CITA 305 SUNY Morrisville Role Of Computers in Violent Crimes Research


Assignment #9: Research Paper on the Role of Computers in Violent Crime

Part I – Field Guide

Prepare a sample Crime Scene Processing Procedures Field Guide, based on the information provided in Chapter 10 of our textbook. The format of this guide should facilitate use at the scene.

Part II – Scenario

You have just arrived at the scene of workplace violence where an individual shot his coworker. Describe, in detail, the steps that you would take to process the digital crime scene. Things to consider: comments from coworkers, contents of computer and cell phone, other digital evidence relating to the incident. 

The Security Related to Healthcare in Big Data Analytics Essay


Topic name is “Security related to healthcare in Big data analytics”

write a word document from below attached 5 conference papers .Plagarism check so, please don’t copy and paste from anywhere

The survey should have the following information.

? Title

? Introduction/Motivation

? Related work with brief overview of design, evaluation, and significant results for each paper.

? Conclusions and future work

? Reference

The presentation should include the following information related to your selected topic. Each paper has about 3 slides.

? Introduction/Motivation

? Related work with brief overview of design, evaluation, and significant results for each paper.

? Conclusions and future work

? Reference

SFU NP Decision Problem Discussion


Choose an NP-Complete decision problem.You may choose any NP-Complete decision problem, but here are some of the morestraightforward ones:

? Clique

? Graph colouring

? Hamiltonian path

? Longest path

? Independent set

? Vertex cover

? Integer programming

? 3-SAT

For the problem you chose:

a. Explain the problem.

b. Outline an algorithm that can solve the problem, either as a simple description or withpseudocode. The algorithm can be simple, e.g. brute force. What is the time complexityof this algorithm?

c. Describe how you could verify that a solution is valid. What is the time complexity ofverifying a solution?

Nachos Multiprogramming Essay


Can you do this for my operation System class ?

Not all of it I will tell what to do because I’m with group

you have to work on these details With no diagrams

Lists used for control, scheduling, and synchronization.
? Synchronization primitives.
? Scheduling policies.
? Situations to avoid (e.g., starvation).
? A list of three?five simple labs/projects/experiments that directly apply the concept of
? Real?world programming skills gained from using NACHOS to study multiprogramming.
? Correctness verification techniques.

Please include the reference

Just try to cover this topics and have the references for the subjects that you will write about ?

AWS Reference Table for Users Paper


GTR has asked you to advise them on resources available to users.

Write a 1- to 2-page reference table that lists at least 4 resources available on the AWS website, such as FAQs, videos, whitepapers, tutorials, case studies, etc. The audience for your table will be business users engaged once the services are fully implemented. Your table should include the resource type, a description, who would benefit from the resource, and a link to the resource(s). The table will be a resource for your organization, so keep in mind the format and ease of use.

Campbellsville Wk 7 Big Data Information Governance by Accountants Discussion


Visit the University of Cumberland’s library, go to the Dissertation Database, and locate an interesting topic on governance models, frameworks, regulations, etc.

Here are some pointers that will help critically evaluate some viable topics.

  • Is the topic attainable for a first-time dissertation student?
    • Is the problem rooted in the literature?
    • Is the research empirical, i.e., is there a survey, is there an interview guide, has the data been analyzed via some statistical tool?
    • Is there a theoretical model or framework discussed?

Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings.


University of Boston Computer Science Essay



Option 1: Topic-Based Final Paper

Submit a paper that is a minimum of 6 pages in length (excluding references), 12 point font, double-spaced, in APA 7th edition style.

Option 2: Technology Solution Final Paper

Submit a paper that is a minimum of 6 pages in length (excluding references), 12 point font, double-spaced, in APA 7th edition style.

Include the following elements in your paper:

Description of the chosen community/population

Background information on the health problem

Description of the existing technology solutions available

Explanation of how you would solve the problem with your proposed technology solution

Figures or visual diagrams that illustrate your technology solution

Cyber Security Essay


Assignment – Research Paper Topic. You must submit a Research Paper Topic in Week 2 of the course.Your topic must be related to IA Assessments and Evaluations and course objectives as outlined. That topicmust be reviewed and approved by the course Professor prior to pursuing the next steps in the ResearchPaper process. See the Writing Expectations contained in the Policies section of the Syllabus for specificfocus areas / guidance. Please be aware that this is a progressive research development process that willcarry the same approved topic throughout the research paper development process and related

CYBR250 BU Cyber Attacks Discussion


Complete the following using the course text, professional journal articles, or other reputable resources. (NO Wikipedia) Research a recent attack on an organization that involved passwords.

  1. Name the organization, date of the attack, and loss to the company.
  2. Describe the attack in detail. (i.e., type of password attack – brute force, phishing, etc.)
  3. How did the perpetrator authenticate the system?
  4. Did the organization have a password policy in place?
  5. Recommend measures to protect against this type of attack in the future. Be specific – that is, don’t just say develop a policy. What should be in the policy?

Campbellsville University Cyber Security Discussion



1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please choose one of the  Canadian Cyber laws found in the above blog and explain it. You are not limited to this blog for the information you use.


1. Please assume you have been appointed by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada to advise them on the laws needed in order to protect the jointly-held areas of infrastructure between the two countries. You may use the Case Study I have provided or any other resources of your choice.