FIU Social Event Planning Business Plan Entrepreneurship Paper


For this assignment you will prepare a business plan for your own social event company. Your business plan should include, but not limited to, the following headings (topic areas):

Business legalities

Organizing your office environment

  • Building a staff
  • Determining your target market
  • Marketing tool development
  • Social media
  • Managing your online reputation
  • Client relations
  • Vendor relations
  • Chapters 20 – 23 of the Daniels/Loveless textbook will help you execute your plan. Your plan should be a minimum of 5 pages double-spaced and you should include a separate APA source citation page with a minimum of 5 different reliable sources (our textbook can count as one of the five sources). This is an individual assignment.
  • Purpose: Creating a formalized business plan as related to a business in the social event arena.

BUSN 1010 Memorial University Concepts Learned and Their Impacts Essay


long-answer essay question that will ask you to describe and discuss the top three things you’ve learned in the course of BUSN 1010 and how they will be applicable to your future profession/career. You may draw on any three different concepts from any of the modules in the course and you must include three different topics for a complete answer (e.g., please do not write a long-answer question about how knowing about 3 marketing concepts will be helpful to you). Note that I will expect you to talk about how the concept is applicable to you in the future, not just a definition or description of the concept. THE CLASS BOOK IS BUSNIESS ESSENTIALS 9TH CNADIAN EDITION

California Baptist University Ramit Internship Essay


Describe 2-3 actions that you have taken in your internship workplace that demonstrated your initiative.

Have you offered to do something above and beyond your normal duties? Have you figured out a better way to do a common task? How did your supervisor or coworkers respond to your effort?

If you have difficulty identifying ways in which you have shown initiative, you may instead describe the performance of a co-worker or supervisor in your workplace who is a good example of a person who shows initiative and puts forth extra effort.

Identify some extra ways you might do your job more efficiently. These suggestions could be tasks that require higher-level skills than your job description requires.

Liberty University Public Policy Issue Literature Assessment Paper


you will assess ten or more scholarly sources relevant to a topic that you may research for your project. These ten sources may include – but are not required to include – the sources you used in your Annotated Bibliography assignment. Your Literature Assessment should:

Explore common themes, assumptions, or approaches in the sources you cover;

Assess common weaknesses or limitations in the sources you cover;

Identify implications of your Literature Assessment for your future research.

oAre there common sources you see cited across this literature that seem to be highly influential and worth your attention?

oAre there common conclusions in this literature about future research that might be warranted?

oAre there common errors or oversights that may need to be corrected?

GCCCD The Ways in Which Love Is Expressed in Romantic Relationships Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Most romantic relationships are typified by three components: love, commitment, and
affection. Partners who want to improve their communication can learn each other’s love
languages and use social media in ways that enhance their relationship.
Review and use terms discussed in chapter 10 on pages 316-319. Write about 1-2
paragraphs for each question.

1.  In a romantic relationship you know well, describe the communication of love,
commitment, and affection. Which love languages are most resonant for each person, and
how well does each partner communicate in those languages?
2. How does communication—both face-to-face and mediated—shape the quality of the

MGT325 SEU Management of Technology Discussion


This assignment is a case study

You can go find it from the textbook or just read it from the attachment below (I already put it with the assignment)

There are 4 questions related to the case study all of them must contain 300 to 500 words (I prefer not to exceed 300 words)

References are required in at least 2 peer reviewed journal and don’t forget about plagiarism

Also please use easy words

Text Book:

  • Schilling M.A (2020),Strategic Management of Technology Innovation (6th Edition) .Mc-Graw Hill Education.

Electronic Version: ISBN-13: 978-1260087956 ISBN-10: 1260087956

Printed Version: ISBN-13: 978-1260087956 ISBN-10: 1260087956

PNU Engaging Your Audience Essay


In this module, you encountered a number of techniques and pathways you can use to engage your audience in your messaging. For your assignment, you will identify 2-3 of these strategies to explore in an upcoming communication or in a recent communication you’ve already sent. You will only need to complete one of these two options for this assignment:

Apply persuasive strategies in a communication you plan to send in the near future.

If you do not have an upcoming communication, review one you recently sent and identify strategies you could have used, or would use if you were to send this communication again. What would you do differently? Revise your communication to incorporate your new strategies.

MGT 490 UAGC Strategic Human Resources Planning Environmental Analysis


Part 2 – Environment Analysis

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Swot Analysis: Discover New Opportunities to Manage and Eliminate Threats (Links to an external site.) article.

Optimal solutions are determined when a researcher has a thorough understanding of a company and its industry, along with the strengths and weaknesses that impact its future viability.  In the second part of your plan, perform a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats) on your chosen organization and provide an analysis of these results in light of the problem or issue under study. Based on your SWOT analysis, explain how the problem or issue impacts the organization and its competitive position within the industry.

MGMT 5900 JWU WK 4 The Pharmaceutical Companies & Social Responsibility Essay


Week 4 Case Study: Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Management 

       Drug price increases have been a cause  for concern and controversy over the past few years. Read the case  “Turning Pharmaceuticals: Fair Profit or Price-Gouging in the drug  Industry” in the Harvard Business coursepack that you purchased. 

In an APA-formatted paper of at least 4 pages, not including the cover page and references, discuss the following:

  • Have pharmaceutical companies such as  Turning, Gilead, Valeant, and others demonstrated corporate social  responsibility? Explain why or why not?
  • How have these companies prioritized their stakeholders? Which stakeholders are most and least prioritized?
  • What steps should companies that  manufacture pharmaceuticals take in order to more positively respond to  stakeholders and increase their corporate social responsibility?

Boston University Management Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. Please write a concise (one page) position statement identifying the key reasons how project management impacts the success of a new information system. What are the key challenges project management is solving? How do successful organizations use project management? Please provide an example. ( 250 words)

2. Both Deloitte and E&Y have large project management practices.  Compare and contrast project management done by these consulting firms on behalf of clients vs. doing it in-house.  When is one preferred over the other?  What are the risks associated with having a consulting firm do the project management vs in-house? (150 words)