BMIS 530 Liberty University Performing System Design Discussion


Post 1:

Ryan Davis

Discussion Thread: Performing System Design

Although the tendency is to see technology as tools or means designed for specific purposes, in recent years there has been an increase in awareness of ethical issues related to IT, given their significant potential to affect the well-being of people and communities; the growing list of moral issues affecting the school includes digital violence, Internet addiction, hyper-sexualization of young people and compromises in academic integrity (Mata, 2019). The word “Ethics” reverberates throughout a company’s culture. The way we treat each other, the use of information, how we engage with our co-workers, manage allocated resources, and our individual impacts on our communities are all ethical issues companies should be concerned with. These aforementioned items are often scrutinized by our society and can be a determining factor of a business’s success. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect our personal freedoms and use data appropriately. One of the most glaring ethnical hurdles we face today is the way companies use our personal data. Our personal information is like gold to companies, but to what extent are these companies actually awaiting our right to privacy with regards to our personal information? Data points harvested such as sites we browse, online purchases, information we submit online, business and social media sites we participate in are all extremely valuable information businesses can exploit to make money and advance their goals.

I know that my project will utilize a blend of third-party technologies. This means are organizations should be ever vigilant in our oversight of technological use and band together to accept responsibility when it comes to governance of our information systems. With breaches of our systems due to cybersecurity, big data mining, and managing personally identifiable information (PII) there is confusion on who is responsible for the governance of these threats. Organizations need to adopt a perspective on where all collective parties share responsibility. In taking a similar global approach we can hope for policy that eliminates widespread mismanagement of data.

Employees and customers are indubitably a business greatest asset. Companies who engage in ethnical technological practice will instill a firm moral sense of employee rights and shareholder protections. The central ethical issue raised by the emergence of IT is the same and as old as Plato’s Republic: “suppose you had a ring that made you invisible if you turned its stone; in this case, why should you still act correctly?” (Mata, 2019). If our companies, domestic and global, believe they are responsible for the safe and ethical usage of technology, then we should see better governance and use of data.

Biblical Integration

Galatians 6:5 says, “For each will have to bear his own load.” As Christians, we are called to help others, but we must take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions. It is our responsibility to create a life and culture of responsibility in our own households that supports what the Bible teaches us. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.” When it comes to the moral use of data and resources, the bible tells us to follow God and not invest in our worldly understanding. Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Jesus teaches us to treat others as we want to be treated and to love our enemies. As Christians, we are expected to treat everyone with respect. It is so important that in the workplace we do the same.


MATA, L., BOGHIAN, I., & University of Bacau, Bacau, Romania. (2019). Perception of teachers in higher education towards ethical issues of information technology use. Revista Româneasc? Pentru Educa?ie Multidimensional?, , 156-169.

King James Version Bible Standard Edition. (2013) Christian Art Publishers

Old system:

Service Request

New System:

Private Cloud

Post 2:

Jonathan Gray

Discussion Thread: Performing System Design

Part 1

The system analysis and design project that was conducted by this author revolved around Bart Gray Realty Property Management’s maintenance work order system. The analysis pointed out several crucial flaws that currently affect the existing system. It is recommended that a new system be designed and implemented to address these flaws. The improvements of the new system can help solve and prevent potential ethical dilemmas from occurring. The current system was created in the mid-90s and in regards to customer data and security, it has very minimal controls in place. Although this work order system does not contain any extremely sensitive data such as payment information or health records it does however contain personally identifiable information (PII) data such as the tenant’s name, address, and contact information. PII is any information that is contained by an organization that can be linked back to an individual to determine their identity (McCallister, 2010). This includes information such as the person’s name, social security number, date of birth, home address, or contact information (McCallister, 2010). BGRPM’s risks are high for data to be potentially compromised as its current system runs on an outdated server that has very minimal security protocols in place. This is due to BGRPM being a small business that has not previously had the knowledge or resources to handle these types of issues. Small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) often do not have dedicated IT resources or specialists on staff to help keep their systems secure (Gafni & Pavel, 2019). Cybercriminals are indiscriminate about who they choose to attack. In 2017, it is estimated that 58% of all cyber-attacks in the United States impacted SMBs (Gafni & Pavel, 2019). The average cost of these attacks on SMBs that did not include compromised financial data averaged around $7,100 and the incident averaged around $32,000 for companies who had their banking accounts compromised because of the attack (Gafni & Pavel, 2019). These costs can be detrimental to a small business.

From analyzing their existing systems, it was determined that a new system should be designed and implemented for several reasons. The purpose of this new system is to not only provide new functionality for BGRPM’s staff that will allow them to serve its customers better and more efficiently but to also protect the integrity and privacy of its customer’s data. The new system that is being proposed will live on a new private cloud infrastructure that BGRPM will be implementing. This new hardware will offer BGRPM many benefits such as high availability, scalability, elasticity, and most importantly improved security. The new systems and hardware will be hardened based on the latest standards provided by the Center for Information Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls framework. The CIS Critical Security Controls cover 20 different domains and consist of over 180 sub-controls. This framework includes controls that cover several areas such as maintaining asset inventories, tracking unapproved software, performing vulnerability scanning, limiting administrative access, regularly reviewing logs, network security, role-based access controls, and various other controls (CIS Controls V7 Measures & Metrics, 2021, November 30). By implementing these controls, BGRPM will drastically increase the security of its systems and better protect and secure the privacy of its customers’ data.

In addition to financial and legal implications that could result because of data being compromised BGRPM also has a moral obligation to protect its customers’ data. This is rooted deep in biblical principles such as the “golden rule” which is found in Matthew 7:12 and states, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (The Holy Bible, New International Version [NIV], 1973/2011, Matt. 7:12). Unfortunately, many have fallen victim to identity theft and fraud, and the pains of dealing with these issues because an organization did not properly protect its data. One would not want a company that had their personal data stored to have lax security protocols in place, therefore organizations should make sure to put the proper safeguards in place to protect their customers’ data. Just as one can take comfort in knowing that a system storing their data has been designed to be efficient, optimized, healthy, and secure they can also feel secure in their day-to-day lives if they put their hope and trust in the Lord. Job 11:18 highlights the security we can find in the Lord when it says, “You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.” (NIV, 1973/2011, Job 11:18).


CIS Controls V7 Measures & Metrics. (2021, November 30). CIS.…

Gafni, R., & Pavel, T. (2019). The invisible hole of information on SMB’s cybersecurity. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM), 7(1), 14-26.

McCallister, E. (2010). Guide to protecting the confidentiality of personally identifiable information (Vol. 800, No. 122). Diane Publishing.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. (1973, 2011). Biblica, Inc.

Part 2

The UML Class Diagram for the new system highlights several additional features that will make a more secure system. The new system will have role-based access controls which will allow users access to only what they need to see. The new system also adds the property manager role which will be allowed to perform tasks that will now require elevated permissions such as generating payroll reports, adding or removing employees, running monthly owner statements, as well as having the ability to push the data over to the AppFolio application.

Jonathan Gray - UML Class Diagram -Existing System.jpg

UML Class Diagram – New System

Jonathan Gray - UML Class Diagram -New System.jpg

Post 3:

Laura Hanna

BMIS 530

Module 5 Discussion Board Thread

Part One: Purpose Statement

The purpose of this qualitative project is to specifically describe the need for an Epic O2 software optimization in the area of electronic medical record (EMR) billing for the rehabilitation department at The University of Kansas Health System. The project will be conducted through a review of the literature that pertains to inaccuracies in billing and the ramifications on the specific department and/or health system. Charge capture reports could be utilized to quantify the extent of the errors. Having error free charges improves the integrity and security of the EMR, decreases the risk for fraud investigation, and decreases the amount of lost revenue due to inaccurate billing.

A patient should be able to feel confident that their personal health information and financial information that is located in the EMR is protected. There is a recent trend that for-profit companies are acquiring large health care system’s databases (Chiruvella & Guddati, 2021). There is an ethical concern that the sharing of patient data with these entities could result in the exploitation of persons for commercial interests or that vulnerable populations will be targeted. The advances in technology, especially in the area of big data housed in medical databases, comes at the price of security. More and more health systems and other medical practices have come under fire from hackers. Areas where the attacks could happen in the network need to be anticipated so that preventive measures can be in place (George & Thampi, 2019). Some of the potential information that could be compromised is financial. Patient’s banking details can be stored in the EMR. To keep protected health information safe, certain processes should be followed and in a certain order. “But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner,” (New American Standard Bible, 1995, 1 Corinthians 14:40). Computers should be password protected and on a need-to-know basis, where a person needs to be authorized to access particular areas. As with billing, the system should not produce errors when two therapists with a unique sign-on file charges on the same patient at the same time. This creates confusion and lost time in trying to rectify the problem. Having a software that does not allow a simultaneous filing error to happen improves productivity. Order is a must. “…for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints”, (New American Standard Bible, 1995, 1 Corinthians 14:33).

