CCSD Relationship Between Tourism and Environment Paper


Culminating Project Part VI: Drawing Conclusions

Drawing conclusions: When drawing conclusions, it is important to describe how the research problem was resolved (outcome), what were the contributions to practice or knowledge, how significant were the contributions, and what were the study limitations. Latham (2014) suggests that a researcher should make plans for drawing conclusions by explaining how the research problem might be resolved (link to the problem statement), addressing potential contributions to practice as stated in the purpose of the study, and identifying limitations of the chosen design.

For the purpose of this assignment consider the following:

  • Briefly state potential conclusions, contribution to practice, the study outcomes, and limitations of the chosen strategy.
  • Include references and in-text citations.
  • Submit your work for evaluation and feedback.

Make sure you read the following paper:

Quality of Writing of Discussion and Drawing Conclusion in Relation to Interdisciplinary Research

Additional Resources:

UMUC Acquisition Process Discussions

Question Description

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Question 1

How do you define “best value” when buying on behalf of someone else? What purchases have you made that you used a tradeoff method for (were willing to consider non-price factors more important than price)? What purchases are appropriate for a low-price, technically acceptable approach? Why the difference?

Question 2

How does early engagement with industry improve the overall acquisition process? Are there any disadvantages or risks associated with industry exchanges? How can these disadvantages or risks be mitigated?

Question 3

What might lead a contractor to use a “buying in” strategy when pricing its offer? Is “buying in” by offering a “below market value” price illegal or prohibited? What should be your primary concern when analyzing such a low price?

Quesrion 4

How do negotiations for government contracts differ from those in the private sector? What traits make for a good government negotiator?

HMS 1032 Interpersonal Communications Essay


internet/Hyperlink/Uploaded video:

Record / Provide 15-20 minutes

of televised/streamed professional interview (suggestions include

Larry King, Charlie Rose, interview news programs, political talk

shows, actor interviews, educational and informational programs

from online formats including YouTube).


4 to 5 double-spaced typewritten pages identifying and

noting examples of attending behaviors, question type (open or

closed), observation of client behaviors (verbal, non-verbal, and

discrepancies), active listening skills (encouraging, paraphrasing,

and summarization), and reflecting feelings in the interview. Be

specific and concrete concerning what you observed. Comment on

how it worked or did not work. Write about the intentional use of

specific techniques by the interviewer and the observable effects

on the subject. Observe the type and quality of subject response in

terms of information elicited, comfort level of subject, flow of

interview, tone, content and interview process. Tell me how and

what you might have done different to be more effective in specific

areas of the interview.

Reference Material:

Refer to the information in Chapters 1

through 7 in your text for the specifics and details of the interview

behaviors you are identifying, noting, commenting, and evaluating.

UW Apple Inc. Analysis Discussion



Do NOT analyze Apple Inc. as a whole – focus ONLY on Apple’s media business (and its history) here!

QUESTION: Based on the article only (to keep your workload low), analyze the following aspects of Apple’s media business: Looking across their history as described, what are Apple’s resources and capabilities (abbreviated “r/c”) in the media sector?

Specifically, given what industry they are in (define it!), what are its threshold r/c ?

which of their r/c are VRIO?

Among the r/c you described, what are its core competences? Explain what they are and why you think they are core.

Part 2:

QUESTIONS: for your main post, only address ONE of these question.

What are the origins of Apple’s capabilities in the media business? For your main post, focus on just 1-2 examples and speculate on the origin of that capability.

How does Apple’s investment in TV+ tie into its other businesses?

Do the r/c needed for the media business overlap with any other businesses Apple is in?

UCLA Business Reaching Prospects with Advertising Media Tasks


 The first one is straightforward and everyone will complete it.  In the second one, you will have the opportunity to select from two options.  Choose the one that best fits your business.  I have also included information (explanations and videos) on Content Marketing that may help with ideas for creating content for your media and messaging.

Reminder:  Read Chapter 3 Reaching Prospects with Advertising Media.

Part 1

Write 2 email messages for your potential prospect and 1 snail mail message. Include a compelling subject line and make sure the email and snail mail complement one another.  (Consider: a welcome email, value-packed email, an email telling about you, the product or service, invite them to take action) 

Part 2 

Write a sample blog that creates value for your prospective customer 

  • Part 3

Select a medium (radio, videos, see content video messaging options, etc.) that suits your product or service and write  a sample advertisement or create a video that speaks to your business and includes a call to action.  

