retain. (1.5 marks/300-500 words)

3.What  do you believe the challenges are in having very different structure  and controls for Google’s creative side versus the other parts of the  company. (2.5 marks/300-500 words)

4. Some analysts have  argued that Google’s free-form structure and the 20 percent time to work  on personal projects is possible only because Google is prior success  has created financial risk in the company. Do you agree with this? Would  Google be able to continue this management style if it had closer  competitors? (3 marks/300-500 words)

MCC Week 5 American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a business project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For the portfolio project, use the following site — pick two Mutual funds of the following:



1. Submit the closing price charts for either YTD, 1-year, or 5-year for your two mutual funds. Input the ticker symbol in “Quote Lookup” and the chart will appear.

2. Write an Executive Summary that describes the price movement.

3. Submit two articles (less than six months old) related to each of your two funds (one article for each fund). You can copy-and-paste the full articles. No original writing required. However, be sure to cite your sources correctly. If you use an article from the Internet, provide a link and a “retrieved on” date. If you take the article from another source, provide the name and date of the publication, and the author.

University College London Accounting Essay



The IASB has achieved great success in extending the adoption of international financial reporting standards and harmonising financial

reporting practice across the globe.


Using Nobes (2013) and Yip and Young (2012) and any other relevant academic materials, critically discuss to what extent IFRS contributes

to the international harmonisation of financial reporting.


Nobes, C. (2013) The continued survival of international differences under IFRS. Accounting and Business Research, 43 (2), 83-111.

Yip, R.W.Y and Young, D (2012) Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Improve Information Comparability? The Accounting Review, 87 (5),


(You can obtain these articles from the electronic journals in the library. After logging into MUSE you should click on StarPlus – Library

Catalogue. Then click on Browse EJournals. After that, you should type in the journal name (e.g., for the 1st article, type in “Accounting and

Business Research”). Then you should navigate through the electronic library for this journal to find the article. If you have any problems

finding the journal you should contact the staff in the library for assistance.)

California College San Diego Environmental Sustainability in US Tourism Sector Paper & PPT


You are missing all your HYPOTHESES in the third block of your IRC. ???

CONCEPT/THEORY Block:  Wrong punctuation, second notice.

LIT REVIEW:  Where are you cites?  You MUST have citations in that block.

DATA ANALYSIS/DATA COLLECTION:  Only using secondary sources?  No participants of any kind?  From secondary data, you aim to pull qualitative info?  Is that what you are saying here?

Overall, very well organized, but you need to address the comments I’ve provided you today for your IRC.  Leaving out ALL your HYPOTHESES, CITATIONS, and PUNCUTUATION (second notice) tells me you might have rushed through the IRC assignment without really giving it a final read.  I remember mentioning during my lecture to check the block titles and make sure to add in both RQ and H1/H0.  Still, yours are absent.  You cannot have a LIT REV block, enter data, and then provide zero citations especially providing percentages, numbers, etc. The blocks are small I know, but the lesson is to cite there. The homework assignment even tells the student to provide references/citations.

Potential Consumer Segments Paper


For the discussion, I would like you to come up with a hypothesis that reflects a comparison between two potential consumer segments a company could target (a hypothesis that would be tested with an independent sample t-test).

The hypothesis should cover one difference between consumers in the segments (e.g., differences in the likelihood of using specific media, the likelihood of reacting to different prices, shopping, or buying behavior). Keep in mind that the outcome variable needs to be something that can be measured using a continuous scale. Please explain your idea, write up your null and alternative hypotheses, and discuss what the practical implications would be if your analysis supports the alternative hypothesis.

You can follow the format below:

a) “I assume that company X could choose between segment A and segment B (briefly describe each segment, e.g., two different age groups).

b) I think these segments will differ in the following way…

c) My formal hypotheses are: …….

d) If the company finds support for the alternative hypothesis, one practical implication would be…..

Aligning IT Strategies to Business Strategies Paper


Delta Corporation has been very impressed with the progress it has made with its new product line and the new marketing approach that you recommended and instigated. As a result, it is now considering expanding this approach for its other product lines, providing them with the ability to market and sell all of its products online. However, it has not considered the implications for its IT department in developing this type of plan. As the Social Media Marketing Consultant, you are familiar with integrating business and IT strategic planning. They have called upon you to provide advice. You need to:

Explain what the company needs to consider if it is going to move to a more on-line approach for its sales and marketing activities. In particular, describe the consequences for its IT department and why they need to be involved in the planning phase.

Given the likely increase in costs associated with this move, you need to outline the potential benefits and possible pitfalls of outsourcing the IT maintenance and development.

ASU Impact of Emerging Technology on Sales Essay


The purpose of this assignment is to gain exposure to a new/emerging technology that has the potential to dramatically impact sales.

To complete this activity you must complete the following steps:

1) Identify a new/emerging technology that you find interesting

Review the following document Gartner’s Hype Cycle for CRM Technology.pdf and identify one technology in the article that interests you.

Learn more about the technology by reading about it in the article and visiting the website of some of the sample vendors referenced in the article or using other sources about the topic.

2) Prepare a 60-90 second elevator pitch that describes the technology and how companies will benefit

Assume you have a short period of time with a sales manager who’s looking to improve how they sell

Describe the technology (in simple terms) and highlight how this will benefit the sales manager.

3) Submit a word document containing your elevator pitch

4) Come to class prepared to share your pitch!

You must submit your pitch and present in class to receive full credit!