Part Two

Having a secure, efficient, and optimized EMR is integral to the well-being of the health system. Just as Psalm 3:3 states, “But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head”, a database that stores PHI should be a shield to protect persons from malicious attacks (New American Standard Bible, 1995). The attributes and methods of the class diagram will need to be set at protected. If the software designer inadvertently makes the patient social security number, for example, public, it could be accessed by other classes. In my limited understanding, this could increase the risk of a security breach and the patient’s PHI not being secure. Being careful and diligent in our work is necessary in preventing a catastrophe. “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men”, (New American Standard Bible, 1995, Colossians 3:23).

*******Diagrams are attached below*******


Chiruvella, V. & Guddati, A.K. (2021). Ethical issues in patient data ownership. Interactive Journal of Medical Research; 10(2), e22269. Doi:10.2169/22269.

George, G. & Thampi, S.M. (2019). Securing smart healthcare systems from vulnerability exploitation. Smart City and Informatization. iSCI 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science; 1122, pp. 295- 308.

New American Standard Bible. (1995). The Bible App. (Original work published 1960)

EDP University of Puerto Rico Ensayo sobre Personalidades en La Evolución De Las Computadoras Modernas



La meta académica de esta tarea consiste en conocer tres de las personalidades contemporáneas de mayor importancia en la evolución de las computadoras. Los nombres que verás a continuación pueden ser conocidos:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Michael Dell
  • Bill Gates

Adicional, incluirá una cuarta persona, la cual su trayectoria lo haga merecedor de estar a la par de los personajes que se mencionan anteriormente.

Para realizar esta actividad deberá hacer una investigación mediante el uso de recursos como las bases de datos o el Internet. Las fuentes de información consultadas deben ser fuentes confiables (no monografí,, buenas tareas, rincón del vago… entre otras).

Entregará un documento electrónico correctamente escrito en sus propias palabras en el que resumirá los aspectos más importantes de estas personalidades: origen, algo de su niñez; educación, su incursión en el mundo de las computadoras y su aportación o aportaciones más importantes. El documento no debe ser tan corto como la mitad de una página, pero tampoco se pretende algo extenso. Se espera una página por cada individuo investigado.

¿Qué vamos a hacer?

Luego de haber recopilado, analizado y parafraseado la información, entregará un (1) documento creado con un procesador de palabra, siguiendo el esquema para el trabajo escrito. El trabajo deberá tener:

  • Portada
  • Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents de la pestaña Reference)
  • Introducción
  • Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
    • Michael Dell
    • Bill Gates
    • Steve Jobs
    • _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
  • Conclusión
  • Referencias
  • Index
  • Apéndice (Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
    • Apéndice A – Michael Dell
    • Apéndice B – Bill Gates
    • Apéndice C – Steve Jobs
    • Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.

A través de su trabajo, el estudiante pondrá en práctica las siguientes destrezas:

  • Crear y guardar documentos en word
  • dar atributos tales como:
    • Ennegrecer e itálico
    • Alinear verticalmente
    • Alinear horizontalmente
    • Aplicar los estilos (Style)
  • hacer
    • “Page break (cortes de páginas)
    • Enumeración de páginas
    • “Header (encabezados) & footer” (pie de páginas)
    • Spacing (interlineado)
      • sencillo y doble
      • “before & after”
  • Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents)
  • Index (utilizando la función Index)

¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?

  • Estudie los recursos de la unidad.
  • Realice la búsqueda de información en fuentes confiables.
  • En un documento del procesador de palabras, redacte el trabajo. Es importante que resuma y utilice técnicas de parafraseo al redactar su trabajo.
  • De estructura a su trabajo para que cumpla con las partes a desarrollar. Consulte el documento Esquema para el trabajo escrito.
  • Realice las funciones requeridas y aplique los atributos requeridos.
  • Guarde el documento con el nombre Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_su nombre . Por ejemplo, Personalidades en la evolución de  las computadoras_Maria Olivero
  • Suba su trabajo a la plataforma. La actividad permite subir un solo archivos. 
  • Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase los tutoriales y las simulaciones. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.


Cada estudiante debe entregar un documento escrito en un procesador de palabras.  La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund).

El documento debe tener las siguientes características:

  • La letra debe ser Times New Roman, tamaño 12, color negro.
  • El margen debe ser 1” en todos los lados.
  • Los párrafos deben tener sangría.
  • Los títulos deben estar centralizados horizontalmente en “bold”.
  • El contenido debe estar alineado horizontalmente en “justify”.
  • La Portada y la página divisoria del apéndice deben estar alineadas horizontal y verticalmente en “center”.

El trabajo deberá tener las siguientes partes:

  • Portada
  • Tabla de Contenido
  • Introducción (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
  • Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
    • Michael Dell
    • Bill Gates
    • Steve Jobs
    • _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
  • Conclusión (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
  • Referencias
  • Index
  • Apéndice (Página divisoria del apéndice)
  • Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
    • Apéndice A – Steve Jobs
    • Apéndice B – Michael Dell
    • Apéndice C – Bill Gates
    • Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.


Título de su trabajo

(Como requisito parcial del curso ______, que ofrece el (la)Prof. _______)


Nombre del Estudiante


Todo el texto en
Siga este ejemplo tal y como aparece.Considere lo siguiente.Esta
página debe estar:
ü alineada horizontalmente y verticalmente en: center.
ü Espacio sencillo
ü Título de la investigación en negrillas (bold).
ü El código del curso y de la sección es la que usted está
ü El nombre del Profesor es quien le ofrece el curso.
ü La fecha debe actualizarse automáticamente (función
Date & Time.) Debe estar en español si el trabajo es en
español, por ejemplo:21 de octubre de 2018

El título del trabajo debe estar
en la línea4.5

Título de la investigación2


 La tabla de contenido deberá ser creada utilizando la opción AUTOMATIC TABLE 2
en la pestaña REFERENCES.Para que la función ejecute, primero debe establecer los estilos
en los títulos y subtítulos.

Al finalizar de construir
la Tabla de Contenido,
hacer Page Break” 

Título de la investigación3


menos, cinco oraciones. Un párrafo es un conjunto de oraciones; por lo que no existen párrafos de
una sola oración.
Dentro de su introducción incluya la justificación. Utilice preguntas guías para construir la
 ¿Qué conozco sobre el tema?
 ¿Por qué es importante estudiar e investigar este tema?

Al finalizar de escribir la
introducción, haga
Page Break” 

Título de la investigación4


Preparación para el trabajo
investigar. Para comenzar a desarrollar su tema puede hacer el siguiente ejercicio (Alicea, Plantilla
KWL, 2009):
Diagnóstico Planificación ¿l final de la
¿Qué conozco sobre el
¿Qué quiero conocer sobre este
 Preguntas sobre lo que se
quiere conocer.
 ¿Cómo lo puedo investigar?
¿Qué aprendí?
Tabla 1 – Plantilla KWL, Dra. Rosa H. Alicea, 2009

puede hacerse las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Cuándo?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Por qué?Véase
Apéndice A – Preguntas guías para la investigación.
Se recomienda dividir el contenido en secciones o subtemas. Un ejemplo puede ser:
1. Definición Evolución
2. Michael Dell
a. Datos generales
b. Educación previa
c. Aportes a la sociedad
3. Bill Gates
a. Datos generales
Commented [IOF1]: Para el examen, el título es:
Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras Modernas
Commented [IOF2]: Hacer referencias a los apéndices.Los
apéndices deben estar en el orden según se mencionan dentro del

Título de la investigación5

b. Educación previa
c. Aportes a la sociedad
4. Steve Jobs
a. Datos generales
b. Educación previa
c. Aportes a la sociedad
5. __________
a. Datos generales
b. Educación previa
c. Aportes a la sociedad
Formato del trabajo
El formato para su trabajo es:
1. Tipo de letra: Times New Roman
2. Tamaño 12
3. Color de letra: Negro
4. Sangría en los párrafos
5. Títulos y subtítulos ennegrecidos (bold)
6. Uso de viñetas (bullets) y/o números
7. Alinear el texto horizontalmente (desde la página #2 en adelante) en “justify”.
8.  Márgenes: una pulgada en todos los lados. Esta opción se conoce como Normal.
9. Encabezamiento (“Header”) – borde superior; lado izquierdo. No debe observarse en la
primera página (“Different first page”). 