SEU Supply Chain Logistics Management Worksheet


Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should review chapter 7 of textbook as well as secondary available information on internet. 

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an integrated socio-technical system, developed by Toyota, which comprises its management philosophy and practices. The TPS organizes manufacturing and logistics for the automobile manufacturer, including interaction with suppliers and customers. The system is a major precursor of the more generic “Lean Manufacturing”. Originally called “just-in-time production”, it builds on the approach created by the founder of Toyota.

Using this concept of Lean Thinking and JIT you should answer the following questions by taking any Saudi Manufacturing company.


  • Why Companies adopted Lean Thinking and JIT model? (3 Marks)
  • Discuss major types of Waste, companies must keep in mind during production. (3 Marks)
  • Assess the reasons for using lean thinking. What are the benefits from Suppliers to end users? (3 Marks)
  • References (1 Marks)

Photography Discussion


Develop verbal/textual descriptions for a series of 3 photos that youhave selected based on a theme or topic for your choice. Post each ofthe three images in the midterm CANVAS Discussion with the descriptionof each image directly below it.

For each image:

  • Provide the image and a link to where you found it.
  • Brieflynote the publishing context where you located it [what was the platformor publication: an online newspaper, a blog, a marketing website, aWikipedia article, etc.)
  • Write a description of the image intended for someone in the audience of the venue where it was published
  • Writea meta-analysis explaining how you decided what was important todescribe in the photos and if there are things that you intentionallyleft out.When writing your meta-analysis of your verbal descriptions, itis worth considering how your approach relates to concerns ofguidelines in the assigned readings from this past week: GeorginaKleege, “Audio Description Described,” Joel Snyder, “Audio Description:The Visual Made Verbal, ” and Sharon Marcus, Heather Love, and StephenBest, “Building a Better Description,”

MGT 608 California Institute of Arts and Technology Week 2 Technology Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. Current Events:  Technology is touching more and more of our daily lives, as well as how our businesses operate.  Everything new tech comes with some level of concern, such as privacy and safety.

Read this brief article that’s right to the point (see link below) 

Discuss your opinions in regard to the quote, “…clearly misled numerous people to misuse and abuse technology.”  Who is responsible when technology fails?  When it’s used incorrectly?

2. Describe a device that qualifies for label as an “Internet of Things” device.  Present your top reason why this device can benefit society AND your top reason why it could be harmful.

(Note:  do NOT choose a primary internet device, like a computer, tablet or smartphone.)

UMUC Accounting Walmart Corporation Questions


Please answer the following for Walmart:

Category: Operating Activities

  • Net income and total cash provided by (or used by) operating activities: List each of these two values.
  • What are the items of significance between net income and total for operating activities?
  • Is the business providing cash flow from operations?

Category: Investing and Financing Activities

  • Describe significant long-term assets (type and dollar amount) purchased, sold, or retired during the current period as well as last year (the value will be a line item on the Statement of Cash Flows).
  • Describe significant financing activities used by the corporation to increase cash (or other assets): These would be related to long-term liabilities and stockholders’ equity.
  • As you review your work for the Investing and Financing sections verify these values account for the total cash provided by or used by the section.

Category: Analysis

  • Overall Cash Flow (total of three sections): Explain how the total cash flow changed from year to year for the three years presented in the Statement of Cash Flows.

OCC The Positive Engagement of Employees with The Customers Question

Question Description

I’m working on a management test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Question 1 

You are a manager of a large Grocery store (e.g. Kroger). What could you ELIMINATE? How would this benefit the store and how would you get rid of this task you currently perform?

Question 2 

You are a manager of a large Grocery store (e.g. Kroger). What type of leadership activities should you RAISE by prioritizing these types of tasks or strategic planning? How would this benefit the store?

Question 3 

You are a manager of a large Grocery store (e.g. Kroger). What tasks could you REDUCE? How would this benefit the store and how would you do less of this task you currently perform?

Question 4 

You are a manager of a large Grocery store (e.g. Kroger). What activities, processes, actions could you CREATE? How would these new ideas benefit the store and how would you find time to do these new leadership actions?