UC Sales per Capita Advertising Expenditure per Capita & Average Local Income Analysis


The data in the file attached contains information on your firm’s sales per capita, advertising expenditure per capita, and average local income.

Regress sales per capita on advertising expenditure per capita, controlling for local income as an interval variable, where intervals are <$35,000, $35,000–$44,999, $45,000–$54,999, and $55,000+, and <$35,000 is the base group.

For the remainder of the question, assume the data-generating process is

SalesperCapitai = ? + ?1AdExpperCapitai + ?2Inc35-45i + ?3Inc45-55i + ?4Inc55i + Ui and that all other necessary assumptions toward establishing causality and performing inference hold.

  1. Interpret the coefficients for the income intervals from your regression.
  2. According to this regression, what is the effect on sales per capita when average local income increases from $35,000?$44,999 to $55,000+?

Saudi Electronic University iRobot Finding the Right Market Mix Case Study


Assignment Question(s):

Read carefully case No 8 from your textbook (entitled ‘iRobot: Finding the Right Market Mix?) and answer the following questions: (1 mark each question)

  • Draw the SWOT matrix of the iRobot company.

What is the competitive strategy used by iRobot company? 

Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the robot-based product industry. 

Describe the different functional strategies of the iRobot company.

Describe the relationship of iRobot with its primary stakeholders.

Describe the core competency and the outsourcing strategy of iRobot. 

What kind of strategic alliance is used by iRobot? Why does iRobot choose it?

What are the main challenges that iRobot faces?  

Assess the competitive advantage of iRobot on its market.

Recommend solutions for iRobot to improve its competitive advantage.

Colorado State University Global Stereotypes and Film Paper


Stereotypes are often depicted in films. Choose any film that portrays some form of stereotypes. In your analysis, complete the following:

  1. Briefly summarize the film.
  2. Discuss three instances of stereotyping in the film.

Then, answer the following questions about the stereotypes in the film:

  1. How did the stereotypes originate?
  2. How did the characters respond to the stereotypes?
  3. What are the positive/negative effects of the stereotypes on the communication between the characters?

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length and conform to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include at least three scholarly references, in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Rasmussen College The Effect of Ethical Practices on Innovation Presentation

Question Description

I’m working on a management presentation and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


You work for an American consulting firm that operates internationally. Your supervisor has advised you that several managers from the various international branches are coming to the headquarters for training, and he has asked you to make a presentation for them on the ethical areas that impact innovation.


Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a slide presentation (without speaker notes) for the international managers. The presentation should include:

Introduction slide

Discussion of the importance of ethical practices on innovation

  • Review of an ethical framework that supports innovation in a global market
  • Best practices for making ethical decisions for innovation
  • Any additional information needed to stress your point

Boston University Management Ethics Leadership Interview Paper


Select a leader from any organization/entity and conduct a compelling and germane interview. The goal is to find out the ethical quotient of the leader and how they continue to embrace ethical practices where they are employed. The interview should also reveal when they experienced an IPOH (Intense Period of Heat) around an ethical dilemma they faced. 

The Ethics leadership interview

You can assume that you interview a lawyer and ask him some questions about ethics that he may encounter in his lawyer’s work. For example, you ask him if he has ever tried to help criminals defend their innocence for money, and so on. Then you need to assume that you have more answers from the lawyer

VCU Policy Process Essay


Title and this is the name of the book

An Introduction to the Policy Process, the fourth edition


Thomas A. Birkland





Publication Date

September 2, 2015


Please answer each of the following five questions in 500600 words per question. Use
specific examples to apply the content and demonstrate your overall knowledge of the
material. Avoid direct quotes. SafeAssign, Blackboard’s plagiarism prevention tool, will be used to check the originality of your work. you can see the question in the file! Please please please don’t Select me until you read everything

MGT 401 SEU iRobot Finding the Right Market Mix Case Study Questions


  • Assignment Question(s):

Read carefully case No 8 from your textbook (entitled ‘iRobot: Finding the Right Market Mix?) and answer the following questions: (1 mark each question)

  • Draw the SWOT matrix of the iRobot company.
  • What is the competitive strategy used by iRobot company? 
  • Use the five forces of the M. Porter matrix to describe the robot-based product industry. 
  • Describe the different functional strategies of the iRobot company.
  • Describe the relationship of iRobot with its primary stakeholders.
  • Describe the core competency and the outsourcing strategy of iRobot. 
  • What kind of strategic alliance is used by iRobot? Why does iRobot choose it?
  • What are the main challenges that iRobot faces?  
  • Assess the competitive advantage of iRobot on its market.
  • Recommend solutions for iRobot to improve its competitive advantage.


SEU Business Saudi Electricity Company Study Report


Please follow the instruction & mention the references. 

Report Writing

Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a report covering the following

1.Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.                                                                       

2.Using SWOT analysis, analyze the external and internal environment of your selected company.                                      

Strengths: Explain the strengths of the selected company;

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;

Threats: Discuss the external threats to the business company’s success.

3.Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).                

IIT Data Visualization Using Kaggle Notebook Choosing Plot Types and Custom Style Project


Kaggle Learn -Data Visualization Learning Module – Lesson 6

Kaggle Pandas - Data Visualization Click for more optionsInstructions:

  1. Complete the Intro to Data Visualization module in Kaggle Learn
    1. Navigate to:    https://www.kaggle.com/learn/data-visualization 
    2. Complete Lesson 6
  2. Submit a screenshot of your completed lesson check-mark from the lesson select page. For more information on how to take a screenshot, please visit the PC Magazine website to view their article, “How to Take a Screenshot on Any Device.”  
  3. In 200-400 words, reflect on experience and applications of the Data Visualization module 
    1. What did you learn?
    2. What was fascinating/useful about the technology?
    3. What was difficult to understand?
    4. How might you use this technology in your profession?

SEU The Autonomous Decision Making that Can Be Taken by Managers Case Study

Question Description

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Read the above case studyand answer the following Questions:    

1. Explain the Autonomous Decision Making that can be taken by managers in business organizations 

2. What are the reasons that many countries around the world are gradually shiftingtowards sustainable energy options?  

3. Elaborate the global agenda and technological challenges for creating a more sustainable environment. 

4. Why energy decision-making functions are occurred at various stakeholder levels, and how the decisions made by one stakeholder may affect others in the total energy system? 

5. What you have learned from this study and how it is beneficial for you as a management professional