Título de la investigación6

10. Enumeración de página (“Page Number”) -borde superior derecho (Top of Page, Plain
Number 3. Aunque comienza a enumerar en la portada, no debe verse en la primera
página (“Different first page”).
11. Estilos (“Style”)
a.  En títulos principales (INTRODUCCIÓN, TABLA DE CONTENIDO,
CONCLUSIÓN, REFERENCIAS, ÍNDICE…Aplicar el estilo “Heading 1”.
b. En títulos secundarios, aplicar “Heading 2”.
12. Utilizar la función “page break”.
13. La portada debe estar a espacio sencillo. Las demás partes deben estar en espacio doble.
14. Deben asegurar que el “spacing” en “after” y “before” sea 0 (home, paragraph) en todo el
15. Incluir enlaces (“hiperlink”). Estos pueden estar en las referencias, apéndices o contenido
del trabajo. Deben ser funcionales (estar activados).
16. Debe estar libres de errores gramaticales y ortográficos. Pueden utilizar el “Spelling &
Grammar”, deben haber configurado el lenguaje (configurar a español Puerto Rico).Tab
Review, grupo “Language”.

Al finalizar de escribir en
contenido hacer “Page

Título de la investigación7


Redactar las conclusiones a la cual llega el estudiante luego de analizar la información
recopilada. Después de la consideración de la evidencia, de las discusiones y el estudio del tema
 ¿Qué conocimientos tiene ahora que antes no tenías? Menciona por lo menos tres
ideas de lo aprendido.
 ¿Qué cosas sabías que ahora puedes validar? Menciona por lo menos dos ideas de
lo que ya sabías y que ahora puedes validar.
 ¿Cuáles aportes hizo o cual es el legado del personaje que usted propuso que lo
hacen merecedor de estar a la altura de los tres anteriores?

La conclusión debe contener tres párrafos como mínimo. Cada párrafo debe contener
cinco oraciones al menos.

Al finalizar de escribir la
conclusión, haga Page
Break” Título de la investigación7


Redactar las conclusiones a la cual llega el estudiante luego de analizar la información
recopilada. Después de la consideración de la evidencia, de las discusiones y el estudio del tema
 ¿Qué conocimientos tiene ahora que antes no tenías? Menciona por lo menos tres
ideas de lo aprendido.
 ¿Qué cosas sabías que ahora puedes validar? Menciona por lo menos dos ideas de
lo que ya sabías y que ahora puedes validar.
 ¿Cuáles aportes hizo o cual es el legado del personaje que usted propuso que lo
hacen merecedor de estar a la altura de los tres anteriores?

La conclusión debe contener tres párrafos como mínimo. Cada párrafo debe contener
cinco oraciones al menos.

Al finalizar de escribir la
conclusión, haga Page

Título de la investigación8


consultadas.El formato a seguir en la redacción de las referencias es el estilo APA. En trabajos
información confiables. Las fuentes no deben ser de más de cinco (5) años de antigüedad, excepto
algún libro clásico. Fuentes de información como: monografí,,,, entre otros no son fuentes confiables y no se aceptan trabajos
que hayan consultado estas fuentes. Si el estudiante tiene dudas para identificar fuentes confiables,
puede comunicarse con el personal de Biblioteca:
ü 787-765-3560 – Hato Rey, Humacao y Villalba
ü 787-896-2252 – San Sebastián

Veamos un ejemplo:

Alicea, D. R. (2009). Plantilla KWL. Proyecto de VIDA (pág. 1). Hato Rey: EDP University.
Alicea, D. R. (2011). Calendario de trabajo sugerido. Proyecto de Vida (págs. 1-2). Hato Rey:
EDP University.
Alicea, D. R. (2011). Protocolo de Investigación. Proyecto de Vida (págs. 1-2). Hato Rey: EDP

Al finalizar de hacer
las referencias,
hacer “Page Break” 

Título de la investigación9


El índice (index, en inglés) es una lista en la cual se indexa una serie de términos o
conceptos importantes sobre un tema. En el índice de su trabajo debe incluir aquellas palabras,
términos o conceptos importantes. Para crear el índice debe utilizar la pestaña REFERENCES,
grupo INDEX.Veamos un ejemplo:


Apéndice, 5
fuentes de información, 9
justificación, 3
segundo borrador, 2
Styles, 7

Título de la investigación10


Centralice esta página
vertical y horizontalmente:
center. Al finalizar, hacer
“Page Break” 

Apéndice A – Preguntas guías para la investigación

Tema de la

EDP University Document Creation in Word Processor Lab



La meta académica de esta tarea consiste en aplicar las destrezas aprendidas en el módulo anterior.

¿Qué vamos a hacer?

Luego de haber recopilado, analizado y parafraseado la información, entregará un (1) documento creado con un procesador de palabra, siguiendo el esquema para el trabajo escrito Descargar esquema para el trabajo escrito. El trabajo deberá tener:

  • Portada
  • Tabla de Contenido
  • Introducción – redacte l partir de la pregunta guía o ¿Por qué es importante saber cuáles son nuestras preferencias para aprender?
  • Estilos de Aprendizaje
    • Aprendizaje activo
    • Aprendizaje reflexivo
    • Sensing learners
    • Intuitive learner
    • Visual learner
    • Verbal learner
    • Sequencial learner
    • Global learner
    • Resultados
  • Conclusión – utilice las preguntas guías para redactar su conclusión.
  • ¿Qué sabía del tema?, ¿Que sabía y pudo validar?, ¿Cómo se sintió durante el proceso del trabajo?
  • ¿Conocer sus preferencias para qué o cómo le será útil en el futuro?
  • Referencias:

R.M. Felder and B.A. Soloman, Learning styles and strategies. A four-page handout that briefly explains the learning style preferences defined by the Felder-Silverman model.

  • Index
  • Incluya palabras claves del material.
  • Apéndice – Debe crear la página divisoria del apéndice. Las imágenes deben estar en el área de apéndice. Cada imagen en una página. Los apéndices deben estar identificados.
    • Apéndice A – __________
    • Apéndice B – __________
    • Apéndice C – __________
    • Apéndice C – __________

¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?

  • Estudie los recursos de la unidad.
  • Acceda al recurso:
    • R.M. Felder and B.A. Soloman, Learning styles and strategies. A four-page handout that briefly explains the learning style preferences defined by the Felder-Silverman model.
  • En un documento del procesador de palabras, prepare en español un resumen del material expuesto. Es importante que al resumir utilice técnicas de parafraseo al redactar su trabajo.
  • De estructura a su trabajo para que cumpla con las partes a desarrollar. Consulte el documento Esquema Descargar Esquemapara el trabajo escrito.
  • Realice las funciones requeridas y aplique los atributos requeridos.
  • Guarde el documento con el nombre Estilos de Aprendizaje_su nombre . Por ejemplo, Estilos de Aprendizaje_Maria Olivero
  • Suba su trabajo a la plataforma. Se calificará una sola vez.
  • Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase el material en el libro de texto, los tutoriales y las simulaciones dadas. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund). Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.

Cada estudiante debe entregar un documento escrito en un procesador de palabras. El documento debe tener las siguientes características:

  • La letra debe ser Times New Roman, tamaño 12, color negro.
  • El margen debe ser 1” en todos los lados.
  • Los párrafos deben tener sangría.
  • Los títulos deben estar centralizados horizontalmente en “bold”.
  • El contenido debe estar alineado horizontalmente en “justify”.
  • La portada y la página divisoria del apéndice deben estar alineadas horizontal y verticalmente en “center”.

De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas

Siga este ejemplo tal y como aparece.Considere lo siguiente.Esta
página debe estar:
? alineada horizontalmente y verticalmente en: center.
? Espacio sencillo
? Título de la investigación en negrillas (bold).
? El código del curso y de la sección es la que usted está
? El nombre del Profesor es quien le ofrece el curso.
? La fecha debe actualizarse automáticamente (función
Date & Time.) Debe estar en español si el trabajo es en
español, por ejemplo:21 de octubre de 2018

El título del trabajo debe estar
en la línea4.5

Título de la investigación2


La tabla de contenido deberá ser creada utilizando la opción AUTOMATIC TABLE 2
en la pestaña REFERENCES.Para que la función ejecute, primero debe establecer los estilos
en los títulos y subtítulos.

