MGT101 SEU Principles of Management Higher Nurse Turnover Discussion


1. What role do you believe hospital administrators have played in contributing to nursing shortages and high nurse turnover? (2 .5Marks)

Q2. What could hospitals do during recruitment and selection to help nurse retention? (2.5 Marks)

Q3. What steps could hospitals take to ensure male and female nurses are given equal opportunities in compensation and promotion decisions? (2.5 Marks)

Q4. Why do you think so many nurses continue to work, despite the many challenges they face and the lack of safety on the job? Explain your points. (2.5 Marks)

LU The Populations of Local Municipalities Grow at Alarming Rates Analysis


For this assignment you will write an 8-10-pages (not including title page, reference page, and
any appendices). More specifically, you will need to:
1) Develop a fiscal condition analysis of Maumelle, Arkansas analyzing the most recent
three-year revenue and expenditures data of Maumelle, Arkansas.
2) Utilize Excel Tools and charts to compute and create tables to create a fiscal condition
analysis for Maumelle, Arkansas.
Your fiscal condition analysis will focus on the five (5) most important financial indicators for
local governments:
? Total Revenues
? Property Taxes
? Sales Taxes
? Operating Expenditures
? Personnel Costs

Sofia University The Lord of The Rings Series Essay


What was your journey like?

If you were the hero/heroine in this how would the story unfold? 

Think of a movie/movie series-a) The Matrix b) Lord of The Rings c)Harry Potter or d) a movie of your choice that has a clear hero/heroine with a mythical journey. Compare your journey to an unfolding of awareness and/or understanding. How are you different or similar to the hero/heroine of your choice?

How do you bring in your understanding of yourself from Personality and Motivation?

The arch of a hero/heroine’s journey:

Hero's Journey.png


SEU Effective Leadership and Regional Economic Integration Discussion


What is the meaning of regional economic integration, list the advantages and disadvantages of the economic integration? Support your discussion with three examples of such integrations with a brief explanation of each

 For this one 3 different answers… on different file without copy and please don’t forget the reference Think of someone who you consider to be an effective leader. Explain why you consider him or her to be effective. What are their leadership style, under which theory?Discuss the difference between business ethics and personal ethics, with examples.….


GCCD interpersonal relationships Discussion


  1. State your choice for topic of group presentation.
  2. Explain why this topic is important for close relationships. Take into consideration the types of interpersonal relationships such as friendship, family, romantic, and workplace. For example, listening skills in families help to reduce conflict and manage conflict better.
  3. What is one identified challenge within your topic. For example, what problem can be identified in family communication? See example in the assignment description about listening. What can be done to resolve this problem? Use your research and/or textbook for possible solution.

AMU Common Law in HospitalityDiscussion


From contracts to torts, common law is a cornerstone of hospitality law. For this discussion, provide your perspective of common law and the development of rules regarding the rights and liabilities of innkeepers under the common law system. Provide at least one example of common law related to hospitality in the United States.

You do not need to explain the origin of common law, but you should show how the law has evolved in relation to a changing society and highlight an aspect influencing the current state of lodging.

Cuyamaca College Communication Process and Miscommunication Paper


Assignment #1 – Use the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a co-worker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, friend, or family member. What idea were you trying to share? How did you encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver correctly decode the message? How do you know? Based on your analysis, identify and explain the barriers that prevented your successful communication in this instance. You should be able to complete this assignment in approximately two-three pages.

Innovation and Change Management Presentation



You are a new intern at organization XYZ, and you have been given a task to create a 5-minute presentation to your supervisor on why innovation is important to an organization’s success. This could lead to a full-time position with the company so you want to make sure you shine.


Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a slide presentation that:

Discusses the importance of innovation.

Details how innovation can impact an organization.

  • Provides an analysis of internal and external drivers of change.
  • Develops an action plan to eliminate or reduce barriers to change.

DU The Study on Mask Mandate and Its Effects Discussion


Pick an article that uses the method format that we are studying. Write 1-3 pages, Times New Roman, Double-Spaced, 12 Point Font reflecting on the prompts below. Article Attached (25 points) and prompt responses (5 points each), 50 points total. Be prepared to discuss your article in class.

Article Attached:

APA Citation:

General Summary (4-5 sentences):

Method Summary (4-5 sentences):

Quotes (2 minimum):

Why you chose this article (4-5 sentences):

link to article:New Study Finds Mask Mandate Failed to Reduce COVID Deaths, Hospitalizations, or Cases – Foundation for Economic Education (

OL 663 SNHU How Communication Efforts Fall Short Discussion & Responses


Complete the following in your initial post:

Reflect on the communication failures you have witnessed in organizational change efforts, and answer the following:

  • What was communication failure?
  • What communication needs were not met?
  • What was the result of these failures in communication?
  • What needed to be done to correct this problem?

Respond to at least two of your peers with any questions you have about their analysis of communication failures they have witnessed in organizational change efforts and compare their answers to your own understanding of communication problems in organizational change efforts.