Miami Dade College Management Case Study


Questions to Consider 1-4 (Chapter 14, Page #405)

Questions to Consider (End of Chapter)

  1. What are reasonable accommodations? How does a company determine what is “reasonable” and what is not?
  2. What similarities exist between perceptions about the competence and performance of workers with disabilities and older workers?
  3. In the $561,000 DuPont disability discrimination judgment, even if Ms. Barrios had been unable to walk, what steps could have been taken to assist her if the need to evacuate the building arose? Speculate on reasons this case was not resolved before Ms. Barrios was terminated or after she filed her discrimination charge with the EEOC but before the jury trial.
  4. How can recommendations for employment equity for people with disabilities be helpful in ensuring equity for other non-dominant group members?

NEC Cultural Diversity Discussion


Cultural diversity has played a significant role within organizations as we have transitioned to an economy that is more global in nature. What are the impacts of embracing cultural diversity in organizations? What must be considered when developing a climate that is welcoming of cultural diversity? What can you and your organization (or a previous organization) do to maximize the benefits of cultural diversity?

Your initial response to the discussion question should be 250-300 words. You must have at least one course (our text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting. Sources require in-text citations and must be incorporated into the body of the post in addition to a full APA citation at the end of the post.

Herzing University Online Financial Statement Discussion


Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

  • Prepare a consolidated financial statement.
  • Record the proper accounting treatment for intercompany transactions.
  • Analyze the effect of business combinations on the statement of cash flows.
  • Record the effects of foreign currency transactions.
  • Interpret FASB, AICPA, and SEC pronouncements as they relate to the topics above.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  • For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  • Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.

Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:

  • What aspects of the profession do you find most challenging, and how will you strengthen those areas as a professional?

Boston University Fashion Business Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a entrepreneurship question and need support to help me learn.

1. Read the “Profile of an Entrepreneur” on page 191. It is the story of the Skaneateles300 operation & its merchandising philosophy. Owner, Geraldean Lantier, selects her merchandise carefully. What’s her strategy? What might you incorporate into your business? Why?

2. Market trips–What are they? How should a buyer (or seller) prepare for a market trip (week)?

Market trips can be utilized for “buying” merchandise, or you might be wholesale & selling in a showroom or trade show. Perhaps , you are shopping the fabric & trim markets for “inspiration”?

Discuss steps to maximize time & profitability on a market trip.

As a buyer–discuss how you would use a “buying office”

NAU Employee Engagement Satisfaction Role of Human Resource Management Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a management project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Your most recent employee engagement/satisfaction survey results are in and your employees ranked their engagement/satisfaction level a 3.4 out of 10
  2. Your general manager has tasked you to increase satisfaction from a 3.4 out of 10 to at least 8 out of 10 (or higher). You only have 6 months to accomplish this goal.
  3. How would you seek to increase your employees’ level of engagement/satisfaction? (Keep in mind Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). Include a month by month plan to increase engagement/satisfaction and a plan to sustain your results.
    Please submit either in a word document or PowerPoint presentation. (There is no minimum or maximum for this assignment).

Business Cloud Computing Essay


America’s healthcare industry is undergoing massive changes.  Two apparent issues are potential privacy and security

issues that can arise with digital medical records and cloud computing, especially all the sensitive medical data on the
cloud, including your personal information and PHI (Protected Health Information).   

Your research paper includes the two significant issues as below:   
• First, briefly explain the characteristics and benefits of cloud computing, cloud computing delivery (SaaS,
PaaS, and IaaS), and deployment (Private, Public, Hybrid) models, and discuss the cloud computing
environment’s impact on potential privacy and security issues in the healthcare industry.  
• Second, discuss the potential privacy and security risks in healthcare industries/institutions handling digital
medical records in the cloud computing environment and how to cope with the issues.   

Barstow Community College New Look Incorporation Business Plan


For any business, whether traditional or online, you just can’t underestimate the Power of Business Planning. In today’s highly competitive landscape, a solid business strategy has become the entrepreneur’s new bread and butter. Your business’s success depends on the right type of strategy, and the right type of strategy can in turn lead to higher sales, new customers, and long-term growth.

For each section of the business plan, you will conduct research on your industry of interest, the competition, industry trends, market opportunities, etc. Using your research, you will develop a business plan that includes the following components included in the following Business Plan Template:

Post University Labor and Management Relations Discussion


Write a research paper based on the topic chosen.

Answer the topic question andsupport your opinion with appropriate resources.Instructions:

The essay must have the following components:

? An Introduction that briefly sets up the topic and states the premise of yourpaper.

? A thesis at the end of the introduction that clearly answers the topic question

? Supporting sections of the body that defend your thesis, which includes evidencefrom the works selected and the academic/scholarly sources used.

? A concluding paragraph that summarizes your findings.


? Three to five pages, excluding title and reference pages.

? APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.

? Minimum of three sources, excluding the textbook. You may add the textbook asa 4th source.

NCC Business Plans Changing Nature of Client Requirements Essay


During this course, you will learn to develop all the essential elements of a Business Plan, it can either be an existing company on the NASDAQ exchange which is the “American stock exchange, which is located at One Liberty Plaza in New York City known as the New York Stock Exchange” or “a company that you would like to start one day”. Some of your plans will be hypothetical, as access to certain information in the company is restricted, but you can focus on the actual existing customers and products or services the company offers to the public. If you are developing your own company it will be made up so just answer the questions that are being asked.

Stanford University A Logic Model Discussion


Conduct independent research to find a logic model. Then, share it in your main posting and answer the following:

  • Upload a viewable image of the logic model.
  • What do you like about it?
  • What would you change?
  • How does it build on or connect to the ideas in the Knowlton and Phillips book? Include a direct quote and proper APA in-text citation to demonstrate this connection.
  • Reference List: Include a properly formatted APA citation for (1) the source of your logic model and (2) the Knowlton and Phillips book.

Core Text:

1. Rossi, P. H., Lipsey, M. W., & Henry, G. T. (2019). Evaluation: A systematic approach (8th ed.)

2. Sage. Knowlton, L. W., & Phillips, C. C. (2013). The logic model guidebook (2nd ed.) Sage