Al finalizar de construir
la Tabla de Contenido,
hacer Page Break”

Título de la investigación3


menos, cinco oraciones. Un párrafo es un conjunto de oraciones; por lo que no existen párrafos de
una sola oración.
Dentro de su introducción incluya la justificación. Utilice preguntas guías para construir la
• ¿Qué conozco sobre el tema?
• ¿Por qué es importante estudiar e investigar este tema?

Al finalizar de escribir la
introducción, haga
Page Break”

Título de la investigación4


Preparación para el trabajo
investigar. Para comenzar a desarrollar su tema puede hacer el siguiente ejercicio (Alicea, Plantilla
KWL, 2009):
Diagnóstico Planificación ¿l final de la
¿Qué conozco sobre el
¿Qué quiero conocer sobre este
• Preguntas sobre lo que se
quiere conocer.
• ¿Cómo lo puedo investigar?
¿Qué aprendí?
Tabla 1 – Plantilla KWL, Dra. Rosa H. Alicea, 2009

Paraguiareldesarrollodesuinvestigación(Alicea, ProtocolodeInvestigación,2011)
puede hacerse las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Cuándo?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Por qué?Véase
Apéndice A – Preguntas guías para la investigación.
Se recomienda dividir el contenido en secciones o subtemas. Un ejemplo puede ser:
1. Definición del concepto
2. Historia y/o Desarrollo
3. Leyes en Puerto Rico o Estados Unidos involucradas en el tema
4. Datos estadísticos sobre el tema
5. Descripción del proceso para la recopilación de los datos
6. Hallazgos – luego de analizar y tabular los datos, ¿Qué encontramos?

Título de la investigación5

estudiante desarrolla una encuesta para recopilar datos para su trabajo, debe incluir el formulario
de laencuesta en la sección Apéndice. Algunas formas para recopilar información son:
• Encuestas
• Inventarios
• Grabaciones
Organización del tiempo
Es importante que el estudiante se organice.Se sugiere al estudiante crear un calendario
que le ayude a cumplir con los trabajos de forma eficiente. A modo de ejemplo, se muestra una
adaptación de un calendario de trabajo(Alicea, Calendario de trabajo sugerido, 2011).
Formato del trabajo
El formato para su trabajo es:
1. Tipo de letra: Times New Roman
2. Tamaño 12
3. Color de letra: Negro
4. Sangría en los párrafos
5. Bold en títulos y subtítulos
6. Uso de viñetas (bullets) y/o números
7. Alinear el texto horizontalmente (desde la página #2 en adelante) en “justify”.
8. Márgenes: una pulgada en todos los lados. Esta opción se conoce como Normal.

Título de la investigación6

9. Encabezamiento (“Header”) – borde superior; lado izquierdo. No debe verse en la
primera página (“Different first page”).
10. Enumeración de página (“Page Number”) -borde superior derecho (Top of Page, Plain
Number 3. No debe verse en la primera página (“Different first page”).
11. Estilos (“Style”)
a. En títulos principales (INTRODUCCIÓN, TABLA DE CONTENIDO,
CONCLUSIÓN, REFERENCIAS, ÍNDICE…Aplicar el estilo “Heading 1”.
b. En títulos secundarios, aplicar “Heading 2”.
12. Utilizar la función “page break”.
13. La portada debe estar a espacio sencillo. Las demás partes deben estar en espacio doble.
14. Deben asegurar que el “spacing” en “after” y “before” sea 0 (home, paragraph).
15. Incluir enlaces (“hiperlink”). Estos pueden estar en las referencias, apéndices o contenido
del trabajo. Deben ser funcionales (estar activados).
16. Debe estar libres de errores gramaticales y ortográficos. Pueden utilizar el “Spelling &
Grammar”, deben haber configurado el lenguaje (configurar a español Puerto Rico).Tab
Review, grupo “Language”.

Al finalizar de escribir en
contenido hacer “Page

Título de la investigación7


Redactar las conclusiones a la cual llega el estudiante luego de analizar la información
recopilada. Después de la consideración de la evidencia, de las discusiones y el estudio del tema
• ¿Qué conocimientos tiene ahora que antes no tenías? Menciona por lo menos tres
ideas de lo aprendido.
• ¿Qué cosas sabías que ahora puedes validar? Menciona por lo menos dos ideas de
lo que ya sabías y que ahora puedes validar.

La conclusión debe contener tres párrafos como mínimo. Cada párrafo debe contener
cinco oraciones al menos.

Al finalizar de escribir la
conclusión, haga Page
Break” Título de la investigación7


Redactar las conclusiones a la cual llega el estudiante luego de analizar la información
recopilada. Después de la consideración de la evidencia, de las discusiones y el estudio del tema
• ¿Qué conocimientos tiene ahora que antes no tenías? Menciona por lo menos tres
ideas de lo aprendido.
• ¿Qué cosas sabías que ahora puedes validar? Menciona por lo menos dos ideas de
lo que ya sabías y que ahora puedes validar.

La conclusión debe contener tres párrafos como mínimo. Cada párrafo debe contener
cinco oraciones al menos.

Al finalizar de escribir la
conclusión, haga Page

Título de la investigación8


consultadas.El formato a seguir en la redacción de las referencias es el estilo APA. En trabajos
información confiables. Las fuentes no deben ser de más de cinco (5) años de antigüedad, excepto
algún libro clásico. Fuentes de información como: monografí,,,, entre otros no son fuentes confiables y no se aceptan trabajos
que hayan consultado estas fuentes. Si el estudiante tiene dudas para identificar fuentes confiables,
puede comunicarse con el personal de Biblioteca:
? 787-765-3560 – Hato Rey, Manatí y Humacao
? 787-896-2252 – San Sebastián

Veamos un ejemplo:

Alicea, D. R. (2009). Plantilla KWL. Proyecto de VIDA (pág. 1). Hato Rey: EDP University.
Alicea, D. R. (2011). Calendario de trabajo sugerido. Proyecto de Vida (págs. 1-2). Hato Rey:
EDP University.
Alicea, D. R. (2011). Protocolo de Investigación. Proyecto de Vida (págs. 1-2). Hato Rey: EDP

Al finalizar de hacer las
referencias, hacer “Page

Título de la investigación9


El índice (index, en inglés) es una lista en la cual se indexa una serie de términos o
conceptos importantes sobre un tema. En el índice de su trabajo debe incluir aquellas palabras,
términos o conceptos importantes. Para crear el índice debe utilizar la pestaña REFERENCES,
grupo INDEX.Veamos un ejemplo:


Apéndice, 5
fuentes de información, 9
justificación, 3
segundo borrador, 2
Styles, 7

Título de la investigación10


Centralice esta página
vertical y horizontalmente:
center. Al finalizar, hacer
“Page Break” Título de la investigación10


Centralice esta página
vertical y horizontalmente:
center. Al finalizar, hacer
“Page Break”

Apéndice A – Preguntas guías para la investigación

Tema de la

Southern New Hampshire University Comp Graphic and Visualization Worksheet



Recall that you work as a C++ and OpenGL 3D graphics developer for Triangle & Cube Studios. This company designs 3D worlds for clients and customizes them based on the varied needs presented by each particular client.

In this professional landscape, the demand for computational graphics and visualizations is continually growing. Your clients may come from the game industry looking for graphics and animations, the healthcare industry for medical visualizations, the entertainment industry for computer-generated imagery (CGI) and visual effects, business industries for 3D printing to create physical objects for applied real-world problem solving, and much more. When you are assigned one of these types of projects, you become responsible for writing code in OpenGL to create objects, apply texture, apply light, render, and control virtual environments relative to a virtual camera.

Your current project with Triangle & Cube Studios is to recreate a 3D version of a 2D image that you have been given by a client. Your client will later be 3D printing this to use as a preliminary concept for their business, so they only need you to create a simple approximation using a few basic shapes


Using the image you selected in a previous milestone, you will be creating 3D objects that represent the components and layout of that image. Although you have already begun to complete some of this work in your other milestones, during this project you will be refining and adding to your earlier submissions before bringing everything together. Note that you will be working on your 3D scene in Visual Studio but will also submit a written design decisions document discussing your approach throughout the process.

