OCC What My Autistic Son Taught Me About Managing People Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please read the article, “What My Autistic Son Taught Me about Managing People” (posted in material this week). How can this read help you in two areas;

1. How does understanding what talent on the spectrum of Autism can do to help an organization in terms of tapping into an “ignored” talent pool of those who’s brain is wired differently and are considered “Autistic”?

2. How does understanding what talent on the spectrum of Autism help make us better managers in terms of dealing with the majority of our staff that are not on the Autism-Spectrum?

SEU Management Riyad Bank Company Report


Report Writing

Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a ( report covering the following points: 

1. Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views. 

2. Using SWOT analysis, analyze the external and internal environment of your selected company. 

Strengths: Explain the strengths of the selected company; 

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations; 

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success; 

Threats: Discuss the external threats to the business company’s success.

3. Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).

Lone Star College IRAC Analysis of Business Plan Discussion


This assignment is intended to take you out of the academic applications of our topics and apply what you have learned to a real life scenario. Please take any topic that we have covered in class and apply it to any real life application. This could be from your own life, people you know, current events, new reports etc…

Topic: Intellectual Property

Be sure to utilize the IRAC analysis to identify your issue or topic and then apply the knowledge of the subject to your event. Some people have discussed ethics, business formations, torts, contract negotiations, breach of contracts, courthouse visits etc… The ideas are countless and your creativity and interests is encouraged.

Saudi Electronic University Quality Management in Organizations Case Study

Question Description

I’m working on a management question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Search online for the case study attached :

Answer the following questions:

  • Explain the project quality management as indicated in the case study, how it can be beneficial to the organizations?
  • Based on the case study, describe the W company` state prior the implementation of the quality management – new product development project?
  • Illustrate three to four tools used by W company to enhance their new product development` quality management? To which extent these methods were effective.

In other word, what are some issues that required actions to solve by the company`s management?

AABN Porter’s Five Forces of Chick Fila Restaurant Discussion


Discuss the company of chick fila based of the job description below.

industry Analyst- (Job E) Discuss Porter’s five force model discussed in Chapter 2–relative to the industry of the company we are studying. . What are the Key Success Factors—product competencies, attributes, intangible assets, or competitive capabilities with the greatest impact on future success in the marketplace? Note: In addition to looking at special attributes (features) and intangible assets (patents) examine the following capabilities: Technology (expertise in technology), Manufacturing related KSF (i.e. access to sufficient supply of skilled labor), Distribution related KSF (i.e. Strong Network of wholesalers or retailers), Skills and capabilities-(expertise in design or short time delivery capability such as FedEx).

AU Business Plan Discussion


part 1

Executive Summary 

Consider the Executive Summary as the Abstract for your Business Plan. It may be the focal point for your investor search. Discuss how to prepare the Executive summary. What are the important items to include in your summary? Are there any items you should not include in the summary? 250 words my business is AIRBNB Realtor include reference 

Part 2


Benefits Revisited this Week 

Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What did I learn that adds to my knowledge base? 
  • How will I be able to apply this knowledge to my career plans or in my personal life? 
  • Have my expectations from week 1 been met in this course? How have they been met?

IT 210 SNHU Business Systems Analysis Design Discussion


8-2 Discussion: Moving Forward

After reading the resources for this module, use the information you learned about ethics and privacy (along with any additional research) to address the prompts below. In your initial post, reflect on the business case used for the final project:

  • What are some of the ethical and privacy concerns you did not include in your paper?
  • Should these concerns affect the decision of this business to move forward with your technology recommendations? Explain your answers.

Respond to two of your peers’ initial posts and consider the following:

  • How does your peer’s initial post compare with the ethical and privacy concerns reflected in your paper?

UCB General Management Tesla Paper


please use tesla company for those as well answer all the questions below after you finish give me two slides of bullet points of the five forces with an explanation.

1. The main emphasis of the presentation is your team’s scenario and strategic implications.

for number (1)use this info inside this Scenario- (High oil prices lead to increased competition in electric vehicles due to gas auto manufacturing more electric vehicles into the market. Environmental, Regulations, Oil price-International affairs, Charging stations/supercharger)

  • Explain the impact to at least one of the five forces.
  • Suggest possible actions that your company can use in light of the scenario to improve their competitive advantage.

CCTU The Food Stamp Program Had Different Impacts Discussion


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The Food Stamp Program was enacted in the 1960s as part of the War on Poverty. You have been asked to design a research study that evaluates the impacts on this program. Focus your discussion on the following:

  • What 5 possible impacts would you choose?
  • What criterion makes each impact important? Why?
  • What choice of language; descriptive, normative, and cause-and-effect would work best when framing your research questions? Why

Teens Social Media and Technology Paper


Once you finish watching the PBS video: Generation Like please answer the questions. (using your own words and opinions)

3 Pages, Calibri, font 11, Space 1.5

  1. Explain what “Likening” someone’s post on Facebook means? Does it affect future customer buying behavior (think of YELP)?
  2. Does knowing others “Like” what you “Like” influence you? Explain.
  3. Explain how marketing Oreo along with a current issue helped the sale of Oreo.
  4. How do companies use social media to advertise?
  5. How are marketers using social media to build ‘brand “trust”?
  6. How do celebrities use social media to advertise? (Think about Kim Kardashian)

Textbook Reference: Principles of Marketing 18th Philip Kotler; Gary Armstrong