University of The Cumberlands Project Management Paper


Project Deliverables (Documents to be created)

As a team, it is extremely important to all of you that you participate in the creation of every document listed below in some way.  That you leave this course with the knowledge of what the document is for and what it typically contains. You will need to create all of the documents as a team


   Project Charter

   RACI (you can use EXCEL)

   Statement of Work (SOW)

   Scope Document

   Very Basic Drawing…

   Procurement Process (materials and vendors)

   Assumptions and Constraints Document

   Risk and Issues Log (you can use EXCEL)

   Communication Plan (you can use EXCEL)

   Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (you can use EXCEL)

   Quality Document

   Change Request Process Document

   Milestone Time-line Breakdown

   Budget (this will come out of the WBS)

   Project Status Report – this is prepared on a PowerPoint slide deck and will go to leadership.  The report must contain:

       Color coded status

       Budget Section

       Risk Section

       Issues Section

       Current past achievements


DU The Failings of FIFA World Cup International Trade Question


At the start of the second half of the semester, you will be given a recent news topic. You are asked to analyse the moral issues connected to this topic:  What is the situation (use other sources to gain deeper understanding of the issue; gather FACTS), what ethical issue(s) are presented in this issue, what are the different points of view? Once you have completed your analysis, you are to write an opinion piece discussing ethical issue(s), presenting your opinion about the issue(s) in a convincing way.

Word limit: 1000 -1200 words (NOT including your list of references) detail instruction and rubric plz see attachment !!!

you can select one of the following two topics:

The global sports industry and human rights: Should we boycott the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup?

Torn between money and morals: ESG – A measure of corporate goodness?

LIU Business Plans Proctor and Gamble Section 8 & 9 Business Plan


Attached is business plan at the corporate level. Please take the information and complete section 8 and 9(Production, engineering, and/or technology (Overview/how they do what they do) &

Sales and marketing (Overview). The company is Proctor & Gamble.

1. Cover sheet/Title Page.
2.Table of contents
3.Executive summary
4.Mission (Your revised mission statement)
5.Vision (Your revised vision statement)
6.The company description (Analysis/SWOT)
7.The market (Analysis)
8.Production, engineering, and/or technology (Overview/how they do what they do)
9.Sales and marketing (Overview)
10.Management (Bios of Key Personalities)
11.Financials (Analysis of financial statements, key metrics)
12. The Strategy (Growth, Stability, Retrenchment, Combination)
13. Strategic Goals (SMART)
14. Implementation (Goals into steps on a timeline)
15. Controls (Ways to ensure the goals are being met)
16. Conclusion (Wrap it all up) Summarize with a statement that displays confidence and control. Hit on the major points.
17. References ***Note Supporting Documents (Tax Statements, Letters of Intent, etc.) are not required for this business plan

Conceptual Framework Paper


Culminating Project Part IV: Conceptual Framework

For the purpose of this assignment, please consider:

1) Formulate your specific Conceptual Framework:

  • Considering your activities regarding the research engagement of week 3 discussing the paper titled “THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: MANDATORY INGREDIENTS OF A QUALITY RESEARCH” you are to develop your conceptual framework.,
  • Keep in mind that your conceptual framework has to be in line with the theories discussed in the literature review section of your project.

2) Select a theory that you believe is well suited for the targeted problem and provides you a viable conceptual framework. Describe the theory and explain the extent to which its assumptions are similar to those in the research problem in your doctoral project.

3) Create a visual representation of the Conceptual Framework of the issues identified in your doctoral project. Provide a brief description of the Conceptual framework.

FIN 30146 SNHU Accounting Worksheet


4-15-22:Please clearly highlight and state 3 to 5 key takeaways from the operation budget. This is information in the spreadsheet. Please review the spreadsheet and Modern Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice chapter 18.

4-15-22:Good start. Please give give definitions for Discount Cash Flow, Present Value, Future Value and Discount rate. Please also performed the DCF calculation and state a recommendation based on discounted cash flow calculation. Please review the spreadsheet, Net Present Value video, Present value 4(and discounted cash flow) video, The Discounted cashflow method and Modern Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice chapter.

