Lynn University Culture Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a management question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read the article Culture eats strategy for breakfast. (Links to an external site.) (select the title link to open). So says some industry experts and management consultants. The challenge, as presented, is that initially culture-rich organizations are not as financially viable. Culture = Costs. However over time, organizations with rich, actionable Culture are more profitable. It takes time to achieve both,

Discussion Expectations

For this discussion, explain one reason you find Culture-rich organizations are less likely to be profitable in the short-term.

New England College Human Resource Case Study


Complete a 2 to 3-page case analysis (at least 1 page per case). Click on the link below to access the cases (or copy and paste into your browser) and then follow the instructions that you will find below the link:

ERT Embracing Difference

ERT_embracing_difference_V26-1.pdf(Review)- Adobe cloud storage

  1. Choose 2 cases to analyze
  2. Record the Case # and Title
  3. Complete a brief Summary/Analysis of each case
  4. Include in your summary findings & benefits
  5. Include how to improve/what’s missing
  6. Share how human resource managers can use this information to improve organization
  7. Include references (at least two more scholarly/peer reviewed sources per case in addition to the above link)

Ethics and Integrity in Research Discussion


Ethics and Integrity in Research:

Research the various issues and concerns related to conducting research and prepare a final paper (no less than 1000 words) on why Ethics and Integrity in research is critical.

Paper must identify and provide point and counter points on the types and levels of review (e.g., level 0, non-critical) and what steps must a researcher adopt to comply with CFR 46 standards.

  1. Additional Resources:

California Institute of Arts and Technology EarthMover Project Excel Task


Questions:   Given that the current construction project is planned to be completed in 30 days.

What is the best way to meet the expedited request of 26 days?

What is the cost to expedite the project?

If you want even more insight into managing your project, consider using specialized software tools such as Microsoft PROJECT — see your Single-Sign On page for LinkedIn Learning resources and then search for “Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training”.

  1. HINTS — to install SOLVER:
  2. Excel: Open a document, under File, select Options, then select Add-ins, then by “Manage… Excel Add-ins” click GO, check the box for “Solver Add-In”, and finally click OK.  




CBU Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a communications question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In this chapter, we learned many tactics of integrated marketing communications, such as cause-related marketing, online/social media marketing, product placement, buzz marketing and so forth. Please find an example of an integrated marketing communications campaign (meaning the campaign synthesizes advertising, marketing and public relations). 1) Provide a link of the campaign, 2) specify what IMC tactics were used (by using the word “integrated,” the campaign has to use more than one tactic listed in the textbook/sides), and 3) comment on the effectiveness of these IMC tactics.

WU Business Horizontal Integration Question


Horizontal Integration is a type of strategy pursued by a company in order to strengthen its position in the industry.

Within your Thompson (2022) text, read the Chapter 6 Assurance of Learning Exercise #1 related to Live Nation ( and respond to the following questions:

  • How has the company used horizontal mergers and acquisitions to strength
  • en its competitive position?
  • Are these moves primarily offensive or defensive? Please explain.
  • Has either Live Nation or Ticketmaster achieved any type of advantage based on the timing of its strategic moves?
  • Relate your response to each of the above to our coursework (Thompson text) from this week.

University of Maryland Managerial Economics Reflection


Provide a reflection of at least 450 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

‘Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

McDonald Strategic Audit


Please answer the following question using the liable resources and the attachments .

  1. What, very briefly, is the company’s background and history?
  2. What has the company’s strategy been over the years?
  3. What is the external context of the company? For instance, what aspects of the environment influence industry structure and performance? What are the paramount institutional constraints and how do they affect strategic choices within the industry? What drives competition within the industry? What are the most relevant measures of performance in the industry? What must a company be best at (i.e., key industry success factors) to do well in this industry?

CSU Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Strategies Management Exercise

Question Description

I’m working on a management exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. What is an example of a firm that you would consider to be “stuck in the middle”? What would your advice be to the executive in charge of the firm?

2. Research a company that has gone bankrupt or otherwise stopped operations in the past decade because the strategy was “stuck in the middle” of otherwise a viable generic business-level strategies. Could its demise have been prevented?

3. Describe the nature of focused cost leadership and focused differentiation.

4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of focus strategies

BUS 2303 Columbia Southern University Ethical Issues in the Workplace Discussion


Using the CSU Online Library, identify an article on an ethical issue in the workplace. This article should include a case study of an ethical incident by an organization. (I HAVE ATTACHED THE ARTICLE)

Create a case study that addresses the following questions:

  • What was the ethical situation, and what led to the problem?
  • How did the organization respond?
  • What were the consequences of these actions?
  • What did you learn about professional ethics through this case study?

Your complete case study must be at least two pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.