The Collection of Interconnected Entities & Distribution Size Question


  • Prompt: The purpose of this exercise is to get students to evaluate how the marketplace moves raw materials to manufacturers and then on to the consumer. Your family runs a specialty ice cream parlor, Scoops. It manufactures its own ice cream in small batches and sells it only in pint-sized containers. After someone not affiliated with the company sent six pints of your ice cream to a popular talk-show host, she proclaimed on her national TV show that it was the best ice cream she had ever eaten. Immediately after the broadcast, orders came flooding in, overwhelming your small-batch production schedule and your limited distribution system. The company’s shipping manager thinks she can handle it, but you disagree. Discuss the reasons why you need to restructure your channel of distribution, and create a new channel structure for Scoops.

FIU Corporate Solutions Jones Lang LaSalle Case


Read the “Corporate Solutions at JLL” case study attached below and answer the questions below. This assignment is graded for completeness (answering all the questions), effective write-up (clear and free of grammatical errors), and thoughtfulness of your answers (demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking).

  • What advantages and disadvantages does a single point of contact at a service provider have for Bank of America (BofA)?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of restructuring Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) to create a corporate real estate services/account management function?
  • Should the account management function be a cost center or profit center? Why?
  • Should Peter Barge recruit an internal or external candidate to be the BofA account manager?
  • Based on your previous discussion of advantages and disadvantages to client and JLL, do you recommend JLL to restructure and for BofA to work with JLL as single service provider?

California Mirimar Universty Marketing Presentation


please follow these instructions 1- Expand 4 pages to reach 10 pages not including cover page table and reference page 2- Please provide citation for each paragraph written 3- avoid using unnecessary words 4 Follow APR 7th edition

Presentation Requirements

  • Your presentation should be 10 minutes in duration.
  • Use PowerPoint slides (no more than 15 slides)
  • Do not use wordy slides and no more than TEN bullets in each slide
  • Do not use fancy fonts.
  • Dress nicely; make sure your background and lighting are appropriate. Your face should have enough lighting, do not seat with your back to a light source!
  • Look at the camera, do not look sideways
  • Use zoom recording or similar, and make sure your video does not cover any part of the presentation.
  • Your presentation slides should include the following:
    • Paper Objective
    • Overview of the research Area
    • The significance of your chosen topic
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Future Studies

BUS 2303 Columbia Southern Effectiveness of Customer Service in an Organization Essay



For this essay, you will explore both internal and external customer service and consider ways to provide excellent service to customers within an organization and outside the organization. Your essay should address the following questions:

  1. Explain your definition of internal customer service. How do you personally provide excellent internal customer service to your colleagues?
  2. Explain your definition of external customer service. What is an example of an organization that you feel provides excellent external customer service? Describe this organization and how it provides excellent customer service.
  3. How has social media and the Internet changed customer service? What suggestions can you give to an organization that is struggling with online customer service?

Your complete essay must be at least two pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources, if used.

HC The Facebook and T Mobile Security Data Breach Research Paper


Provide research and analysis from security breaches involving at least one of these 2021 incidents: Facebook, T-Mobile, Robinhood, Bitmart.   You may choose to cover more than one of these in your paper, or you may cover them all.

The Cost of Security Breaches.

Provide research and analysis from security breaches involving at least one of these 2021 incidents: Facebook, T-Mobile, Robinhood, Bitmart.You may choose to cover more than one of these in your paper, or you may cover them all. For each security breach, include:

A. Describe what information was taken

B. Describe the cost of the security breach to the business/organization, including any loss of sales revenue or stock value if applicable

C. Describe how the security breach happened.

D. Describe how the security breach could have been prevented

E. Provide your own analysis on what others can learn from the incident

SEU Critical Thinking and Cognitive Psychology Discussion Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. Explain and apply critical thinking and cognitive psychology as it pertains to analyze and synthesize information for problem solving and decision making. (C.L.O :2.1)

2- Suppose you are a member of a group asked to find ways to cut costs throughout your organization for the upcoming year. Sales have fallen sharply, and the company is in danger of going out of business. After gathering information, your group concludes that the company will save the most money by freezing pay for a year, despite a tradition of annual salary increases. How can you make sure this is a fair decision? How can you make sure that others in the organization will see it as a fair decision?(Words 300-400; Marks 3)

SEU Business Law Discussion


Discussion Question

In 2001, British-Dutch corporation Unilever attempted to purchase the assets of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. The Board of Directors of Ben & Jerry’s refused the offer. Unilever’s offer was very generous and would have resulted in a major windfall for the shareholders of Ben & Jerry’s.

The Shareholders threatened to sue the Board of Directors for a breach of fiduciary duty arguing the Board of Directors had a duty for care to make good decisions on behalf of the Corporation. And denying the purchase offer violated that duty.

In fear of the lawsuit, the Board agreed to the sell terms. Do you believe the Board of Directors had a duty to accept the buyout offer? And did their failure to accept it amount to a breach of the fiduciary duties owned to the shareholders?

University of Phoenix Accounting Managerial Accounting Reflection

Question Description

I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Managerial accounting can be a complex job. As you learned in this week’s practice assignment, many different calculations need to be completed to assist an organization with its financial statements.

Write a response reflecting on your experience making the calculations from the practice assignment. In your reflection, share your thoughts on the activities within this week’s readings. Consider how calculating financial statements will help drive effective business decisions.

Address the following questions within your response:

Which calculations were challenging for you? Why?

Which ratios were difficult to understand?

What will you do differently in the following weeks?

If you did not have any challenges, respond to the following questions:

  • What prepared you for these calculations?
  • What advice would you give a classmate who needs assistance?

50s Advertisements Image Cloud Paper


Here’s the second Image Cloud project prompt and ads from the 1950’s, below.

ChooseONE to do, and include both your Word Search List as well as a shortdescription/writeup about why you chose the imagery that you did, andhow you feel it all works together. The length can be as long or asshort as you’d like for the written part, but please include enough sothat your point can be made.

Also, here are some topical hints to help you along when doing your research for them.

Advertisement Example 1, hints:

– the copy (“Freedom loving”)
– family get togethers
– domestic spaces
– sports
– modern couples

Advertisement Example 2, hints:

– the copy (emphasis on “Modern”, especially the term’s meaning in the 1950s)
– famous ‘brunette’ actresses of the day (Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Lauren Bacall, etc)
– domestic spaces
– Christmas in the 1950s

Discrimination and Other Forms of Bias Workplace Harassment and Bullying Discussion


Reply for 2 Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action

HyFlex Discussion: You may receive credit for this discussion if you participate thoughtfully and in-depth at an on-campus meeting.  Verify your credit with your instructor before you leave the onsite meeting.  Please note that just showing up to class is not enough to earn credit for the discussion–you must actively participate.  If you are taking this class online, or are an onsite student working from home, unprepared, or unable to participate, simply complete this discussion online.

After reading Chapter 11, explain discrimination and other forms of bias, workplace harassment and bullying, and affirmative action/equity plans.  How can companies focus their efforts to secure a comfortable, safe, and fair workplace for all employees?   Be sure to cite the textbook properly in APA format as part of your initial post.