SEU Authentic Leadership-Leadership Management Essay


Authentic leaders are led by their convictions. The experiences of these leaders are critical in their development and perceptions (Northouse, 2022, p. 222).

Authentic leaders are genuine, lead with their heart while working toward a vision, and are consistent. Thinking about authentic leadership, address the following:

  1. What are five characteristics of authentic leaders?
  2. Of the characteristics noted, why are these characteristics important for authentic leaders to possess?
  3. Identify an authentic leader and describe how he/she inspires followers.
  4. Explain how emotional intelligence impacts an authentic leader’s behavior.
  5. Identify three steps that you can take to become an emotionally-intelligent, authentic leader.
  • P.S. attached is a sample for answers.

AMU Business Study Design Sampling Question


Part 1. Explain the concept of ‘margin of error’ in deciding the size of a sample.

Part 2 – Explain the following terms with an example

Point estimate

Interval estimate

Confidence interval

Confidence limits

Confidence coefficients or critical values.

Part 3 – In a survey carried out in a large city, 170 households out of a random sample of 250 owned at least one pet. Find the 95 per cent confidence interval for the percentage of households in the city who own at least one pet. Does the result support a pet food manufacturer’s claim that 75 per cent of all households have at least one pet?

UCLA One Minute Sales Person Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

OMSP Icon Click to Play Presentation

  1. Explain the key elements to address Before the Sales Call.  
  2. Explain the importance of preparing and asking the right questions During the Sales Call.
  3. Describe and explain the difference between Active Listening and just not talking. 
  4. Give examples of how can you demonstrate to the other person that you are Actively Listening.
  5. After the Sales Call, what do you think of the concept of using One Minute Praisings?  What does the author say this will lead to?

University of Georgia Black Males Athletes at White Universities Essay


The research paper is a review of literature in a topic area related to
socio-cultural aspects of sports. A review of literature is to re-organize and present the published
works. You are not generating new knowledge through a systematic investigation. Rather, you
summarize what other researchers have done on a topic and use their research findings to make
point(s). Therefore, all information should be referenced. At least, 15 to 20 references should be
included. Of the references, a majority of them are preferred to be primary studies. APA format
should be followed in the written presentation. The paper should be of at least 12 pages

Athabasca Literacy Communications Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a communications writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

  1. Literacy is a theoretical concept that was first formulated with respect to print culture, particularly the ability to read. Having now studied the different competencies required for “literacy” across a variety of technologies, this topic offers an opportunity for you to summarize your learning and add to it through further research. Choose two or three technologies to compare or contrast. What has changed from the medium of print? What has stayed the same? What do we think we know? What questions remain unanswered?

USF Entrepeurship Israel and Global Innovation Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a entrepreneurship discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

How Israel Turns Its Soldiers Into Entrepreneurs (Links to an external site.) presents several startups disrupting various industries with their innovations in Israel and globally. Pick one startup and research the status of their innovation. What kind of innovation does it exemplify (is it disruptive low-cost or high-tech radical? Discuss the role of innovation in the industry in that the startup operates in. How has this innovation impacted competition in Israel and globally?

Walt Disney Company Discussion


Choose a large, well-known firm different from the ones we’ve discussed in our discussion forums to date. Identify an area of CSR* that the firm manages particularly well and discuss what the practice is, why it is well managed, and how such a practice might fit into a GRI reporting category**. Finally, also articulate why this practice makes good business sense by adding economic value for this firm. If you don’t have hard data on this last piece, make the case logically. Make sure you cite at least one external source in your post and reference it appropriately.

ASU Employee Attrition Data Analysis Excel Spreadsheet


In this lab, you will put the skills you have learned this semester to use. Read the attached case study (Bingo Boxes Inc.) carefully, then decide which of the tools you have used in this class will be most appropriate for this task.

I am not going to provide much guidance for this lab — your task is to apply the skills you have learned so far in this class in order to help this company make some good business decisions. You may refer to instructions from previous labs if you need to remind yourself how to best utilize these tools.

ACC 202 SNHU Investor Report for Urban Dawg Essay


Your business has been open for a month, and you have prepared an income statement and completed a variance analysis on the data. Now you will meet with investors and a few other internal stakeholders to share your company’s progress over the past month and how it has performed with respect to your cost and budget projections. The investors would like to see the thought process behind your financial strategy and how your company has performed in its first month. They have therefore asked you to present a report that includes the costing and income data from your Project Workbook.

MGMT 3620 MTSU Interview Business Occasion and Thank You Letter Question


assignment is to write a specific thank you letter for a real occasion that would preferably be a business occasion, such as an interview, plant tour, classroom visit, etc. Still, it can be a personal occasion if you are unable to think of a business situation. The letter must address a real person with a real situation (i.e., not directed to a fictional person or company). Feel free to use any template you desire that has the essential elements of a professional thank you letter: date, “Dear Line”, content, Sincerely/Thank You, and signature. Keep your letter business professional