Seattle University Management Essay



I am going to attach all the pictures From chapter 10 to answer these questions effectively. Please read the chapter and answer the questions below. You need to base the information from the book (Ch.10) with information found online about “Make-A-Wish Foundation” use what you read in this chapter and apply it all with what you know about the “Make-A-Wish” foundation.


Management Review Worksheet #4: LEADING

Company/Organization being reviewed: Make-A-Wish Foundation

For this worksheet, most questions contain 2 parts: A & B:

The “A” is answering the question itself (provide findings to the questions/topics).

The “B” is the ANALYSIS of the answer/findings.

In the Analysis for each, you should critique the findings, discuss the effects and impacts (internally and externally), identify what’s effective and ineffective, and determine what’s efficient and inefficient?

(Ch. 10)

1.Describe the personality trait(s) of one of the leaders. Would you say they have a high “EQ”? Why/why not?

COMPLETED BY: Justin Mazzone



MGT 520 SEU Mod 12 Developing Employees through Performance Management Discussion


As we have learned in Chapter 8, employee development through performance management is important. However, we must not ignore the importance of ensuring our managers and leaders are developed. Just like subordinates are measured using performance standards, managers should also be measured against set standards. 

For this assignment, you are required to create a self-assessment of yourself. Specifically, pretend that you’re an HR manager. Discuss the following:

Overall Strengths (2 minimum)

Overall Weaknesses (2 minimum)

Accomplishments in your Employment (please use the below examples):

reduce turnover percentage

  • Create a reward system.
  • Two (2) personal goals and two (2) professional goals that you hope to accomplish

Feedback that you can apply to achieve your goals. For this requirement, consider the feedback that you have received from parents, friends, classmates, instructors, etc. and how this feedback will assist you in improving/accomplishing your goals. 

  1. Think about your overall strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies you need to be an effective HR manager at work.

Webster University Voice of America 211 Code Paper


Visit the Voice of America online. ( (Links to an external site.))

View the languages available, and listen to short clips of at least two foreign language broadcasts. Select English, and sample the programs available. Spend 30 to 60 minutes listening to several programs of your choice.

  • You need to make note of the types of programs offered.
    • What do you think were the goals of those programs?
    • How do they connect back to the mission of VoA, and specifically the goals of the U.S. Government which funds VoA?

If you cannot get the audio to work on VoA, then review written content. Note in your paper that you could not get the audio programming.

Critique the programs you listened to, or VOA programming in general, and submit your thoughts in a 2-4 page paper (1.5 line spacing) to the Assignments area for instructor grading (using the style guide indicated in the syllabus).

MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Saudi Aramco International Business Paper


Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a (minimum of 1500 word) report covering the following points:

1. Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.(minimum words: 400, marks: 2.5)

2. Using SWOT analysis, analyze the external and internal environment of your selected company.(minimum words: 700, marks: 5)

Strengths: Explain the strengths of the selected company;

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;

Threats: Discuss the external threats to the business company’s success.

3. Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).(minimum words: 400, marks: 2.5).

  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words. Don’t forget to put the references.
  • Please inform me of the company name before working.

Saudi Electronic University Decision Making for Job Candidate Paper


First, read the biographies of each applicant. As you are doing this, rank each of them from 1 to 4, with 1 being your first choice, and explain your reasons for their ranking.

respond to the following questions using the decisions you have made with your rankings.

  • The first section of your paper should be an overview of your rankings and reasons for your decisions.
  • Did your decision include any culturally based biases you may have—for example, feelings, personality traits, or politics in your rankings?
  • Did you make any observations that you feel would have been fully acceptable in your own culture, but were not accepted in other cultures? If so, explain.
  • What implications do you believe any of the applicant’s cultural differences would have in business dealings? In what countries or cultures?
  • What expatriate adjustments for the candidate need to be considered? How will the company handle these?
  • Explain the decision-making process you used to make your decisions. 