4-15-22:Please expand on the discussion of ROI. Please calculate and state the ROI for both investment options. Please state the best option based on the ROI calculation. The decision is based on ROI not IRR or NPV. Please review the spreadsheet, Modern Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice chapter 4,

MKT 257 How Leadership Affect Organization and Its Culture Questions


Little Project Guide

You will choose an organization (THE ORGANIZATION MUST BE LOCATED IN THE USA AND MUST BE A LOCALLY OWNED ONE. SO A SMALL BUSINESS. IT CAN´T BE ANY BIG BUSINESS THAT ALREADY HAS A GREAT SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM BEHIND IT) to develop the organization’s social media presence through an audit, a strategy to use, a content calendar, and sample content. 100 points.

Projects will be evaluated on:

25 points: Quality of writing (does it have multiple capitalization, spelling, or grammatical errors?)

25 points: Does the project have all the required pieces?

  1. Intro
  2. Table of contents
  3. Social Media Audit
  4. Social Media Strategy
  5. Content Calendar
  6. Conclusion

40 points: Does the project propose realistic, easy-to-follow, quality ideas to help the organization?

10 points: Organization feedback (organizations will rate students 1-10 on their performance) – this will be from a 3rd party marketing agency on behalf of the organization you choose.

Trine University Wk 6 Berkshire Hathaway Business Management and Strategy Case Study


Discussion: Key Environmental Variables that Affect Communication in a Business 

What are some of the key environmental variables that are changing communication strategies in the business world today? Please give personal examples and back you comments with research form sources.

  • Word Count: The word requirement for this forum is also an exception. Your initial post must be at least 250 words. You must have two follow-up posts that are at least 175 words. 
  • All Forum posts must meet APA formatting requirements


Many of you have taken the organizational communication class in this curriculum. What are the critical issues a company must consider when trying to develop an effective organizational communication strategy. Why is this so critical to the development of a strategic management policy that is effective and will guide a company? What is the role of technology in this communication process? 

Southern New Hampshire University Technology Ethics and Law Discussion


To begin development of your blog, it is recommended you use Tumblr or :

2- Once you decide on either Tumblr or WordPress, begin by setting up your account and choosing a format for your blog. Refer to my blog on Tumblr for an example of a marketing blog: (Links to an external site.)

Your blog must contain a minimum of 3 blog posts of written commentary.3 posts of written commentary in addition to relevant video, images or photos inspired by: 

any news/articles you find on your own that are related to Marketing Strategy.

  • All Three of the posts must include an  important question. This can be something you are wondering about,  something you are asking the reader to reflect on or something you are  curious about in relation to the topic.

USF Management Motivation Plan for Knowledge Workers Essay


Imagine you are an engineering manager with your own team of Knowledge Workers. All students are to write and submit their own individual Motivational Plan from their own point of view as an engineering manager supervising their own team of Knowledge Workers (KWs). This Motivational Plan will describe an ideal approach for motivating knowledge workers (your team) to achieve outstanding results. Your approach is to use ideas and tools studied in the course from the many Theorists presented (you will want to pay close attention to the Theorist Presentations!!), as well as any other useful resources you find on your own. Students are to submit their fully completed and fully developed Motivational Plan for Knowledge Workers (KWs). This plan should be a complete description of your solution as an engineering manager and submitted as a report.

MGT 520 Developing Employees Through Performance Management Plan


Personal Development Plan

As we have learned in Chapter 8,  employee development through performance management is important.  However, we must not ignore the importance of ensuring our managers and  leaders are developed. Just like subordinates are measured using  performance standards, managers should also be measured against set  standards. 

For this assignment, you are required to  create a self-assessment of yourself. Specifically, pretend that you’re  a manager. Discuss the following:
Overall Strengths

Overall Weaknesses 

Accomplishments in your Employment

Two (2) personal goals and two (2) professional goals that you hope to accomplish

Feedback that you can apply to achieve your goals. For this  requirement, consider the feedback that you have received from parents,  friends, classmates, instructors, etc. and how this feedback will assist  you in improving/accomplishing your goals. 

Think about your overall strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies you need to be an effective manager at work.