Arab Open University Collaborative Advantage Discussion



With reference to B325 relevant course material and the article, determine the bases for collaborative advantage, main goals of such collaboration and challenges faced particularly at the level of trust. Your answer needs to be supported with clear evidence from the article validating your response. Discuss afterwards national health cooperation with regard to the vaccine access and how it has promoted stakeholder trust in such process. Support your discussion with evidence

(Word limit: 2500 words).

Use Harvard referencing style for in-text citation and make a table of references at the end

Plese note:

Read the (B325 TMA – OB – SP22 – Q) file cearfully

ECOM 500 SEU Entrerprise Resource Planning Management Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Select an organization, national or international, that has implemented an ERP system. Then, address the following components in your paper:

  1. What best practices did the organization use when implementing the ERP? Provide 2-3 specific examples.
  2. What did the organization do poorly when implementing the ERP? What changes, as based upon the recommendations provided in the textbook, should have been made?
  3. How are other organizations, in your selected organization’s industry, using ERPs? What recommendations, implemented by similar organizations in their industry, could your organization use to improve their ERP? 

COTC Decision Support Systems and Information Technology in the Publishing Industry Task


 paper on how decision support systems and IT are used in the publishing industry!!

My part of the project is decision support systems and IT so please write two pages on that section only! 

You will be part of a team that will work together to investigate how a specific industry uses information technology (IT). Further, your team will speculate (based on current evidence) on possible strategic uses for IT during the next five years for this industry. To do so, it will be necessary for you to research emerging trends in technology and how are used strategically and/or innovatively for competitive advantage within the industry.

Alaska Pacific University The Toulmin Model of Argumentation Paper


First, you have to read the article and do the assignment in the way The Toulmin Model of Argumentation

Toulmin method is a style of argumentation that breaks arguments down into the following parts .

Claim , Evidence ,Warrant , Backing, Counterargument/ Rebuttal and Qualifier.

second, In your write up consider answering the following question:

If a forensic accounting expert is retained predominately by the same law firm, is objectivity impaired?

Attorney’s sometimes include the forensic accounting expert in trial preparation and review their specific questioning line that reveals their verdict preference. Is there a cause (attorney influence) and effect (expert objectivity) on the forensic accounting expert’s testimony?

Saudi Electronic University Amazon Network Based Structure Case Study Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

question:1. Explain how following a network-based structure is advantageous to Amazon in terms of conducting its business activities. 

2. Discuss the potential challenges that could be facing Amazon as a result of following a network-based structure. 

3. Based on comparing product-centric with customer-centric structures, explain how could Amazon empower its business partners that are seeking to centralize their organization on either one of those structures

4. What would you recommend as potential core processes if Amazon has decided to follow a process-based structure? Explain and justify three of those core processes 

NEC The SMART Goals Method for Customer Experience Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.

With smart devices pervading our homes (Hello Alexa) customer interactions are increasingly more and more personalized. Social media increased the voice of the customer exponentially. As such empathy is now considered a sought-after leadership skill.

On page 84, your textbook focuses on Customer Experience Mapping. And then on page 132 refers to the first phase of Design Thinking: empathy. Design Thinking is a methodology that focuses on the human experience. A powerful tool in the Design Thinking portfolio is an empathy map. This is your opportunity to apply this tool.

AUA Overview of Event Studies Discussion


Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Event StudiesReadings
Textbook: Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Event Studies
* you (as an individual) need to pick two questions from following ‘discussion questions’
and answer them
Discussion Questions
1. Is event studies an academic discipline?
2. What is the historical perspective of event management literature?
3. How are meanings attached to events and event experiences?
4. What are the major forces shaping planned events and resulting trends and issues.
5. How is social media shaping the demand for events and the event experience?
6. What role does commodification have in special events?

MCC Buybacks Discussion


Week 5 Business article

Submit a 200-400-word summary and analysis of a current article (less than four weeks old), and tell how it is related to your assigned text readings for the week.

Be sure the heading includes the article title, periodical source, and publication date as well your name and course/section number. Include the URL if the article is taken from the Internet. Check the publisher’s materials for online sources or news and additional information about the report. If you wish to quote directly from the article, be sure to use quotation marks.

I prefer that your article summary is included here and not attached.

Purdue Global University Marketing Worksheet


Looking for a tutor that is good in Marketing and can answer these four questions correctly.

1. Segmentation research is based on the idea of shifting organizational strategy to focus on specific sub-groups that exist in the market with similar attitudes, needs, and/or behaviors.

True or False

2. Both hierarchical and partitioning clustering methods rely on the concept of?


Hypothesis testing

All of these


None of these

3. Agglomerative hierarchical techniques form clusters based on the shortest distance between clusters.

True or False

4. Clusters obtained through k-means are determined in large part by the starting centroids.

True or False

Lynn University Digital Economy Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a marketing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In a global, digital economy, marketers face a common dilemma: delivering benefits and value to a global consumer audience, that is increasingly fragmented, and demanding locally outsourced goods and services. 

Should marketing managers emphasize on streamlining the marketing mix (4Ps) in order to efficiently distribute and satisfy the needs to consumers in multiple foreign markets, or should they redesign their market channels in order to have a more localized approach to delivering value to customers? 

In your discussion, justify your opinion with at least two credible references.