3D Objects

  1. Create low-polygon 3D representations of real-world objects. Make sure you have at least four completed objects in your 3D scene. At least one of the objects you create should be made using two or more primitive shapes. Note that the object you completed in a previous milestone can count as one of your four. Utilize organized geometry and ensure that polygons (triangles) on each 3D model are well spaced and connected. To minimize complexity and save 3D modeling time, the polygon count for your objects should not exceed 1,000 triangles. As you work, remember to think in terms of simple shapes and ask yourself what primitive 3D shapes go into making up each object in your scene. Four of the following primitive shapes must appear at least once in your creation:
    • Cube
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Sphere
    • Torus.
    • Apply accurately projected textures to a 3D model. You must select two objects to texture. Note that you should have already textured one object in a previous milestone. If you use that object here, it will count as one of your two. As you work, the textures you select should be royalty-free images with resolutions of 1024 x 1024 pixels or higher. Please refer to the Sourcing Textures Tutorial, linked in the Supporting Materials section, for guidance on how to locate images that can be used for textures.
      1. Apply lighting to create a polished visualization of 3D models. You must include a minimum of two light sources, and at least one of them should be colored. Note that the light you worked on in a previous milestone counts as one of your two lights. The light sources you create will need to capture all of the objects in the 3D world you are building, meaning they should be positioned at locations that do not cause parts of the objects to appear dark when moving the camera around them. While we recommend that you include a point light for one of your two lights, you may implement a directional light or spotlight if you choose. As you generate lighting, make sure that any lights are designed in a way that helps curate a final polished presentation. You will need to properly implement all components of the Phong shading model, including the following:
        • Ambient
        • Diffuse
        • Specular
      1. Place objects appropriately, using the X, Y, and Z coordinates, relative to one another in the 3D world. As you work, be sure to match the photograph you selected as closely as possible by placing the objects in their proper locations. Note that when you first import code for the objects you created in previous weeks, the objects may overlap, as it is likely that they were all initially placed at 0, 0, 0.
      2. Navigation
        1. Apply horizontal, vertical, and depth camera navigation around the 3D scene. The camera will be traversing the X, Y, and Z axes, and you should ensure it can capture all of the objects in your 3D scene. In a previous milestone, you already created some of this code. It is recommended that you use the code you have already created and then increase the radius of the camera’s orbit so it will correctly encompass all of the objects in the world you are building. You may find it easiest to add each object separately and then adjust the orbit radius or position of the camera each time. As you work, we recommend you use the following input devices:
          • WASD keys: These keys should be used to control the forward, backward, left, and right motion.
          • QE keys: These keys should be used to control the upward and downward movement.
        1. Apply nuanced camera controls to effectively view the 3D objects in the application. This should allow the orientation of the camera to change even though its location has not moved. You should focus first on pitch and yaw, but careful changes can be made to roll, keeping in mind that you may want the upward direction to stay in the same location. As you work, you will also want to code for adjustments in the speed of the movement so a user will have more control over how they explore the objects in the scene. We recommend you use the following input devices:
          • Mouse cursor: This should be used to change the orientation of the camera so it can look up and down or right and left.
          • Mouse scroll: This should be used to adjust the speed of the movement, or the speed the camera travels around the scene.
        1. Create perspective and orthographic displays of the 3D world. Use the tap of a keyboard key to allow a user to change the viewport display of all objects in the scene between orthographic (2D) and perspective (3D) views at will. To accomplish this, you will be switching the function call to retrieve either the perspective or orthographic projection matrix. Note that you will be keeping the camera in the same orientation that you already developed in previous criteria.

          Best Practices

          1. Apply coding best practices in formatting, commenting, and functional logic. To accomplish this, be sure to complete the following:
            • Employ formatting best practices by providing program code that is easy to read and follows industry standard code formatting practices, such as indentation and spacing.
            • Employ commenting best practices to ensure project source code is briefly and clearly explained using descriptive comments.
            • Employ functional coding logic best practices to ensure the program runs as expected. Note that not everything should be written in a single function; it should be well modularized.


          1. Justify development choices for your 3D scene. As you write, think about why you chose your selected objects. Also consider how you were able to program for the required functionality.
          1. Explain how a user can navigate your 3D scene. As you compose your thoughts, discuss how you set up to control the virtual camera for your 3D scene using different input devices.
          1. Explain the custom functions in your program that you are using to make your code more modular and organized. Ask yourself, what does the function you developed do and how is it reusable?

            What to Submit

            To complete this project, you must submit the following:

            3D Scene

            Submit a completed ZIP folder with all of your code, which may include one or multiple CPP files along with Visual Studio project files. Also make sure the ZIP folder includes an EXE file, because without this your code will not be able to run. Checking for the EXE can be used as a quick reference on the functionality of your code before you submit. Reference the Visual Studio Export Tutorial, linked in the Supporting Materials section, for guidance on how to download the necessary ZIP folder.

            Design Decisions

            Your written explanation should be submitted as a 2-page Microsoft Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style

Santa Monica College Date and Time Functions Statistics Project


In this project you will edit a worksheet to compute student grades and grade statistics. Be sure to save your work often!

Skills needed to complete this project:

Using Date and Time Functions (Skill 3.5)

Using CONCAT to Combine Text (Skill 3.8)

  • Formatting Text Using Functions (Skill 3.7)
  • Creating Formulas Using Counting Functions (Skill 3.6)
  • Using Formula AutoComplete to Enter Functions (Skill 3.2)
  • Displaying and Printing Formulas (Skill 3.20)
  • Naming Ranges of Cells (Skill 3.11)
  • Using the Logical Function IF (Skill 3.15)
  • Using the Function Arguments Dialog to Enter Functions (Skill 3.1)
  • Working with Named Ranges (Skill 3.12)
  • Finding Minimum and Maximum Values (Skill 3.4)
  • Calculating Averages (Skill 3.3)
  • Finding Data Using the VLOOKUP Function (Skill 3.17)
  • Checking Formulas for Errors (Skill 3.18)
  • Open the start file EX2019-SkillReview-3-2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
  • If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the workbook so you can modify it.

Take a look at the two sheets. The first sheet contains the students’ names and their scores. The second sheet will be used to look up the letter grade for each student.

  1. On the Scores worksheet, enter a function in cell B3 to display the current date and time.

If necessary, click the Scores worksheet tab. Click cell B3.

On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Date & Time button.

  1. Click NOW.

Click OK.

The first column should display the full student name. Use CONCAT to combine the values from the First Name and Last Name column.

Click cell A10.

On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Text button, and select CONCAT.

  1. Click cell C10 to enter the cell reference in the Text1 argument box.

Press Tab to move to the Text2 argument box.

Type ” “to place a space between the first and last names.

  1. Press Tab to move to the Text3 argument box.

Click cell B10 to enter the text reference in the Text3 argument box.

Click OK. The completed formula should look like this: =CONCAT(C10,” “,B10)

  1. Add the PROPER function to the formula so student names do not appear in all uppercase.

Double-click cell A10 to edit the formula.

Create a nested formula by typing PROPER(between the = symbol and CONCAT.

  1. Type another ) at the end of the formula.

Press Enter. The completed formula should look like this: =PROPER(CONCAT(C10,” “,B10))

Copy the formula from cell A10 to A11:A26 to fill the list of student names. Use any method you want.

Count the number of students to calculate the class size.

Click cell B2.

  1. Type =COU

Double-click COUNTA in the Formula AutoComplete list.

Click cell A10 and drag to cell A26.

  1. Press Enter. The completed formula should look like this: =COUNTA(A10:A26)

Display your formulas to check for accuracy.

On the Formula tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button.

  1. When you are ready to continue, hide the formulas and display formula values by clicking the Show Formulas button again.

Define a named range for the total possible points up to the class drop cut-off point.

Select cells D7:R7.

In the Name box, type: PossiblePtsMid

  1. Press Enter.

Find out which students have a grade below C at the cut-off point for dropping the class. Enter an IF function in cell S10 to check if the student’s total points divided by the total possible points through the midterm is less than 70% (the lowest percentage for a C grade). Use SUM functions within the IF function. Be sure to use the range name you just defined for possible points. If the student is below a C grade, display Warning! in the cell; otherwise leave the cell blank.

Click cell S10.

  1. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click Logical.

Click IF.

If necessary, move the Function Arguments dialog so you can see the worksheet data.

In the Logical_test argument box, type: SUM(D10:R10)/SUM(PossiblePtsMid)<70%

In the Value_if_true argument box, type: Warning!

  1. In the Value_if_false argument box, type:””

Click OK. The completed formula should look like this:
=IF(SUM(D10:R10)/SUM(PossiblePtsMid)<70%,”Warning!”,” “)

Fill the IF function in cell S10 down for all students. Use any method you want. There should be three students with Warning! in the Class Drop Cut-Off Point column.

Find the highest score for each assignment.

  1. Click cell D4.

Type=MAX(and then click cell D10 and drag to cell D26.

Press Enter. The completed formula should look like this: =MAX(D10:D26)

Copy the formula across the row to cell AB4. Use any method you want. Be sure to leave cell S4 blank.