Colorado State University Global Campus Vendor Relationship Essay


In choosing suppliers (also called vendors), the buying organization must consider the suppliers’ abilities to meet price points, the quality requirements, the suppliers’ reputations, and any past experience with those suppliers. Effective supplier relationship management is important to guarantee positive working relationships. In some cases, organizations enter into supplier partnerships, meaning long-term relationships with certain suppliers. Still, some organizations find it important to treat suppliers as adversaries.

Post in favor of treating suppliers as partners for a mutually beneficial long-term relationship.

Useful resources:

Chapter 4 in Mastering Risk and Procurement

Part1, Chapters 12 & 13 in PMBOK® Guide

Buganova, K., & Simickova, J. (2020). Increasing the organization’s resilience through project risk management. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 163-169.

Saudi Electronic University Organization Design and Development Discussion


Assignment Questions:

Please review and read application 12.2 entitled as “Amazon. com’s Network Structure.” available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change” 10th edition by Cummings, T and Worley, C then answer the following questions:

1. Explain how following a network-based structure is advantageous to Amazon in terms of conducting its business activities. (2.5 marks)

2. Discuss the potential challenges that could be facing Amazon as a result of following a network-based structure. (2.5 marks)

3. Based on comparing product-centric with customer-centric structures, explain how could Amazon empower its business partners that are seeking to centralize their organization on either one of those structures (2.5 marks)

4. What would you recommend as potential core processes if Amazon has decided to follow a process-based structure? Explain and justify three of those core processes (2.5 Marks)

Saudi Electronic University Managing up And Across Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This is the topic of discussion,

As an operations professional, you need to be able to
interact efectively with many internal customers – from
corporate managers to feld representatives. One of your
peers is Jessica, who is a talented operations professional,
but who is downright rude to her internal customers. Her
attitude is so bad that people around your company ask
specifcally to deal with you instead of Jessica. You’ve
heard many tales about her sarcasm and her unwillingness
to deliver anything other than the absolute minimum to
other employees. You’ve thought about talking to Bruce,
the manager to whom both you and Jessica report – but
you and everyone else knows that they’re dating. In the
meantime, your workload is increasing because of Jessica’s
reputation. How do you handle Jessica and Bruce?

BUS 475 University of Phoenix Unethical Practices in The Workplace Discussion



Part 1: Ethics in Writing 

Tools are used by faculty to evaluate ethical writing. Writing  that is flagged is deemed not your own words, not properly cited or  plagiarized, is a violation of the academic integrity policy. To avoid  this be sure to summarize, paraphrase and cite your sources. 

1. Review the following resources:  

Citing Sources Using SWS 

SWS Citation Generator Tools 

2. Go to any webpage of the website of the company you selected from the Approved Company List.  

Using the Citation Generator In-Text Citation Tool create and post an SWS formatted in-text citation.  

Part 2: Ethics in Business 

Have you witnessed unethical practices in the workplace?      

  • If so, share your experience with the class and explain how this impacted your perception of the business.     


SFSU The Theoretical Understanding Behind Privatization Business Essay


“First, you will need to find 2 video clips on YouTube (3-10 mins long) that are related to any of the strategic topics covered in this class. After viewing the videos, please write one paragraph answering the following questions: (1) What is the video about? (2) How does it relate to what we have been studying in class? (3) What did you find interesting about it?.

these are some of the stuff you can talk about

  1. New Listing on Stock Markets
  2. Privatization
  3. Outsourcing
  4. Diversification
  5. Differentiation
  6. Localization or local responsiveness
  7. Standardization or global approach
  8. Changing the Top Management
  9. Entering new foreign markets: exporting, acquisitions, licensing, FDI, alliances, joint venture, franchising (each counts as one).
  10. Economies of Scale Production

11. Economies of Scope
12. Logistics/distribution management 13. Changing company structure/design 14. General staffing or training strategy 15. Using or developing new technology 16. Natural resource/parts acquisition 17. Managing supplier relationships
18. E-Commerce Strategies
19. New promotion strategies
20. New pricing Strategies
21. Contract negotiation strategy
22. Using Network Relationships