Shark Investment Decisions Video Discussion


Part#1: Watch the following  Shark Tank videos: (Links to an external site.) The Sharks Stage a Bidding War for Coconut Girl – Shark Tank (Links to an external site.)The Sharks Stage a Bidding War for Coconut Girl - Shark Tank

Part #2 Select the 2 startups and analyze each as follows

1) What is the value proposition of each startup?

2) Research one (1)  key competitor of each startup.    List the competitors names, discuss your reasoning  for selecting these a key competitors, and include link to competitors’ websites.

3) Research each startup (begin with their respective websites).    Create a SWOT for each  startup based on your research.


What did you like about these two startups?  What don’t you like?

Do you agree with the Shark’s investment decisions?   Why or Why not?

Stratford University Marketing Mix Paper


This week you will research how your chosen company uses marketing techniques and strategies to build its customer relationships and grow the business.

1) Product

Provide a brief description of the company’s products (goods and services). Note: Large corporations usually have numerous products, as such, you can narrow them down to one category.

2) Price

Provide a brief description of the company’s pricing strategies. Example: Toyota sells economy cars and luxury cars.

  • Is it an effective strategy? Why or why not?

How does their pricing compare with that of competitors?

3) Place

Explain how and where the company sells its products. Note: Many companies have brick and mortar locations as well as an online store and offerings.

  • 4)  Promotion
  • Briefly describe how this company advertises and promotes its products
  • Provide an example of a promotional activity used.

Is it effective? Why or why not?

University of Phoenix Backup Policies Outline


Consider yourself responsible for securing the data of your workplace. You must already be aware that this is not as simple as backing up to another hard drive. It is important to have backup tools, processes, and policies for both business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Let’s see how you plan to present your disaster recovery skill! 

For the final section of your playbook,?create a 3-?to?4-page?outline?of backup policies for when the data center is inaccessible. 

Complete the following in your outline: 

  • List the tools used for backup purposes. 
  • Explain the following: 
  • Where employees should work from that day 
  • How employees can get to their data 
  • The communication methods about updates 
  • Outline step-by-step instructions to recover your databases and telecommunications. 
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to recover and provide any additional company assets. 
  • Discuss policies for backup media storage. 
  • Discuss policies for encryption of backup data. 

Northcentral University Assessing the Remote Workforce Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Allowing employees to work remotely can have positive attributes such as higher productivity due to less or no commute time.  But there are also negative aspects of remote work like less collaboration and possible burnout.

discuss the positive and negative aspects of allowing employees to work remotely. You could use several different types of charts to accomplish this, one being the Venn Diagram.  However, please feel free to use other types of charts to display this information. 

When evaluating the positive and negative viewpoints, be sure to assess items such as:

Employee engagement/motivation

Employment laws and regulations  

  • Employee performance/productivity 
  • Supervising remote employees     
  • When rating the items in your chart as positive or negative, please justify why you decided so. 

The Healthcare Accreditation and Quality Improvement Plan


Accreditation is a statement within any organization that its administration and staff are committed to consistently delivering quality care and services.


  • Assume that      you are a Healthcare Quality Specialist at a healthcare      facility/organization which is preparing for an initial Joint      Commission International accreditation visit. Review the JCI      pdf
  • Discuss      thoroughly the steps and processes that you will initiate and      implement over a one-year period in preparation. 
  • Include any key      personnel and the risk prevention procedures you would be sure to put      in place as well as your performance and quality improvement plans. 
  • This website      will help you to organize your thought and our work, follow the same steps      but don’t use it as reference. 

Section 4: Ways To Approach the Quality Improvement Process (Page 1 of 2) | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (

Code of Ethics Discussion


Select a code of ethics. For example, “The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) exists to advance the science, processes, and art of public administration. The Society affirms its responsibility to develop the spirit of professionalism within its membership, and to increase public awareness of ethical principles in public service by its example.” You can read their specific code of ethics on this website.

Additionally, the Olsson Center for Applied Ethics has information about public sector and government ethics generally, including examples. It also offers training for public employees.

Why are codes of ethics important? Include examples of ethical issues or concerns from your local area.

For your initial post, do the following:

Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly orpopular sources

MBA 560 Southern New Hampshire University Ethical Challenges in Facebook Questions


The marketing of controversial products or services can create ethical challenges, which is why the American Marketing Association created Codes of Conduct. The International Chamber of Commerce has even looked at this on a global scale with its Marketing Code. However, acting ethically can actually be profitable. Reflect upon the company of FACEBOOK and post information on the following: And address each question individually with sources to reference.

  1. What is an ethical crisis in either the present or the past that created an ethical crisis with your chosen industry?
  2. How was the situation resolved, if it was? If it still ongoing, please provide the most recent update.
  3. What effect did it have on either the industry and/or your company’s brand?
  4. What could have avoided this ethical violation?

LU Influential Forces in Society Discussion


What do you believe is the single most influential force intoday’s society that sets the tone for an individual’s personal valuesand why? Does this force affect Christians positively or negatively?What is your advice regarding this influential force? Explain anddocument your reasoning using scholarly and peer reviewed journalarticles and/or texts.

The student will participate in four Discussions of the prompts. The student will post one thread of
at least 350 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include journal articles, theoretical texts (you are required to incorporate/cite the textbook, the Bible). Discussions are encouraged to be written in third person.

SEU Performance Management System Discussion


Discussion: Performance Management

Learning, training, and talent development are some of the most important methods to align staff with organizational strategy. They can help the organization to ensure that employees are equipped with the necessary competencies needed to address today’s ever-changing work environment (due to technological changes, marketplace disruptions, innovative practices, etc.). To ensure the effectiveness of a performance management program, learning, training, and development must be encompassed. 

Select an organization that you have worked for or are currently employed by. Then, explain the following:  

  1. How is learning,      training, and talent development incorporated into the performance      management system?
  2. Imagine you are the HR      Manager for this company. Explain what you would do to ensure that the      learning, training, and talent development opportunities offered enhance      workplace success and also meet the needs of Saudi Vision 2030. 

AMU Cholesterol Test Confidence Interval for Population Question


You are told that a random sample of 150 people from Manchester New Hampshire have been given cholesterol tests, and 60 of these people had levels over the “safe” count of 200.

Using Excel, construct a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion of people in New Hampshire with cholesterol levels over 200.

Note: Note that this question requires confidence interval for a proportion, the interval that is likely to capture the proportion of all population members’ that satisfy a specified property. Do you remember the formula? If not, here it is:
p estimate + – z-critical value X sqrt (p estimate (1-p estimate)/n)

Also note that, for population proportion, we use z-multiple not the t-multiple. So you can ask, where is the population standard deviation? You don’t need it. Look at the formula.