Find the lowest score for each assignment.

  1. Click cell D5.

Type =MIN(and then click cell D10 and drag to cell D26.

Press Enter. The completed formula should look like this: =MIN(D10:D26)

Copy the formula across the row to cell AB5.Use any method you want. Be sure to leave cell S5 blank.

  1. Calculate the average score for each assignment.

Click cell D6.

Type =AV and then double-click AVERAGE in the Formula AutoComplete list.

Click cell D10 and drag to cell D26.

Press Enter. The completed formula should look like this: =AVERAGE(D10:D26)

  1. Copy the formula across the row to cell AB6. Use any method you want. Be sure to leave cell S6 blank.

Compute the students’ total points. Enter a SUM function in cell AC10 to add all the points across for the first student.

Click cell AC10.

Type =SU and then double-click SUM in the Formula AutoComplete list.

  1. Click cell D10 and drag to cell AB10.

Press Enter. The completed formula should look like this: =SUM(D10:AB10)

Copy the formula from AC10 through cell AC26. Use any method you want.

  1. Enter a formula to compute the percentage for the first student. Divide the student’s total points by the total possible points. You will be copying this formula, so make sure the reference to the total possible points uses an absolute reference.

In cell AD10, enter the following formula to calculate the percentage: =AC10/$AC$7

  1. Copy the formula from AD10 through AD26. Use any method you want.

The grade scale is stored in the Grades worksheet. Before calculating students’ final grades, create a named range to use in the formula.

Click the Grades sheet tab.

  1. Select cells B4:C8.

Type GradeScale in the Name box.

Press Enter.

Now you are ready to create a lookup formula to display each student’s final letter grade.

  1. Return to the Scores sheet, and click cell AE10.

On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Lookup & Reference button, and select VLOOKUP.

Click cell AD10 to enter it in the Lookup_value argument box.

Type GradeScale in the Table_array argument box.

  1. The rates are located in the second column of the lookup table. Type 2 in the Col_index_num argument box.

In this case, you do not want to specify an exact match, as the percentage grades do not match the grade scale percentages exactly. An approximate match will return the correct letter grade.

Click OK. The completed formula should look like this: =VLOOKUP(AD10,GradeScale,2)

Fill down for all students. Use any method you want.

  1. Before closing the project, check your workbook for errors.

On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Error Checking button.

If errors are found, use the error checking skills learned in this chapter to find and fix the errors.

  1. When Excel displays a message that the error check is complete, click OK.

SNHU Design of a Risk Mitigation Plan Paper


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Analyze the design of a risk mitigation plan for its inclusion of best practices in the field

Identify legal and ethical considerations in risk analysis and mitigation within an information technology environment

  • Scenario
  • You are a risk management consultant and have been contacted by the chief information officer (CIO) of Workers Werks Credit Union (WWCU), a mid-size but growing credit union, to conduct an evaluation of its current IT cybersecurity risk management plan. Data privacy is a big concern in the banking sectors, and the CIO is concerned that WWCU’s current plan is outdated and has significant weaknesses.

In your conversation with the CIO, you gather the following information about the situation:

Current plan: The credit union adopted the current cybersecurity risk plan three years ago, but the CIO is concerned about possible gaps in the plan and would like to update it.

Workforce: The credit union has experienced significant revenue growth, and the number of employees with access to its IT infrastructure has grown exponentially in the last five years.

WWCU now has nearly 1,000 users with different levels of access to its central database.

  • Strategy: The credit union is looking to expand into new markets in the coming year and will need to make significant changes to its IT infrastructure.

Compliance: The CIO is concerned not only about legal compliance but also ethical issues related to the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) of its customers. The company has set these priorities related to legal and ethical compliance:

  • Address the current legal environment (domestic and international)

Anticipate emerging issues

Meet industry ethical standards (e.g., SANS IT code of ethics)

  • Match best practices for risk planning within the industry
  • Directions

Risk Analysis Report
The CIO is asking you to prepare a 3–4 page report that evaluates the company’s current IT Security Risk Management Plan, linked in the Supporting Materials section.

  • The report should contain the following:

Scope: Evaluate the scope and comprehensiveness of the current plan.

How does the plan describe its objectives?

  • How does the plan balance risk and cost?
  • In what ways does the plan cover the business objectives end to end?
  • How does the plan address all stakeholders who could be impacted by a cybersecurity attack?

Risk: Determine how the current plan identifies risks.

  • How does the plan identify the risks, vulnerabilities, and threats that could impact mission-critical business functions and processes?

How does the plan identify industry-related risks (internal and external)?

Impact: Analyze how the identified risks might impact the organization’s assets.

How does the plan identify key assets and activities that need to be protected?

How does the plan estimate the financial impact of losses?

How does the plan address business continuity and asset replacement?

Mitigation: Evaluate the current plan’s mitigation recommendations.

  1. How effectively does the plan translate the risk assessment into a risk mitigation plan?

How does the plan prioritize risk elements?

Legal Compliance: Assess how the plan addresses legal considerations.

  1. Non-Compliance: Determine how the plan anticipates the implications of non-compliance.
  2. Ethical Considerations: Assess how the plan aligns with current ethical codes within the cybersecurity field.
  3. What to Submit
  4. To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Risk Analysis Report (3–4 pages)
Your report should be 3–4 pages, double spaced, and submitted on a file that your instructor can easily access (.PDF, .doc).

  1. Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

WORKERS WERKS CREDIT UNION (WWCU) IT Security Risk Management Plan
Description: This document contains the security risk management plan for software and hardware implementations throughout WWCU. It covers the management of all security-related risks during the implementation life cycle. This is the document you will use to create your analysis report.

  1. Project One Rubric
  2. CriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)ValueScopeExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerEvaluates the comprehensiveness of the planShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an evaluation of the stakeholders’ impact analysis and a balance of risk and costDoes not attempt criterion10RiskExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDetermines how the current plan identifies risks that will impact mission-critical business functionsShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an appraisal of the current risks and how they will impact mission-critical business functionsDoes not attempt criterion15ImpactExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerAnalyzes how the identified risks might impact the organization’s assetsShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an evaluation of how the identified risks might impact the organization’s assetsDoes not attempt criterion20MitigationExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerEvaluates how effectively the plan translates the risk assessment into a risk mitigation planShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an evaluation of how the plan translates the risk assessment into a risk mitigation planDoes not attempt criterion20Legal ComplianceExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerAssesses how the plan addresses the relevant regulations related to legal complianceShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an assessment of how the plan addresses the relevant regulations related to legal complianceDoes not attempt criterion10Non-ComplianceExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerDetermines how the plan anticipates the implications of non-complianceShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include a determination of how the plan anticipates the implications of non-complianceDoes not attempt criterion5Ethical ConsiderationsExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerAssesses how the plan aligns with current ethical codes within the cybersecurity fieldShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an assessment of how the plan aligns with current ethical codes within the cybersecurity fieldDoes not attempt criterion10Articulation of ResponseExceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative mannerClearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readabilitySubmission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas5Citations and AttributionsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errorsDoes not use citations for ideas requiring attribution5Total:100%

UMGC Week 5 Cybersecurity Framing Decisions Discussion


week 5 discussion is attached , we need to reply to following 3 students base on that

Respond to a minimum of three classmates’ posts that have a decision statement that differs from your own. You will need to review their post and determine whether you agree that their objectives help frame the decision and why or why not. Make sure to support your statements with facts from the case study as well as information about the model (purpose, scope, and perspective).  Additionally, your follow-up posts should be substantive and should move the discussion forward. Discussion posts that simply tell a student they did a good job on their posting or discussions that agree with the other student’s response will not count.

  • You must use course material to support your responses and make sure to use APA formatting and a reference listing for any sources you use.
  • student 1
  • The best option to increase profits for Harry at the moment is to attract investors. Attracting an investor to the business can increase the chances of success. Investors, in addition to financial help, also help the company with other assets: connections, experience, competencies of their specialists, for example, providing their lawyers, accountants, analysts, etc.The decision whether or not to involve investors in your business depends solely on the entrepreneur. If there is at least a potential possibility that the investor can enhance the business project with its assets, such a possibility should at least be considered.First of all, let’s define the Purpose. I can identify the following Purposes:

Marketing and promotion. The combination of various measures, efforts, actions taken by marketers, sellers of goods, intermediaries in order to increase demand, increase sales, a somewhat broader and more labor-intensive activity than, say, the sale of goods

  • Modification. This is the creation of additional product characteristics (e.g. color or size)
  • Searching for new points of growth. Helps you understand how to increase traffic and figure out where to put your efforts

Based on the development of the field of investing, I want to say that this is a great opportunity to develop the scale of HH business. Prospects
Harry should go to experts, investors, to get an outside opinion on his business, to assess prospects.Through analysis, we can identify the selective perception bias. This is the trap of sunk costs. This trap can be avoided by using perspective taking to prevent future problems. 

