Chapter 11 Raising the Ante Moral Principles Case Study Summary


Chapter 11 Case Study

Choose any case study from this week’s reading. Review the case and provide a one-paragraph summary in your own words. You may include your opinions as long as they are based in the facts of the case. Answer any questions provided as part of the case, including both the question and the answer in your response.

Submit your work here as a Microsoft Word document. 

Include your name, course, and date in the upper left corner.

  • Double-space the body of your paper and be sure that the font is 10 or 11 points.
  • Use a centered title for your submission (e.g., “Case Study 1: The Sedgewick Hotel, NYC”).
  • Case summary must be one paragraph (5-9 sentences).
  • Answer any questions provided, using enough factual evidence, quantification, and specific detail to explain what the question is asking.
  • Business analysis writing should always been in third person unless it’s presented in a memo or email format.

SEU Development Through Performance Paper


As we have learned in Chapter 8, employee development through performance management is important. However, we must not ignore the importance of ensuring our managers and leaders are developed. Just like subordinates are measured using performance standards, managers should also be measured against set standards.

For this assignment, you are required to create a self-assessment of yourself. Specifically, pretend that you’re a manager. Discuss the following:

Overall Strengths (2 minimum)

Overall Weaknesses (2 minimum)

Accomplishments in your Employment

  • Two (2) personal goals and two (2) professional goals that you hope to accomplish
  • Feedback that you can apply to achieve your goals. For this requirement, consider the feedback that you have received from parents, friends, classmates, instructors, etc. and how this feedback will assist you in improving/accomplishing your goals. 
  • Think about your overall strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies you need to be an effective manager at work.
  • Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

University of Utah Zara Operations Supply Chain Competitive Advantage Case Study Paper


Topics: BI, supply chain, enterprise systems.

Read the Case Study on ZARA: Achieving the “Fast” in Fast Fashion through Analytics (Links to an external site.).…

What IS key features has Zara utilized in their operations supply chain to gain a competitive advantage over other retailers? (2 points)

Give an example of another industry where Zara’s quick-to-market approach could build sustained competitive advantage for a firm. (2 points)

How does Zara utilize collaboration to drive design changes in the company? (2 points)

What features in Zara’s enterprise system allow for seamless communication between customers and representatives of the retailer? (2 points)

Is there any technology improvement you can think of that Zara could utilize in their enterprise system to their advantage? (may require outside research) (2 points)

  1. Write your answers in a word document and submit to canvas. Organize in the respective questions for easier grading and higher points.

Acquisition of Astor Park Hotel Case Analysis


Students will apply the knowledge and methods studied in this course to analyzing this case. The following is the guideline for the case study:

Your written analysis of a case should generally contain five sections:

1. Executive Summary

2. Brief overview of key case facts

3. Identification of the case problem or central issue

4. Discussion of 2-3 alternative solutions to resolve the problem

5. Selection of the preferred solution and explanation of how it solves the


The body of your case analysis should be no longer than 4.5 pages, double-spaced. Allow yourself an average of one page per section (2-5 above) and a half-page for the executive summary. Part of the learning experience is the distillation of notes, ideas and opinions into succinct presentations of your thinking on a particular case. Articulately state your points. You are encouraged to use other resources.

University of The Cumberlands Security Architecture Management Essay


At the end of your textbook on page 385, the author mentions several “encouraging security architecture developments”:

  • The Open Group has created an Enterprise Security Architect certification. One of their first certified architects has subsequently created a few enterprise security reference architectures.
  • The SANS Institute hosted three “What Works in Security Architecture” Summits.
  • The IEEE initiated a Center for Secure Design. The Center published a “Top 10 Design Flaws” booklet.
  • Adam Shostack published Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, and renown threat modeler, John Steven, has told me that he’s working on his threat modeling book.
  • Anurag Agrawal of MyAppSecurity has been capturing well-known attack surfaces and their technical mitigations within his commercial threat modeling tool, “Threat Modeler.

Choose 2 or 3 three items from the list above and provide an update to their development status.  Make sure you provide some background on your selection and then provide the update of the development.

MGNT 617 Analytical Tools and Competitive Forces Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    1. What are the steps of developing an SOW?
    2. What are the common problems in writing an SOW?
    3. Discuss the keys to managing changes to the SOW.

    2. Do some research and find an analytical tool that aids in understanding the various competitive forces that affect strategic planning. Although all organizational sectors potentially face similar kinds of competitive forces, each sector and/or organization may face unique factors that affect competitive pressure at any given time, depending on varying circumstance Do some research and find an analytical tool that aids in understanding the various competitive forces that affect strategic planning. Although all organizational sectors potentially face similar kinds of competitive forces, each sector and/or organization may face unique factors that affect competitive pressure at any given time, depending on varying circumstances.

University of San Francisco Marketing East Asia Currency Crisis Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a marketing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

research to find a group of countries within one region that experienced a significant currency crisis all at the same time. The South East Asia Currency Crisis is one example of a regional currency crisis that you can discuss. However, you are also free to look up another crisis that happened at another time to a group of countries. Regardless of the regional currency crisis you choose to describe, in you paper you must cover the following

1. What countries and currencies were involved in the currency crisis?

2. How did the crisis affect business in the region?

3. Did the IMF or the World Bank play a role in the recovery after the crisis?

4. What were the major causes of the crisis?

5. How did the region recover after the crisis?

California State University Northridge Parents v Epic Games Article Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a business law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This week in chapter 14, you learned about several ways someone can void a contract based on the argument that they either (1) did not understand they were getting into a contract at the time of the agreement, or (2) they were not capable of understanding the terms of the agreement and/or their consequences due to their age, mental incompetence, or intoxication.  Read this (Links to an external site.) article linked below, and answer the following questions. 

1. Who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant in this case? What remedy(s) are the plaintiffs asking for? 

2. Which aspect of “capacity” are the plaintiffs in this case claiming was missing? Explain why. 

3. Do you think the contracts should be voided? Explain why.…

GSU Private Clubs Discussion


Find one news article referencing private clubs and their response to the Covid Pandemic.

In your two-page submission describe to me “What this trend means for the Club industry”.

Fight the urge to describe the news article itself, I will read each of the articles. I am solely interested in your interpretation of why this trend matters, what it might change, and what it means for the industry and its component businesses.

Format and Length – 12 pt Times New Roman Font, Double Spaced, 2-page minimum
Provide the APA citation for the news article on a separate page after your analysis.…

SEU Management Survey on Employee Wellbeing Discussion


Learning Outcomes:

  • Illustrate techniques and skills of correct business research report writing; learn report writing style using an approved style; and, apply the basics of oral communication in a presentation of a project, including, proper speech, organization, use of graphical aids, and effective non-verbal communications.
  • Analyze effective business letters, memorandums, and case studies.

Assignment Question(s):

Data is the new oil for businesses. Generally, businesses relay on these data to perform better. There are many tools businesses use to collect data such surveys. Surveys are particularly useful because you can quickly get the responses of your audience. In your future workplace, you will have many opportunities to create, use and participate in surveys. Your task for this assignment is to assess your ability and knowledge in creating a survey. 

  • Choose the reason and audience for your survey carefully. (2 marks)
  • Develop your survey. (8 marks)

Note: Use MS Words only to develop your survey