MGT 311 SEU Employee Morale Article Essay


1. Define different perspectives and knowledge of process-flow analysis, process design

solutions, lean system, quality controls, Inventory control system and green systems

(CLO 1.2)

2. Apply knowledge and skills to optimize production objective of maximizing profits

using qualitative and quantitative techniques in related areas of operations

management (CLO 2.1)

3. Demonstrate process-flow analysis, process design solutions, operations strategies,

Inventory Control System and customer services in the business operation. (CLO 2.2)


This Assignment is based on ‘Lean Manufacturing System’:

As we know that 5S is a lean manufacturing approach to “A place for everything, and everything in its place” based on the Toyota Production System.

1. Sort

2. straighten

3. shine

4. standardize

5. sustain

To consider these five S, write an ‘Article’ focusing on the following considerations.

1. Employee Morale 2 Marks

2. Safety 2 Marks

3. Efficiency 2 Marks

4. Reduces time for looking 2 Marks

5. Performance evaluation 2 Marks


Post University Labor and Management Relations Essay


Please read Five Common Grievance Issues from the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Union’s Steward’s Sourcebook and answer the following questions:

During the term of most Labor Contracts, the union agrees not to strike or engage in any similar concerted actions against the employer. The Grievance Procedure in the contract provides a mechanism for the union to surface and seek resolution to alleged contract violations during the term of the contract.

Of the five common grievance issues in the article, which issues did you most agree or disagree with, and why? Support your position with real-world anecdotes from your own life, a colleague, or the news.

CUNY Brooklyn College Entrepreneurship Planning Essay


Define, describe, and provide 3 examples of social entrepreneurship.

Articulate how your venture will engage in social entrepreneurship, identify specific social issues that are important to you, and discuss specific charitable efforts that your venture will support.

  • It is a good idea to make sure that your vision for social entrepreneurship is scalable. In other words, make sure that your charitable efforts can grow along with your business.
  • The social entrepreneurship component of your venture should have the important characteristic of something which you are passionate about as well as something that you want to be part of your company’s brand identitY.

BA 511 Upper Week 6 Important Roles the Leaders Play in Fostering Innovation Summary

Question Description

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Chapters 5, 6 in Breaking Away

Chapters 6 & 7 in Making Sustainability Work

Summit your weekly summary. A weekly summary is a short reflective posting stating what you learned, liked or disliked, and other comments that you feel you want to share with the group about what happened this week. A thread will be made available for you to reply to so that all summaries are easily identified.

Making Sustainability Work, 2ND 14

Author: Epstein, Marc J. / Buhovac, Adriana Rejc

ISBN-13: 978-1-60994-993-8

Breaking Away, 2011

Author: Stevenson, Jane / Kaafarani, Bilal

ISBN-13: 978-0-07-175394-4 

MGT 164 Diablo Valley College Social Styles Journal


Ask someone who knows you well to evaluate your social style using the exercise from Class 3 to have them assess your assertiveness and emotional control levels. How did their evaluation compare with your self assessment? For example, did they place you in roughly the same quadrant, did they perceive a big difference in one or both of the factors, etc.? What is your takeaway from this?

After reading the article, “Harnessing the Science of Persuasion,”, choose two of the techniques and give a new example (not from the article) of each. These examples can be drawn from your personal experience or from business cases.

Project Administration Emerges from Various Career Fields Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • Prompt: The final project for the course is the submission of a paper that includes your Problem Statement that describes the topic to be studied and the fundamental research from the literature that supports the topic. In this discussion, briefly describe your topic and answer the following questions:
  1. From what career field does the study emerge?
  2. How do you anticipate conducting the research (Research Methodology) and why use that method?
  3. Who will be the anticipated population used for data gathering and why?

My topic I have selected is Project Administration.

TAMU Increase in Price Affecting Trade Discussion


Instructions: Write in the space provided. 350 words maximum. Tables and references are not included in the word count. Do not upload anything. Do not write in the Comments section. 10 points will be deducted for uploading or writing in the Comments section.

Background: On April 5, 2022, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated in the Security Council that the conflict in Ukraine will increase the prices of food, energy and fertilizer affecting up to 1.2 billion people in 74 countries.

Question/Task: How will the increase in price affect U.S. trade in food, energy, and fertilizer? Explain. Conduct research on your own. Justify arguments with data.

MAR 3817 RU The Search Engine Optimization & Marketing Strategies Essay


Evaluate strategies behind website pages’ ranking in organic search results and their impact on ecommerce.


You have been hired by the Bronx Zoo’s marketing department to head up the Digital Marketing Team. The Director of Marketing has asked you to provide an overview for the new marketing team members and interns on best practices for a digital marketing campaign.


Your report should address the items below as they apply to the Bronx Zoo:

  1. Discuss the concept, challenges, and advantages of integrated marketing.
  2. Briefly explain the zoo’s online presence in different channels.
  3. Review at least 4 best practices of a digital marketing campaign that would potentially be beneficial for the zoo.

Earned Value Metrics Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

crux of EVM. 

1. Considering what you have learned about appropriate project management metrics, including what you have learned from this module’s reading about metrics to manage several projects

2. develop an additional metric that you feel would be useful for managing a project or portfolio of projects. It can be as simple or creative as you would like.

3. List the actual metric that you propose, and include discussion of how you would gather appropriate data and calculate the metric. Use a hypothetical example of how this would be employed.

Purdue Global University Marketing Worksheet


Looking for a tutor that is good in Marketing and can answer these four questions correctly.

1. Segmentation research is based on the idea of shifting organizational strategy to focus on specific sub-groups that exist in the market with similar attitudes, needs, and/or behaviors.

True or False

2. Both hierarchical and partitioning clustering methods rely on the concept of?


Hypothesis testing

All of these


None of these

3. Agglomerative hierarchical techniques form clusters based on the shortest distance between clusters.

True or False

4. Clusters obtained through k-means are determined in large part by the starting centroids.

True or False