  • student 2
  • How can Hannah’s Hats increase the company’s growth?
  • That was my decision statement that I selected last week.
  • In this weeks videos we learned about FRAMING THE DECISION that is how one makes their decision into a ‘frame’ to make it easier to decide. It adds focus to your decision making process.

For purpose: framing can help find what you want to accomplish with this decision, the objective

For scope: what you use, or don’t use for your decision

For perspective: its your point of view, the decision makes perspective

Some biases that you should be aware of when framing your decision, 

  • THROWN FRAME from our video episode 6 this is what advertisers use a lot. They make the frame show and ‘throw’ their perspective at you so that you see it in only that point of view.

ANCHORING is when you get stuck just your point of view and are unable to make look at decisions in other ways. This can be very bad because you are not using all the tools and points of view when making your decision.

It is very important to have an objective when deciding. You need to find what the decision maker and stakeholders wish to accomplish (UMGC n.d.)

Some biases to avoid is SUNK COST, that’s where you have invested in something so much its hard to let that go. I would call this a money pit. Its hard to stop putting money into a bad investment because you have a guilt feeling because you already have put so much money into it.

How can Hannah’s Hats increase the company’s growth?

The four best objectives are

How can we increase E-commerce with a better website and more advertising?

How much cost can we cut to make hats that are still the quality Hannah’s hats wants but are affordable for big department stores.

If the adult line of hats is discontinued would that save costs

Would having an investor grow the company more

With these objectives Hannah’s Hats has alternatives to choose from while deciding on how to increase the company’s growth. Harrys company sales growth has declined 10% in a year. These objectives can help the company explore where they can increase sales growth. These are sound objectives because they are directly from the experts conclusions on why the company sales have began to flatten.

student 3

  • Decision statement: Harry wants to ensure that there is a stable sustainability and financial success of HH that will always have a favorable return on his investment of time, effort and money. (UMGC, 2014)

Through establishing the decision maker’s goals and outlining the limitations, framing the decision offers perspective to the judgment. Since the three components of decision making are perspective, scope and purpose. Perspective is one’s stand in relation to the decision, scope defines the measure and limitations of a decision whereas purpose refers to determining what you want to accomplish with the decision. Since it describes the problem whereby a decision must be made, framing the decision is an essential part in the MDQ decision making approach. In case the problem is blatantly misrepresented, then the resolve to the problem will result in a negative result. In this case it involves Harry’s view point when making a decision. Establishing the purpose provides the one making the decision with a clear rationale for what they are attempting to accomplish for example, Harry’s goal in Hannah’s case analysis should be to increase his company’s adult hat revenue corroborated with the  goal with new ideas that can generate more profits. It is imperative that there is a reason why the circumstances exist and the result of the outcome. After that, the decision maker can start establishing the scope.


  1. 1. How to boost sales
  2. 2. Decrease expenses
  3. 3.  Focus on investors in order to develop partnerships.
  4. 4. the most effective method to cope with any market risks to HH

It will be helpful for Harry to utilize the decision-making model to aid his decision-making. The four goals would assist him and the investors in making a decision which should   set the organization on the right track.

Liberty University Transfer Control Protocol Connection Discussion


Post 1:

Richard Lavallais

  1. Alice has a video clip that Bob is interested in getting. This scenario requires a persistent HTTP connection to exchange the information from Alice to Bob.
  2. Bob has another video clip that Alice is interested in getting. In order to get this clip, he needs to utilize the cookies that will be saved on the proxy servers.
  3. Bobs web cage creation is a good idea. The HTTP server is a great way to store valuable information like recent requests and responses.
  4. Alice can get the video clip using FTP or Email. I believe the most efficient protocol is the File Transfer Protocol. This protocol provides the ability for a client to retrieve a file from the server. In this type of connection, “the control connection remains open all the time, but the data connection id opened and closed repeatedly.” (Forouzan & Fegan, 2007)
  5. After making a connection with Alice, Bob can send an HTTP request utilizing a persistent connection. In combination with this request and acknowledgement, the system can utilize the already established connection and the cookies that were created and used. Bob can use the same protocol to get the clip from Alice.
  6. There can be an “end of file marker” (Forouzan & Fegan, 2007) after the last response message that lets you know there are no more headers, and the body of the message is next.
  7. In a non-persistent connection, the connection must be opened and closed N+1 times. This “N+1”correlates to the number of links and the initial request. Once this number of loops or iterations is complete the connection can be terminated.

This topic reminds me of John 6:44. The bible says, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me”. This verse tells me that anyone can approach but if you don’t have cookies to prove you’ve been engaged with these protocols or history then you may not approach.

Forouzan, B. A., & Fegan, S. C. (2007). 22.2.1. In Data Communications and networking (fifth, pp. 676–676). essay, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

The Disciple, J. (2011). John 6:44. John 6:44 KJV – – Bible Gateway. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from…

Katz, E. D., Butler, M., & McGrath, R. (1994). JavaScript needs to be enabled for this application to run correctly. Elsevier Enhanced Reader. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from…

Post 2:

Stanley Glover

In the event that Alice and Bob want to transfer clips over the internet, there are a whole host of ways that this particular task can be accomplished. The one that will be covered in this scenario is to set up a webpage on an HTTP server in order for the parties to be able to upload or transfer videos between themselves. This method is a very simple method and can be done with a few commands in your Linux terminal. On this web page, there are two main protocols that talk to each other during the communication between the machines and the web servers. Those protocols are HTTP or Hypertext transfer protocol and TCP also known as the Transmission control protocol. HTTP is a very well-known and widely used protocol “hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) is responsible for nearly 10% of the traffic volume on the Internet.”(Gou, 2017)

  1. When an HTTP server receives a request message from an HTTP client, how does the server know when all headers have arrived and the body of the message is to follow?

The first thing that happens when a machine connects to a website is that a connection needs to be established. This request from a client means that the machine needs to connect to the HTTP server that is running on port 80 in order to begin accessing the page. Simply attempting to access a web page results in a chain reaction in the network as described in by Phd Tao Zhang,” After receiving an HTTP request message from end-user, the Web server in the data center, which provides resources such as HTML files and other content, or performs other functions on behalf of the client, returns HTTP response to the end-user”(Zhang, 2017). All of this initiation is done through a TCP connection, which is a reliable way for machines to communicate while also mitigating the data lost in transport.

The primary way that servers identify if all the information that’s needed is there, is by the structure of the header and body massage. The request that is sent off by a client should contain blank spaces within the Http request at both the start and end of it. This will then let the server know that the message is complete and that there is nothing left for it to receive from the client.

2. In a non-persistent HTTP connection, how can HTTP inform the TCP protocol that the end of the message has been reached?

In the event that a nonpersistent connection is achieved that simply means that the TCP protocol must continue to reinitiate after termination. In this case, the machine after request and response must start the process over. If that machine is looking to send another request to the server it must reestablish that TCP connects before sending an HTTP request.

Biblical integration

In this discussion topic communication between two machines or entities played a major role. In my mind, this closely reminded me of the importance of prayer.

“In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.”(Luke 6:12)

When we pray we are making a connection with God, oftentimes in prayer, we are sending God a request. This request could be anything from his protection, love, or forgiveness. God oftentimes will respond to these prayers in some form or fashion, which may not always be obvious. This is similar to the HTTP request and response in a way, because just like HTTP is one way that machines communicate between each other and networks, we communicate with God through prayer.


King James Bible. (2008). Oxford University Press. (Original work published 1769)

Gou, G., Bai, Q., Xiong, G., & Li, Z. (2017). Discovering abnormal behaviors via HTTP header fields measurement. Concurrency and Computation, 29(20), n/a.

Zhang, T., Wang, J., Huang, J., Chen, J., Pan, Y., & Min, G. (2017). Tuning the aggressive TCP behavior for highly concurrent HTTP connections in intra-datacenter. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25(6), 3808-3822.

Learning Decision Trees Machine Learning Task


The attached Zip folder has extra materials, but use whatever you need. 

In this assignment, you’ll implement the classic decision tree algorithm. The amount of code you need to write is not huge, but there are some mental hurdles you’ll need to cross to completely understand what’s going on.

