Grossmont College Equity-Based Compensation Accounting Presentation


This presentation is related to accounting.

You have to create a detailed and unique content presentation about the topic of Equity-Based Compensation.

The presentation you create should be long enough to be presented for at least 10-15 minutes.

It should be about 15-20 slides.
The only source you should use for research for this presentation is the CCH AnswerConnect

Here is the link to this source:

There should be an introduction and conclusion slide and some visuals on the slides.

I also uploaded a grading rubric to guide you.

Excelsior College Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a marketing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please answer the following questions.

-What is an integrated marketing communications strategy?

-What are the components of a promotional (communications) mix?

-How does a company determine what promotional channels to utilize for its integrated marketing communications plan?

-What are the different promotional mix components and the budget impact for each component?

-Please select the promotional mix for Pfizer and the underlying premise for the selected venues.

-What traditional (print, broadcast) and non-traditional (digital) marketing campaigns and strategies should be used?

UT Management Human Resource Practitioner Discussion


1.As a human resource practitioner, how would you counsel or train a manager who is uncomfortable giving critical feedback to employees? 

2.If you were asked to provide recommendations for a coaching and mentoring program as an extension of your performance management system within your HR department, what would be your top five recommendations and why? 

3.List and describe 3 to 5 of your biggest legal concerns related to performance management systems. For each of those, describe at least one preventative mechanism that organizations can put in place to combat the legal concern.  

MU Lean Analytics Discussion


Provide a 350 word summary of your selected chapters as well as a thought-provoking question to ask your fellow students about your readings. Choose at least two of the following chapters from Lean Analytics:

  • Lean Analytics, Chapter 8: E-commerce
  • Lean Analytics, Chapter 9: Software as a service
  • Lean Analytics, chapter 10: Free mobile app
  • Lean Analytics, chapter 11: Media site
  • Lean Analytics, chapter 12: User-generated content
  • Lean Analytics, chapter 13: Two-sided marketplaces

After posting your summaries and question, review the questions that other’s have posted and respond to two of them.

BA 511 UIU Organizational Leadership Analysis Samsung Electronics Summary


JIndividual Work Article Review: Organizational Leadership Analysis

In a 1050 – 1400-word assignment analyze your organizational senior leadership team’s role, where you work, in creating and organizing a corporate sustainability strategy focusing on the identified internal and external stakeholders. If you are not sure, ask a senior level leader and learn. Include at least three different references published in the last 5-years to reflect current setting literature, include a reference slide. Submit your assignment closely aligned to the prescribed guidance in the APA format. Due Sunday, Day 7 to the provided Dropbox.

AUA A Predominant Culture with A Diverse Workforce Report


Mary would like to figure out a way to communicate that while the main season activities are only for girls, they want everyone to participate in the 5k. They don’t want the name, Girls on the Run, to prevent wider participation in what is their biggest event of the year. So if you can put together a plan to address that issue and get more males to sign up, you’ll meet the requirements for the deliverables portion of the class.

Can you write a report on Girls on the Run organization?

Kenyatta University Adolescent Pregnancy Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Adolescent  pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation because it poses serious health risks for the mother and the baby. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

UNIMELB Real Estate Accounting & Tax Worksheet


For Unit 12, the main assignment is the Elm Street Case Study. I provide the Excel template for the case study and your assignment is to complete the template based upon the Elm Street Case Study lecture and PowerPoint slides (all the data is within the lecture/PowerPoint). Please be sure to rename the Excel file with your last name as part of the file name.


It’s basically to use the information in the PowerPoint, to fill the 4 units In the excel provided.

Thank you and please be correct.

Montclair State TruServ Scheme to Understate the Merchandise Payable Accrual Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In 2003, the Securities and Exchange Commission released an Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release (AAER) describing charges and discipline against TruServ Corporation and the company’s chief financial officer. The charges claimed that TruServ underestimated the accrual for merchandise payable.


Read the enclosed 2003 AAER related to TruServ Corporation. Explain the scheme that the company used to understate the accrual for merchandise payable. Finally, what audit procedures might an auditor use to uncover this misstatement?

MSU Business Policy and Strategy Strategic Plan Report


The organization that you choose needs to develop a strategic plan. The board of directors of this organization asks you to write a report, but to send specific chapters of the report to them in advance.

For the Strategic Plan Report I expect to see the following sections:

1.3. Describing their External environment and doing analysis of that (in SWOT analysis, O & T are about External Environment)

2.1. After the first section in the second section I want to see your recommended strategies for their situation in the year 2020