I have provided some skeleton code to get you started and guide you through the implementation. You are welcome to make any changes that you like, but please think carefully before doing so; this is designed to help make this easy to implement.


There are three datasets included with the assignment.

  • Toy datasets:
    • the tennis dataset
    • the restaurant dataset.
    • These are both useful for testing your code; they’re small, and you know what the correct answers are.
    • Breast Cancer data. We used this dataset in assignment 1. This dataset contains medical records from a large number of women who have had breast cancer. Based on their characteristics, we would like to predict whether they will have a recurrence event. .

These files are in a format known as ARFF (Links to an external site.), which we saw in assignment 1. An ARFF file consists of three sections. The first is the comments, which begin with a ‘%’. The second is the @relation section, which describes each of the variables and the values they can take on. The third is the data itself, with each row representing one instance. I’ve provided you with a file called to process this. If you want to resue your assignment 1 code, please do!

readARFF contains three functions:

  • readArff, which takes as input a filehandle and returns two items:
    • an attribute dictionary which makes an attribute name to a tuple indicating the column that attribute represents in the dataset and a list of the possible values it can take on.)
    • a list of lists containing the data itself.
  • getAttrList. This takes as input the attribute dictionary and returns a list of the attribute names in the same order as the columns they represent.
  • ZeroR. Our old friend. Returns the most likely classification in a dataset. You may find it useful as a comparator, or in cases where you are unable to split your dataset.

A hint: list comprehensions are very helpful for this assignment. Often, you’ll need to pull out one or more columns from the data. So, for example, to get a list containing only the third column in a dataset where the last element is equal to some item ‘x’, you could do:

third = [d[2] for d in data if d[-1] == 'x']

Those of you who are familiar with pandas and would like to use dataframes for this assignment are welcome to do so; this is not required, though.

First, we’ll implement the basic decision tree algorithm.

  • (10 points) The decision tree is easiest to build in a bottom-up fashion. To begin, we’ll need a method to compute entropy. it should take as input a list, such as [‘weak’, ‘strong’, ‘weak’, ‘weak’] and return a float indicating the entropy in this data. I’ve provided a function stub for you.
  • Next, we’ll want to compute remainder. This will tell us, for a given attribute, how much information will remain if we choose to split on this attribute. I’ve written this one for you.
  • (10 points) Once we know how to compute remainders, we need to be able to select an attribute. To do this, we just compute the remainder for each attribute and choose the one with the smallest remainder. (this will maximize information gain.) The function selectAttribute should take as input a list of lists, with each list being an instance. I’ve provided a stub for you.

Now we’re now ready to think about building a tree. A tree is a recursive data structure which consists of a parent node that has links to child nodes. I’ve provided a TreeNode class for you that does this. (you don’t need a separate Tree class.)

The TreeNode has the following data members:

  • attribute: for non-leaf nodes, this will indicate which attribute this node tests. For leaves, it is empty.
  • value. For leaf nodes, this indicates the classification at this leaf. For non-leaf nodes, it is empty.
  • children. This is a dictionary that maps values of the attribute being tested at this node to the appropriate child, which is also a TreeNode.

It also has methods to print itself and to test whether it is a leaf.

(10 points) So we need a method that can build a tree. We will call this makeTree. It should take as input a dataset, a list of attribute names, the attribute dictionary, and a default value. It should work as follows:

  • If the dataset contains zero entropy, we are done. Create a leaf node with value equal to the data’s classification and return it.
  • If the dataset is empty, we have no data for this attribute value. Create a leaf node with the value set to the default value and return it.
  • Otherwise, we have a non-leaf node. Use selectAttribute to find the attribute that maximizes gain. Then, remove that column for the dataset and the list of attributes and, for each value of that attribute, call makeTree with the appropriate subset of the data and add the TreeNode that is returned to the children, then return the TreeNode.
  • (10 points) Now we know how to build a tree. We need to use it, though. To do this, you should implement the classify() method in TreeNode. classify should take as input the data instance to be classified and our attribute dictionary.This method is also recursive. If we are at a leaf, return the value of that leaf. Otherwise, check which attribute this node tests and follow the appropriate child. If there is no child for this value, return a default value.


Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Multex Digital Excel Sheet


Multex Digital Liana Bonnet is a production quality control engineer for Multex Digital, a manufacturer of computer components. Part of Liana’s job is to analyze batches of semiconductor wafers to ensure that the wafers are within design specifications. Wafers have to have a thickness of around 625 microns but that thickness will vary due to the inherit inaccuracy of the machines creating the wafers. Liana needs to ensure that machines are operating correctly because a machine that is constantly creating wafers that are too thin or too thick will have to be removed from the assembly line and retuned.

Liana will suspect a machine is out-of-alignment when the average wafer size of batch of wafers taken from that machine that operates beyond quality control limits. Control limits are established according to the following two equations:

Lower Control Limit (L C L) equals X bar minus A Subscript 2 Baseline times R bar. Upper Control Limit (U C L) equals X bar Plus A Subscript 2 Baseline times R bar.

where Xbar is the average wafer thickness from all sample batches, Rbar is the average range of wafer thickness from all sample batches, and A2 is a constant that depends on the batch sample size.

Liana has recorded data from 50 machine batches with the sample size of each batch varying from 3 to 10 wafers. Liana wants you to report which of the 50 machines are no longer operating within control limits. Complete the following:

  1. 1.Open the NP_EX_3-3.xlsx workbook located in the Excel3 > Case1 folder included with your Data Files, and then save the workbook as NP_EX_3_Quality in the location specified by your instructor.
  2. 2.In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B3. Use an Excel function to display the current date in cell B4.
  3. 3.In the Control Data worksheet, in the range A6:A55, use AutoFill to enter the text strings Batch-1 through Batch-50. In the range B5:K5, use AutoFill to enter the text strings Wafer-1 through Wafer-10.
  4. 4.Enter the following summary statistics to the worksheet:
    1. In cell M6, use the COUNT function to the count of number of values in the range B6:K6.
    2. In cell N6, calculate the difference between the maximum value in the range B6:K6 (using the MAX function) and the minimum value in the range B6:K6 (using the MIN function).
    3. In cell O6, use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average wafer size in the range B6:K6.
    4. Use AutoFill to extend the formulas in the range M6:O6 through the range M6:O55.
  5. 5.Calculate the following quality control statistics:
    1. In cell V5, display the value of Xbar by using the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of the values in column O.
    2. In cell V6, display the value of Rbar by using the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of the values in column N.
  6. 6.Do the following to complete a lookup table that you will use to calculate the lower and upper control limits for batch samples sizes of 2 up to 25:
    1. In cell W10, calculate the lower control limit by returning the value of cell V5 minus the value of cell V10 times cell V6. Use absolute references for cells V5 and V6 and a relative reference for cell V10. Check your formula by verifying that cell W10 shows the value 598.45.
    2. In cell X10, calculate the upper control limit by returning the value of cell V5 plus the value of cell V10 times cell V6. Once again, use absolute references for cells V5 and V6 and a relative reference for cell V10. Check your formula by verify that cell X10 shows the value 651.61.
    3. Use AutoFill to extend the formulas in the range W10:X10 over the range W10:X33 to show the lower and upper control limits for batch sizes ranging from 2 up to 25.
  7. 7.In cell P6, use the VLOOKUP function to display the lower control limit for the first batch from the assembly line using cell M6 as the lookup value, the range $U$9:$X$33 as the lookup table, 3 as the column index number, and FALSE for the range_lookup value. Extend the formula in cell P6 over the range P6:P55.
  8. 8.Repeat Step 7 in cell Q6 using 4 as the column index number in the VLOOKUP function to retrieve the upper control limit for the first batch and then extend the formula over the range Q6:Q55.
  9. 9.Determine whether a batch is not in control because the batch average falls below the lower control limit. In cell R6, use an IF function to test whether the value of sample average in cell O6 is less than the value of lower control limit in cell P6. If the condition is true, display “Out of Control”; otherwise, display “In Control” in the cell. Extend the formula over the range R6:R55 to indicate which batches are falling below the lower control limit for the machinery.
  10. 10.Repeat Step 9 for cell S6 except test for the condition that sample average in cell O6 is greater than the value of the upper control limit in cell Q6. Extend the formula over the range S6:S55 to indicate which batches are operating above the upper control limit.
  11. 11.Add conditional formatting to the range R6:S55, displaying any cell containing the text “Out of Control” in a red font on a light red background.
  12. 12.In cell A58, write your conclusions indicating which of the 50 machines on the assembly line are not within the control parameters set by Liana and indicate in what ways those machines are failing.
  13. 13.Save the workbook, and then close it.